Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 06:38:49 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #27776
-when you're thinking of the next part of your map-in-progress while you're bringing around newspapers. I do.

-when you sketch that idea after you're done with your newspaper-job. I do.

-when ou map that part in the afternoon or evening and continue to 12 o'clock. I do.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 06:28:47 UTC
in Small Cylinders- HELP!!! Post #27774
You can't have cilinders that small. Every vertex has to be on a grid point. When you create such a small cilinder this is automatically done, but it causes some faces to be on the same plane. Your co-planar problem.

Solution: a small cube... It may not look so good but a cilinder so small is too detailed for the grid. I would use a model for such a detailed thing...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-20 06:23:41 UTC
in models, the eternal nemesis Post #27773
scientist.mdl contains the model and it's several appearances (called body parts), as well as some sequences. The other 7 files all contain some sequences. There are no 4 models for the 4 'different' scientists, the head is just a body part that has 4 options. Grunts also have 4 different heads available, as well as 3 weapon types (no weapon too! ;)).

What you should do, is decompile the scientist model, reskin it (or remodel it, but leave the skeleton intact) and compile it into a model with a different name than scientist.mdl. You can then use that model with a monster_generic.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 10:22:10 UTC
in Sky Post #27662
Yes, it does... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 10:21:10 UTC
in pawned by the crow....hammer Post #27661
Since you understand Dutch, I might suggest a tutorial I once made:
Tutorials->Modelleren met Milkshape

Otherwise, you can find tutorials on the Milkshape homepage:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 08:24:16 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27648
why is every1 sooo old!! and they are still mapping!!
Average age on my forums is about 20... Why we are still mapping? Because we like it! It's not something just for schoolkids or so, it's for students and professionals alike... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 08:21:10 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27646
Debates, I mean...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 08:20:52 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27645
Reminds me of most debated BTW... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 08:17:53 UTC
in Sky Post #27643
It's not possible to do anything with the skybox. I'm sure it could've been coded but there was no need for it. So you'll have to improvise, like Pepper did for instance.

HL2 however will feature 3D-sky (like in UT2003), and I've heard things about cloud layes and so. But we'll see about that... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 05:58:03 UTC
in null max patches? Post #27630
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 05:50:50 UTC
in Laser or beam? Post #27629
The VERC covers nearly all entities. Here's their env_beam page:

it covers all the flags and options of the env_beam and has 3 example maps included.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 16:45:22 UTC
in Tank Post #27589
Why you don't want to? That's what you're a designer for, aren't you?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 10:41:34 UTC
in Lights are starting to piss me off... Post #27514
You can post it to the Problems map section of the Vault... then we can take a closer look at it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 09:31:45 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27506
If he had his baton at ready, a quite similar situation. But what's the injustice here? YOU offended the law. If the law says such punishment is allowed, then that's justice. You should know your law, and act accordingly. You know the consequences so it's your fault when you receive punishment. Those raiders could have stopped raiding. You could have stopped for the traffic light.

I know, you want punishment equal to the deed, but what is equal at first? Secondly, is it always so easy to punish equally? CAN you do so at that moment? Can you say one made the wrong decision when the better decisions were impossible?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 07:37:49 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27490
I'll be there!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 07:35:39 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27488
Oh yes, that would be nice. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 07:33:49 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27487
This was no punishment, but prevention. And it was not just the marine's order, it was the law that these people were disobedient to.

Maybe I had to explain the situation better. About a 100 people drove and walked up to the marines, most of them armed. The marines were far outnumbered. They tried to prevent the looting by getting their guns. One marine shot in the air, but the raiders continued. Then the marine shot on the ground, and a man felt dead. You may see it as punishment, I see it as prevention.
The consequence not equal to the deed? In the perfect situation, you could punish equal to the deed. But remember, it's war, and not all options are available. From my point of view, the marine choose the best. I don't believe he wanted to kill that man. I believe he wanted to stop them from stealing. I see it as more likely an accident that the man died. Not punishment.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 07:19:41 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27485
30 February?

Or just Neptune?

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 07:05:28 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27482
He could have shot into the air, he could have used non lethal weapons, something like that.
He did. But Iraqi's aren't afraid of that. They shoot in the air for every reason (or no reason at all).
War mustn't be an excuse for anything.
To some extend. You want to put war into rules, but you'll see it's impossible. No side will totally obey these rules. It would be nice if they did, but it's not gonna happen. That's reality. It's unfair sometimes, yes.
There are strict rules and laws which explicitly define whether a murder happened in self-defense or not.
How can you oversee events in the heat of battle? That's difficult. Sure, when one murders trough brutality, I'd say punish him. But if it was self-defence or accident? The question here is: how do you know exactly what and why it happened? The rules are clear. The situation is not.
This sounds like "Do what I order, or you will die!".
More like: "don't steal, or face the consequences" to me.
If a marine kills people without an urgent reason, he must be punished and banned from the military. That is the only just thing.
I agree with that one.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 06:13:36 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27473
Something tells me you're either not of this world, or you're born on a day that only occurs once in four years...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 04:11:38 UTC
in Let's talk about policy, baby! Post #27462
How can you discerd if it was self-defence to kill that civilian, or did it just happen in the heat of battle, or was the civilian shot in cold blood?

Don't be so easy on it. People die in wars, it's a hostile environment, it just happens. No, I don't like it either, but what can you do?

A while ago a Dutch marine shot a man. A large group of raiders threatend our marines and warning shots didn't drove them away. So the marine shot, and if it was accidentally or not, a man got killed by it. Immediatly this marine was arrested and brought back to the Netherlands. He was accused for murder.
I was shocked. A man, doing his work, doing the dirty work that many law-enforcers wouldn't want or dare to do, was accused for murder. How did these policemen knew he shot the man in cold blood? How did they know he aimed for him? They didn't know, they hadn't even investigated the happening.

Now I ask you, is THAT righteous? Arresting a man and accusing him for murder without any form of investigation? This man did his job. He drove away the raiders. How can people that know nothing, nothing of what war really is, judge the event so quickly?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 02:55:59 UTC
in You don't have permission Post #27448
If only it were Danish I might have been able to read it... :)

@ Proz0r: what did you mean in your last post?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 02:51:02 UTC
in Lights are starting to piss me off... Post #27447
Then there is probably another error in your map. Check the compile log for any errors.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 02:49:18 UTC
in My B-Day!!!! WEEEE!!! Post #27446
Happy birthday to ieatmonkeychow!

I'm 18 bytheway.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 02:05:37 UTC
in Entity Setup for this? Post #27443
Trigger_hurt with negative damage value. A trigger_multiple that triggers a multimanager, wich triggers the trigger_hurt on, and after a little while off. A multimanager can trigger the same entity several times, with a certain delay, so that last trigger_once of you is quite useless since the multimanager can do it too.

The whole door isn't necessary here (since a door gives damage when it crushes you, that can also be used instead of the trigger_hurt. However, the player needs to be crushed between something and the door. A trigger_hurt only would be much better and easier to work with)

Now the only thing I don't know, since I'm not into CS mapping specific, how to reset a trigger_multiple after a round. Maybe it happens automatically? I don't know.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 01:42:25 UTC
in quick question Post #27441
A cycler displays a model and switches between the models animations when you shoot it. When you press the use key on it, it will pause the animation.

A cycler_sprite is meant to do the same for sprites. It can also display models but I found my Hammer crashing when I tried to do so.

After all, they differ only little.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 11:05:58 UTC
in Lights are starting to piss me off... Post #27370
No VIS information means either you still have a leak, or some other error occurs (invalid brush maybe) so HLVIS doesn't get the info it needs to run.

Maybe you had multiple leaks and only solved one.

To ensure all of your settings are right, create a simple box-map with only an info_player_start and a light. If that runs, your settings are right.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 09:14:21 UTC
in Level change error quick question Post #27357
What tutorial did you use? You might try this one from the VERC:

A zip file containing two example maps can be found on the bottom of that page.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 09:11:16 UTC
in Entity Setup for this? Post #27356
A trigger_damage with a negative damage value usually does the job, as is used in the Xen healing pools. You might try to trigger it off after a little while so the player only gets a small life bonus instead of full recharging.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 09:06:35 UTC
in torches flame? Post #27355
A much more convincing fire:

You might want to throw it in a Dutch-English translator to understand it... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 09:04:12 UTC
in You don't have permission Post #27354
Hey, a Dutch again! :)

To save you Americans from Dutch chatter like this, I gather Dutch mappers on my own forum:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 10:52:28 UTC
in omg my map. Post #27268
I've seen the comments and I must say, the map didn't look very professional indeed.

But it seems some people liked the gameplay though.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 09:47:49 UTC
in pawned by the crow....hammer Post #27254
Photographic textures? Or self-made?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 08:41:39 UTC
in NEW CS TYPE MAP Post #27243
Like me! Hehe! But thanks anyway, Seventh! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 15:58:54 UTC
in Half-Life 2 Coming Soon! Post #27144
Some parts of the source code did leak, there is a stolen beta-version of Half-Life 2 out there.

But it's not the complete reason to pull HL2's release back, as I mentioned in my previous post.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 15:56:14 UTC
in Lights are starting to piss me off... Post #27142
Nope, but the entity that's named when you have a leak is the closest entitiy to the leak. Start searching in it's vicinity.

When you play the (fully bright) map, type 'pointfile' in the console. Follow the dots, they can lead you trough or close to the leak. Note that it doesn't always lead you to the leak but at least it can help you sometimes.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 15:41:52 UTC
in How? Post #27140
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 15:40:02 UTC
in pawned by the crow....hammer Post #27139
Looks very good, Pepper... :)

I never knew you could model so good in such a short time!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 12:32:22 UTC
in how do i target myself... Post #27127
Please note that 'player' refers to the info_player_start, not to the actual player. I've tried it as a start point for a beam and the beam started at the info_player_start but did not move with me when I walked around.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 11:49:55 UTC
in Half-Life 2 Coming Soon! Post #27121
Not only because the source leaked. They had also underestimated the amount of work that still had to be done.

There's an interview with Doug Lombardi in wich he says so.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 11:37:08 UTC
in texturing... Post #27118
What do you mean exactly? You only see colored surfaces?

In that case, click on the word 'camera' in the top-left of the 3D-view, and select '3D textured'.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 11:35:18 UTC
in total noob here Post #27117
The VERC contains some in-depth tutorials:

Basic levels (found on THIS site!):


There are lots of tutorials found on the VERC, TWHL, the Snarkpit, 69 Vlatitude, Handy Vandals's almanac, whatever.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 10:30:44 UTC
in Lights are starting to piss me off... Post #27104
No VIS information. You either DO have a leak, or haven't turned on VIS.

Note that entities outside your level also count as a leak.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 10:04:56 UTC
in Photography spree Post #27098
are all mappers stoners?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 09:55:31 UTC
in total noob here Post #27095
It's no lame software but it must be set up righ, wich can be quite confusing at first. Thoroughly check if everything in the Game Configurations and Build Programs tabs (in the Tools -> Options menu) refer to the right directory's and programs.

Also, use a 'normal' texture for your walls, not one starting with a '!', these textures are meant for water.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 09:52:01 UTC
in moving clouds Post #27093
But we're still waiting for the screenshots, Pepper... :)

Anyway, was I right or not on your entitiy setup?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 09:50:29 UTC
in Photography spree Post #27092
I don't drink any alcohol and I'm not gonna drink it either. People often say 'you have to learn to drink it' wich says me it's disgusting stuff. And why should I drink it? No, no alcohol for me.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 08:18:41 UTC
in Photography spree Post #27087
I turned 18 on 5 march this year. Since some people on this site are 20, I'm not the oldest.

But why do you think I am?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 07:45:10 UTC
in You've Been Mapping Too Much When... Post #27077
-When you realize that Lamda is a roman(latin) number also used for wavelength in science.
When you do the study I do (only 2 weeks left!), you'll always remember that. Plus, you know what a half-life is and how that affects the radioactivity of a material...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-15 07:41:29 UTC
in Webhosting Post #27076
I use, 30 MB free, allows hotlinking and is quite stable.