All that and nobody explained to the guy how to find his own errors.
Do you even know how to check for errors with hammer? If you are to be a good mapper then you must learn how to check your errors, r-speeds, and overall quantity of brushes. Lots of brushes are really not good unless you turn them into something, i.e., func_wall or func_detail or even something that is useable like a door or any entity. Once you take it from the brush state to entity state it is helping you. I don't like to go over 10,000 brush faces but this could be up for huge debate so experiment for yourself.
You can check for "over-all" mapping problems by going to hammer->map->check for problems and it will check for entity and brush problems. I usually do a test complile to see if there are any errors--which you will see in the compile report. If there are leaks present then it will tell you. Go back to Hammer->Map->Load Pointfile and it will give you a red line in the location where you first leak is. You may have to re-test-compile to see where your next leak is cause it won't give you multiple red lines or show you where all of them are in one shot.
I work on maps for weeks sometimes before I even test compile them. This is bad for me because sometimes things are totally out of scale and I have to spend more time fixing it. Test and re-test my friend for good results.
Another tip.....get rid of all the colored brushes. I haven't even downloaded it and I know that has to be bad, real bad. How about a nice repeating texture. Make one text with all your colors and then just let it repeat itself. Better than having a million different brushes.
And by the looks of it you are still in Half Life 1. Come on fellas, I know you like it but please.....are we still mapping for quake and doom too? I think we are up a couple of engine modifications. I am ready to map for Left 4 Dead just so I can get some new characters, LOL.