Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 16:05:55 UTC
in Now Playing Post #146827
FresheD: November has come, bitch! It feats MF Doom :o.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 14:26:11 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146814
France assimilates, Britain intergrates?

In my opinion, intergrating immigrants is the way to go. They're part of the society, but they are who they are - you don't try to make them the nationality they've moved to.

Also, aren't most of the immigrants in France from former French colonies?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 20:20:53 UTC
in CS:S in real life Post #146694
Well, it needed registration, but fortunately, I'm l33t and have BugMeNot (no more free site registrations, wohay!), so here's the pic:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 16:20:33 UTC
in Twhl server... again Post #146658
Hamachi is shit, it lags and you suck for using it.

M3rc: Set up a Ded. server and leave your comp on.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 15:41:05 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146650
Colonialism is (was?) a very racistic ideology.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 15:36:48 UTC
in Goodbye, Friends Post #146647
Stop posting in this thread, for fucks sake. Damn emo-kids.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 15:32:15 UTC
in Your Favourite Food & Drink Post #146643
I would.
Uh, drink, that is.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 14:48:10 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #146635
"Only" $70 for an average photo editor. The tools for todays designers are just too damn expensive.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 13:04:08 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #146615
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 10:47:02 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #146581
Art4.jpg looked pretty neat, the rest were average.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-10 11:57:59 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146367
Well, the proper morning newspapers and the Government-controlled TV news programs are sometimes quite good and to-the-point without taking sides.
The rest of the TV stations and all other newspapers are just fucking jokes, though.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-10 11:54:51 UTC
in Goodbye, Friends Post #146366
Oh f'sake, come on, we need someone to give overly critical comments and saying what everyone is thinking on these forums. Hugh isn't around enough, and m0p's just turned into a conspiracy freak.

Oh well, see you on irc, you crazy-timed australian.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 18:22:35 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146272
Nice to see other views on this matter. Can't really share any personal experience on the matter (other than the fact that we've got lots of arabs around here), but I have been in paris 2 times, if that counts :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 13:04:18 UTC
in WHOA! Post #146196
Immature jackass. +b please.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 13:03:20 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146194
Never said they did the right thing, just trying to show that racism does exist in modern societies :P.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 12:45:51 UTC
in How do I tie a karate belt? Post #146189
Dubbelknut eller rosett!!11
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 11:46:49 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146182
Mephs makes excellent points.
Kids have been burning cars in Saint-Denis for a very long time now (not that many cars at the same time, of course). It seems a very ungrateful thing to do to the country that let you in and gave you work.
How about kids born in the country their parents immigrated to? They're being treated like shit without ever having been in their parents' native country. I'd say that's why these kids are less than satisfyed. Indeed, burning cars and stores in the wrong way to go, but it's a way of acting out.
There're some major racistic behaviour on the, for instance, employment market, even here (and I'd wager a guess, it's the same in most european countries) against people who have different surnames or an accent.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 11:31:44 UTC
in WHOA! Post #146180
Let him say whatever he wants without you riding in as a knight in armor complaining about it.
Free speech. Even for the dumb. Habboi can defend himself, prefferably in a PM, E-mail, or on IRC instead of a forum post.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-08 17:22:26 UTC
in Voice Acting Post #146102
If you need some swedish-accented speech, I'm in.

Oh wait, you're swedish.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-08 17:21:43 UTC
in how to?? Post #146101
I would suggest breaking that texture up into several pieces, one for each side of the thing you're trying to build. Read this tutorial for custom textures.

Also, ofcourse that wont tile, it's like 5 different textures put together. Cripes.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-08 17:19:39 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146098
Those were the rumours going around when the rioting started, iirc. Everyone thought the police had shot a pair of kids escaping. In truth, they hid beneath some electrical jiffy and got electrocuted.
It's like the bastille all over again.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-08 17:17:54 UTC
in The world today Post #146097
in order to obtain peace and a stable world, humanity has to be willing to make a temporary sacrifice.
[quote] Those willing to give up a little liberty for a little security deserve neither security nor liberty.
[i]Benjamin Franklin[/i][/quote]
Great quote.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-08 17:13:09 UTC
in how to?? Post #146093
Upload it to a Webhost and use the forum [img] command. And for the love of god, make it a .jpg.

Read the ambient generic tutorial.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-08 15:09:46 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146065

Daubster: The riots are really getting out of hand and spreading to other cities. Calling this a civil war wouldn't be entirely incorrect.

But then again, media. They have a way of blowing things up into huge stories, especially the americans.
The thing that, quite so annoys me, is that americans seem to think Europe is a country.
Why the fuck should we care what's going on in France, even though we live on the same continent? It's their problem.
It's not like Swedish media would go "North America: Wake up, It's war" if some rioting started in Canada.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-08 15:02:18 UTC
in Translucent Materials Post #146064
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-08 12:04:31 UTC
in The world today Post #146029
Invading Iraq had nothing to do with the so-called war on terror.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-06 17:31:43 UTC
in Rootkits!?!?! Post #145795
Who doesn't hate windows?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-06 01:03:01 UTC
in HLDM roleplay Post #145631
Chatbear is dead and gone.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-05 11:31:08 UTC
in We need a modeller! Post #145443
Stealing models is bad. Make your own damn work for your own mod. That plant is also obviously stolen.
I cant wait!There is a plant at the first level!I cant even figure out whats coming up next!I'M SO EXCITED!
Hah, I agree.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 21:48:20 UTC
in Communist Game Post #145380
That trailer: Pure pwnage.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 21:46:20 UTC
in test game problem thingo Post #145379
Well, you placed the map in the wrong directory, quite simply.
The map should be placed in [root]$moddir/maps. For example, here's the maps locations for CS and HL:

You get the point, I hope. Remember it's the .bsp file you want.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 16:08:14 UTC
in HLDM roleplay Post #145309
You've got a good connection, Loffe...
And parents. Nudge.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 16:00:06 UTC
in Horror Post #145307
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 15:58:52 UTC
in Communist Game Post #145306
Well, the chinese governments views on gaming are just.. crazy.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 12:27:29 UTC
in The world today Post #145248
The Rebels there will eventually die down
I doubt that. A country with an invading force occupying it will never be at rest. Also, the appointed government by the yanks will surely sign one or two very profitable oil contracts for the carlyle group, if you know what I mean. That's, after all, what the war was all about.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 00:08:42 UTC
in HLDM roleplay Post #145195
They don't play, they sit around and talk about it. Pathetic. Someone make a twhl Ded server!
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 22:24:26 UTC
in The world today Post #145191
refused to acknowledge UN
Oh right, and america never does that ;).
I cannot see how you would not support a government by the people, run by the people, decided by the people, in order to create equality for all, and protect their human rights...
I for one, believe that the war in Iraq hasn't and won't bring the same level of democracy to the people in Iraq that we see in western countries. It's a ploy to actually get a reason for invading.
It was known by the UN that Iraq had Weapons of Mass destruction
That's not quite how I remember it. The UN advised the US not to attack, and had no proof of existant WMDs.
Think of how easy it is to smuggle these weapons out
Yes, it's easy to smuggle weapons out. But it's not quite as easy to clean up all evidence of the creation of WMDs. Disposing of hundreds of weapons factories in a matter of weeks or months isn't as easy as smuggling a couple of missiles out.

Also, Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein had as many "ties" as the Bush administration did with him.
Terrorism is killing the innocent out of hatred, and cowerding in the shadows.
I believe terrorism is a way for people to get attention to certain matter. Of course, a certain level of hatred and belief is required to blow oneself up, but the original "reasons" are almost never out of pure "I hate [insert country]".

One could even say that the 'rebels' in Iraq today, fighting american troops, are fighting for their freedom. They have an invading force in their country, and they want it out. Is it so different from fighting Brittish colonists in the 17th century?

Edit: This is what makes forums great - fashioned political discussions. Don't you dare delete this thread.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 17:13:28 UTC
in WIP - Brassica HL2SP Post #145145
Working on a Half-life 2 singleplayer map, temporarily named brassica. I've only done a very small part yet, but the general idea is that you play as a rebel in the riots Gordon set off.
Screens and info here (I don't like posting screens on forums):

Comments and thoughts appreciated.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 15:26:24 UTC
in Need help with making sky Post #145117
You have half-life.wad. You can play half-life, right? Then you have it. It's in the Half-life.gcf file in your steamapps dir. Use Nem's GcfScape (google) to extract it to be able to map with it.

You did obviously not read the TWHL mapping-for-Steam tutorial.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 12:22:34 UTC
in New map Im working on Post #145049
When you get down to what cs is, it's really only about running around corners and ducking behind objects while shooting. Large, empty spaces makes this nonexistant, which will make a bad map.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 08:42:55 UTC
in Now Playing Post #145018
Thought I'd revive this with, in my opinion, the best national anthem around.

Russian red army choir - CCCP National anthem
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-03 00:33:39 UTC
in putting .wad files into a .bsp Post #144990
Post your compile log and it'd go much easier.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 22:42:27 UTC
in The world today Post #144986
No one's complaining about how the world sucks, more like stating it as a fact. Also, humans can in general do little to stop the worlds end or whatever, dying is still the biggest part you can put in.

BL: I just think religion is
a) A way for humans to relieve (Word? Relief?) themselves of the burden of knowing that their life is in their hands. It's just a way of saying "oh fuck, this life sucks. Oh well, heaven, yay.".
b) A way for leaders to control their population.

But lets not turn this into a religious arguement. Point is: Religion has nothing to do with the end of the world. Lets hope so, anyway.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 21:49:20 UTC
in HLDM roleplay Post #144976
Pointlessest (yes, that's a word) thread ever. I mean, it's not even funny.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 21:42:04 UTC
in The ball/Globe/Sphere Post #144975
You could...
a) Model it. The hardest and best-looking way.
b) Brush it in hammer. Pretty difficult, and will most probably look like crap. Sphere tutorial can be found on
c) Make a regular sphere and give it a special texture looking like that. The easiest way, but quite ugly.

Good luck.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 20:22:13 UTC
in Compiling will not work Post #144968
For crying out loud, use the EDIT button instead of creating another post.

No, you only compile through Nem's if you're using it (note that you don't have to in order to use ZHLT).

Save your map as a .map file, then load it up in Nem's and run it (with Nem's setup for your Compiling tools (ZHLT).)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 20:19:23 UTC
in Coplanar Brushes? Post #144967
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 19:47:55 UTC
in Ground Zero Picture Post #144965
Pretty cool. Quite a distorted angle though.
I enjoy google earth more.

m0p: Shush. Such sentences are obviously written for provocative reasons only. If you have something to say, write a rant.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 19:28:57 UTC
in The world today Post #144961
Well, I am not so much afraid of the end of the world but the purpose of it being lost. Countries spend billions on weapons they don't need instead of actually spending them on things that could change the world. Greed and manipulation will always be stronger than good will and morality, no matter what american movies tells us.

For the g?ran thing, heil.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-02 19:21:35 UTC
in We need a modeller! Post #144958
4thgen: It's generally a good idea to write all of the mod information and design before actually starting to work on it.
Also, produce some media before you hunt for members (map screens, for instance.)