If only i could SELECT ANYTHING in the 3D window! Selecting a face in the 3D window while in Texture Application Tool doesn't do anything either!
Only Joost knows why it stopped working... Argh.
Unfortunatelly these junks goes there with the bspIn fact, no. The only file that goes into the output folder, like the .bsp, is the .pts file, which is used to find leaks.
HL2DM isn't a different engine from CSS.Im not talking about the actual game, im talking about Hammer.
Muzz, you really shouldn't give advice like that.What are you talking about?
What's VHE?You're kidding, right?
I figured out how to create the T joint from 4 brushNope, 3.
Rowley asked me to vote for Best of...What? You still have contact with Rowley?
I'm Now Compiling the map with full vis !!Hah! Good luck with that!
how do you modify programs ? send me emaiI used Resource Hacker.
Something like "hl.exe -ts"Actually, its "hl.exe -game ts"