Well, twas neigh high to a grashopper end ready to start me life. I twas livin' it gud, very gud. I remembred me friend, who was 3 years older then me, mind you, and I went over to hes house and sees mes future. I saw what I saw, and liked it. He was playen' a game on de internet, a new invention for my time. Ye'know, about twenty years ago the world was learni'n about de computer. future was great, and life was gud. He twas playen TFC, but of course I ain't knowed what that was. I said
"Whatcha doing their?"
he said
"Playen' T-F-C"
I said
"Whats that?"
he said
"a game your moron"
I said
"I'm no moron!"
he said
"Yes youz es!"
I said
"No way Jose"
although his name really wasn't Jose, but I noticed that rymed, but now I'm getin' away from meself. Well anyway, he turned me on to it, and I liked it. Twas fun shooting for me, instead of shooting chickedys of the butterchurnin' fence. I got de Half-Life game and was hooked.
I orchestrated my works under the name !@#SniperGod#@! in teh begining, but quickly became BrattyLord for a few reason, but now I'm getin' ahead of myself. I asked in the gud ol' chata box thingy, "how'd ya make maps?"
and someone said
I said
"What is that?"
he said
"a mapping tool you moron"
I said
"I'm no moron!"
he said
"Yes youz es!"
I said
"No way Jose"
Oww dang, I'm getin' away from meself.
Well, worst went to worse and I needed to know how to work this Wordcradt dohicky, so I typed up in de search.
"How'd da heck I work this dohicky?"
and I found TWHL.
to be continued