Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-01-01 17:26:04 UTC
in Desktops of January Post #242247
User posted image

Somewhat poor quality.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-25 15:59:28 UTC
in thanks guys merry christmas Post #241910

38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-25 15:15:40 UTC
in thanks guys merry christmas Post #241907
also, i can spam better than you.
O rly?

:) :| :( :x :lol: :confused: :o :roll: :P ;) :D : :zonked: :nuts: :badass: :cool: :aggrieved: :aghast: :cry: :cyclops: :furious: :glad: :heart: :nervous: :nuke: :quizzical: :sarcastic: :thefinger: :tired: :biggrin: :combine: :gak: :^^: :pwned: :target: :ninja: :hammer: :pirate: :walter: :plastered: :zomg: :heartbreak: :ciggie: :combines: :crowbar: :death: :freeman: :hecu: :nya: :rly: :) :| :( :x :lol: :confused: :o :roll: :P ;) :D : :zonked: :nuts: :badass: :cool: :aggrieved: :aghast: :cry: :cyclops: :furious: :glad: :heart: :nervous: :nuke: :quizzical: :sarcastic: :thefinger: :tired: :biggrin: :combine: :gak: :^^: :pwned: :target: :ninja: :hammer: :pirate: :walter: :plastered: :zomg: :heartbreak: :ciggie: :combines: :crowbar: :death: :freeman: :hecu: :nya: :rly: :) :| :( :x :lol: :confused: :o :roll: :P ;) :D : :zonked: :nuts: :badass: :cool: :aggrieved: :aghast: :cry: :cyclops: :furious: :glad: :heart: :nervous: :nuke: :quizzical: :sarcastic: :thefinger: :tired: :biggrin: :combine: :gak: :^_^: :pwned: :target: :ninja: :hammer: :pirate: :walter: :plastered: :zomg: :heartbreak: :ciggie: :combines: :crowbar: :death: :freeman: :hecu: :nya: :rly:
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-25 11:29:14 UTC
in thanks guys merry christmas Post #241899
Merry christmas everyone, and have a happy new year.

Spamming icons. :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu: :hecu:
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-24 21:00:40 UTC
in Half Life 3 might exist afterall Post #241870
I guess I should have mentioned the antlion caves (which you have to admit resembled Xen), too. I was pretty unimpressed with what they offered, personally.
I dunno, if it weren't for those rocky outcrop models they put in them it would've looked very nice. Those models were just out of place.

And yeh, it does resemble Xen, somewhat inevitable really since they were both caves and tunnels.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-24 20:07:52 UTC
in Half Life 3 might exist afterall Post #241868
Combine homeworld though...I wouldn't be keen on that at all. Valve isn't very adept at creating otherworldly environments, as we saw in Half-Life, and the series has always had its basis on earth anyway. I think a major change like that would be a turn for the worse, and I don't think it's likely at all, either.

I don't know, maybe Valve is going to ditch the whole combine thing and move onto something else next time around. I think the theme of this enemy is getting pretty tired.
Half-life is outdated. Considering they did a pretty good job with outdoor environments in EP 2 I think that the look of alien worlds this time round will be much better.

Still, I have to agree with you that it probably isn't going to happen, and that it may not be the best path for them either.

I doubt Valve will simply "ditch" the whole combine thing. I think they may want to drag it out for a little longer. But considering the situation they were left in at the end of EP 2, EP 3 will probably be the end for them.

I wonder if they plan to turn G-man into you next enemy.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-24 09:07:14 UTC
in Half Life 3 might exist afterall Post #241844
Its good to hear they'll continue milking their money cow for a little while longer.

In my opinion, the next HL will probably be something like taking the fight to the combine (in their world), or maybe learning more about G-man.

Only time will tell.

P.S spamming the new smileys

:combine: :gak: :^_^: :pwned: :target: :ninja: :hammer: :pirate: :walter: :plastered: :zomg: :heartbreak: :ciggie: :combines: :crowbar: :death: :freeman: :hecu: :nya: :rly:
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-24 18:48:04 UTC
in The orange box again. Post #236950
Yeah, Ep 2s ending completely caught me off guard, and then...Well, I was shocked.

And Gmans appearances in Ep 2 were cool as well.

Portal was amazingly fun. The twist at the end of the testing was really something. I thought the ending was a little predictable.

TF2 is fucking awesome. I can't get enough of it.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-19 17:47:22 UTC
in Smiley :-) 25yrs Old Post #234542
Heh yeah. Oh also I should mention it is 'National Talk like a Pirate Day' today.

How will you celebrate it?
Already have. Me and some of my friends gathered wind of this day and so (sadly) revised the lyrics for that pirate song from lazy town, and then started singing it randomly during the day, as well as adding general "rrrrs!!!" and stuff.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-13 10:55:55 UTC
in Leave britney alone! Post #234018
Chris Crocker's finest moments!

The hairflip.

WARNING: May cause severe eye and mental problems upon watching. No, seriously.

38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-12 14:25:56 UTC
in Leave britney alone! Post #233958
wait... thats a guy? LMAO
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-07 13:48:00 UTC
in The Chasers Motorcade Stunt Post #233636
I believe this is an appropriate time to say OWNED!

38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-10 16:35:34 UTC
in A question about Kane in C and C Post #231797
He's either a truly mythical man that he claims to be, or he's cloned.

Since killing him doesn't work, they should just put him in some stasis chamber and bury him miles beneath the surface. That'd deal with him. I think...
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-07 17:40:24 UTC
in Design an Emoticon! Post #231531
I agree with Sajo. It'd be better if they were scrolling. That way it won't throw you off when you see it.

38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-21 04:03:18 UTC
in REAL LIVES (game) Post #229796
Do you always start in a third world country?
No, I had a female character in Germany once, but she got raped twice when she was 12 and 17 and then she went and killed herself at age 19.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-21 04:01:18 UTC
in Post #229795
yeah we sitdown together, use same computer so I can touch her hand and butt...heheheeh
ajkaiw fav awaws

You're meant to login to the OTHER account before you post this. -mod
I believe that this would be a good time to say OWNED!

Am I correct?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-18 10:44:03 UTC
in Your favorite weapon! Post #229454
Portal gun.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-17 13:51:00 UTC
in REAL LIVES (game) Post #229343
Wow, not bad timing, as I just got this game a few days ago.

0 years old
I was born a boy in a village in Nigeria's Imo State, not far
from the city of Owerri.

My parents have named me Ekon. My surname is Adepoju.
My mother, Tarana, is 18 and my father, Matiu, is 21. I have
a brother, Bode, who is 1.

My mother has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My father has been cured of schistosomiasis.

1 year old
My father has schistosomiasis.

2 years old
Brother Aren born.

My father has been cured of schistosomiasis.

3 years old
A famine or food shortage has hit Nigeria. 57,127 people
have died and 3,000,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My brother Aren has had measles.

4 years old
My brother Bode began school.

5 years old
I have schistosomiasis.

6 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Began school.

My brother Bode has schistosomiasis.

7 years old
My brother Bode has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My brother Aren began school.

8 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

9 years old
A famine or food shortage has hit Nigeria. 93 people have
died and 5,600,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

My brother Bode has been caught in a fire and suffered
minor burns over 10% of the body. Luckily there was no
permanent injury.

10 years old
11 years old
12 years old
I have had malaria.

Skipped a year in school.

13 years old
Met a new girl I like very much, named Buchi Enaharo.

We've begun seeing each other.

My parents don't approve of Buchi Enaharo.

Ended my relationship with girlfriend Buchi.

Began work as a subsistence farmer.

My mother has had malaria.

14 years old
Met a new girl I like very much, named Abi Shagari.

We've begun seeing each other.

My parents don't approve of Abi Shagari.

15 years old

16 years old
My mother has had another malaria flare-up.

My brother Bode has graduated from secondary school.

17 years old
Graduated from secondary school.

Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

Need to look for a job.

Began work as a stone cutter.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

My brother Aren's girlfriend Tanisha has schistosomiasis.

18 years old
Sporadic localized fighting in Niger state.

Cleaned up someone else's mess.

Received a 5% pay raise.

Began work as a nursing aid.

Denied a raise.

Met a new girl I like very much, named Abi Amueke.

We've begun seeing each other.

Denied a raise.

My brother Aren's girlfriend Tanisha has been cured of

My girlfriend Abi has graduated from secondary school.

19 years old
Helped out a beggar.

Received a 8% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Not accepted in vocational school.

Girlfriend pregnant.

Abi and I are now engaged!.

My mother has schistosomiasis.

My brother Aren has had malaria.

My brother Aren has graduated from secondary school.

My girlfriend Abi has been cured of depression.

Son Odion born.

20 years old

Abi Amueke and I got married this year.

Received a 3% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Began work as an administrative aid.

My brother Aren's girlfriend Tanisha has graduated from
secondary school.

My son Odion has had malaria.

My wife Abi has schistosomiasis.

21 years old
I left my family.

Left my marriage.

Met a new woman I like very much, named Olabisi Bada.

Rejected by Olabisi Bada.

Received a 8% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Received a 9% pay raise.

Began work as a miner.

Denied a raise.

My son Odion has had malaria again.

22 years old
You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Met a new woman I like very much, named Tachiko Buhari.

We've begun seeing each other.

Received a 6% pay raise.

Girlfriend pregnant.

My parents don't approve of my proposed engagement to
Tachiko Buhari.

Written out of parents will.

Tachiko and I are now engaged!.

Denied a raise.

Son Udeme born.

23 years old
Tachiko Buhari and I got married this year.

Invested 50000 nairas in medium-risk stock.

Denied a raise.

My son Udeme has had malaria.

24 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

My mother has had malaria again.

Tanisha Rotimi and my brother Aren are now engaged to be

25 years old
Invested 10000 nairas in a bank account.

Denied a raise.

My brother Bode has had malaria.

My son Odion began school.

My son Udeme has had malaria again.

My son Udeme has had measles.

26 years old
Received a 4% pay raise.

Began work as a foreman.

Received a 5% pay raise.

My brother Aren has schistosomiasis.

Tanisha Rotimi and my brother Aren have married.

27 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Received a 3% pay raise.

Received a 9% pay raise.

My brother Bode has moved out on his own.

My brother Aren has moved out on his own.

My brother Aren's wife Tanisha has been cured of

My son Udeme has had another malaria flare-up.

28 years old
I have had another malaria flare-up.

Received a 7% pay raise.

My mother has had another malaria flare-up.

My mother has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My brother Aren has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Udeme began school.

29 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

30 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Cashed in 10510 nairas from a bank account.

My son Odion has schistosomiasis.

My son Udeme has had another malaria flare-up.

31 years old
I have hookworm.

Received a 3% pay raise.

Invested 200000 nairas in a bank account.

Received a 4% pay raise.

My son Odion has been cured of schistosomiasis.

32 years old
Cured of ancylostomiasis.

Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 5% pay raise.

My mother has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My father has onchocerciasis.

33 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 9% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Denied a raise.

My father has been cured of depression.

My son Udeme has schistosomiasis.

34 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 6% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Cashed in 61258 nairas from medium-risk stock.

Invested 300000 nairas in a bank account.

My father has died at age 56 from an epileptic seizure.

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has schistosomiasis.

My son Udeme has been cured of schistosomiasis.

35 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Kayin born to Tanisha Rotimi

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has been cured of

36 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Heavy localized fighting in Akwa Ibom state.

Received a 6% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

My brother Bode has been cured of schistosomiasis.

Chima born to Tanisha Rotimi

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has graduated from
secondary school.

Son Deji born.

37 years old
Received a 2% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My mother has had another malaria flare-up.

Taiwo born to Tanisha Rotimi

My son Odion has graduated from secondary school.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has been cured of

My wife Tachiko has had malaria.

Daughter Ashabi born.

38 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Denied a raise.

My mother has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has hookworm.

My son Udeme has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has schistosomiasis.

My son Deji has had malaria.

39 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Wife pregnant.

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has been cured of

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has been cured of

Son Sunday born.

40 years old

Received a 7% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My son Udeme has graduated from secondary school.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has graduated from
secondary school.

My son Sunday has had malaria.

41 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

My brother Bode has had another malaria flare-up.

My brother Aren has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Deji has schistosomiasis.

My daughter Ashabi has had measles.

Son Ottah born.

42 years old
Received a 6% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

My brother Aren's wife Tanisha has schistosomiasis.

My son Odion has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Deji has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Deji is not able to attend school.

Daughter Annakiya born.

43 years old
Heavy localized fighting in Kebbi state.

Received a 4% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My brother Aren's wife Tanisha has been cured of

My daughter Ashabi has onchocerciasis.

My daughter Ashabi is not able to attend school.

My son Sunday has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Ottah has had malaria.

44 years old
I have hookworm.

I have had another malaria flare-up.


Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

My son Udeme has moved out on his own.

My son Deji has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Sunday has schistosomiasis.

My son Ottah has had measles.

My wife Tachiko has had another malaria flare-up.

45 years old
Cured of ancylostomiasis.

Volunteered in a local humanitarian effort.

Invested 100000 nairas in low-risk stock.

Received a 2% pay raise.

My brother Aren has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My brother Aren's wife Tanisha has died at age 46 from an
epileptic seizure.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has been cured of

My daughter Ashabi has been cured of onchocerciasis.

My son Sunday began school.

My son Ottah has had another malaria flare-up.

46 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My son Deji has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Sunday has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Sunday has been cured of schistosomiasis.

47 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My daughter Ashabi has schistosomiasis.

My son Sunday has lymphedema.

My son Ottah began school.

48 years old
I have had another malaria flare-up.

Saved myself some money with a "white lie".

Received a 4% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My mother has had another malaria flare-up.

My mother has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My daughter Ashabi has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My daughter Annakiya began school.

49 years old
I have had another malaria flare-up.

Widespread fighting in Katsina state.

Received a 4% pay raise.

Cashed in 50775 nairas from low-risk stock.

My son Sunday has been cured of lymphatic filariasis.

50 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

Received a 7% pay raise.

My son Deji's girlfriend Tanisha has had malaria.

My son Sunday has been cured of schistosomiasis.

51 years old
Lost my investment in a bank account.


Received a 7% pay raise.

My daughter Ashabi's boyfriend Bode has been cured of

My son Sunday has trichuriasis (whip worm).

52 years old
Received a 7% pay raise.

Received a 4% pay raise.

Cashed in 246477 nairas from a bank account.

Cashed in 0 nairas from a bank account.

My son Deji's girlfriend Buchi has had malaria.

My son Sunday has been cured of trichuriasis.

My wife Tachiko has schistosomiasis.

53 years old
Received a 2% pay raise.

My son Odion has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has had malaria.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has had malaria.

My son Deji's girlfriend Buchi has graduated from secondary

54 years old
I've got onchocerciasis.

A famine or food shortage has hit Nigeria. 5,219 people
have died and 1,700,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Received a 3% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

My mother has died at age 73 from kidney disease.

Inherited money from my parents.

My brother Aren has had another malaria flare-up.

My sonUdeme's boyfriend Efan has been cured of

Buchi Dako and my son Deji are now engaged to be

Buchi Dako and my son Deji have married.

My son Deji's wife Buchi has become an alcoholic.

My daughter Ashabi's boyfriend Bode has had malaria.

My son Sunday has appendicitis.

My sonSunday's girlfriend Bayo has onchocerciasis.

My wife Tachiko has been cured of schistosomiasis.

55 years old
Invested 100000 nairas in a bank account.

Denied a raise.

My son Deji has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Deji has moved out on his own.

My daughter Ashabi's boyfriend Bode has graduated from
secondary school.

My son Sunday has been cured of appendicitis.

My son Ottah has onchocerciasis.

56 years old
I have gone blind from onchocerciasis (river blindness).

Denied a raise.

My son Deji has had another malaria flare-up.

My sonSunday's girlfriend Bayo has been cured of

My son Ottah has been cured of onchocerciasis.

57 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Received a 4% pay raise.

My brother Aren has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My daughter Ashabi has had malaria.

My son Sunday has graduated from secondary school.

58 years old
I have been cured of onchocerciasis.

Received a 4% pay raise.

My son Deji has suffered an epileptic seizure.

My sonSunday's girlfriend Bayo has graduated from
secondary school.

My son Ottah's girlfriend Ashabi has hookworm.

My son Ottah's girlfriend Ashabi has graduated from
secondary school.

My daughter Annakiya's boyfriend Itang has graduated from
secondary school.

59 years old
Denied a raise.

My brother Aren has had another malaria flare-up.

Bode Chukwu and my daughter Ashabi have married.

Ogun born to Ashabi Chukwu

My daughter Ashabi's husband Bode has been caught in a
fire and suffered minor burns over 10% of the body. Luckily
there was no permanent injury.

My daughter Ashabi's husband Bode has had another
malaria flare-up.

My son Sunday has moved out on his own.

My son Ottah has graduated from secondary school.

Ashabi Buhari and my son Ottah are now engaged to be

My son Ottah's girlfriend Ashabi has been cured of

60 years old
Received a 2% pay raise.

My sonOdion's boyfriend Ogukeye has onchocerciasis.

My daughter Ashabi has moved out on her own.

Bayo Fashanu and my son Sunday are now engaged to be

Bayo Fashanu and my son Sunday have married.

My daughter Annakiya has graduated from secondary

61 years old
I have had another malaria flare-up.

Received a 6% pay raise.

You have failed the college entrance examinations.

My daughter Ashabi has onchocerciasis.

62 years old
Had an epileptic seizure.

Received a 9% pay raise.

My daughter Ashabi has been cured of onchocerciasis.

My daughter Annakiya has schistosomiasis.

63 years old
My brother Bode has died at age 65 from a stroke.

My daughter Annakiya has been cured of schistosomiasis.

64 years old
Donated to a disaster relief charity.

Denied a raise.

My brother Aren has gone blind from glaucoma.

My son Deji has given up drinking.

My daughter Ashabi has had another malaria flare-up.

65 years old
Received a 9% pay raise.

My son Odion has had another malaria flare-up.

66 years old
Too old to continue working as a foreman.

Began work as an administrative aid.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

Cashed in 111568 nairas from a bank account.

My brother Aren has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Ottah has had another malaria flare-up.

My daughter Annakiya has had malaria.

67 years old
Received a 2% pay raise.

My son Odion has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

My son Sunday has had another malaria flare-up.

My daughter Annakiya has moved out on her own.

68 years old
Received a 4% pay raise.

69 years old
Received a 5% pay raise.

My son Odion has died at age 50 from chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.

My daughter Ashabi has had another malaria flare-up.

My son Ottah has schistosomiasis.

70 years old
I have been cured of schistosomiasis.

Decided not to give money to charity.

Received a 2% pay raise.

My son Ottah has been cured of schistosomiasis.

My son Ottah has moved out on his own.

My wife Tachiko has had another malaria flare-up.

71 years old
Too old to continue working as a administrative aid.

Began work as a sculptor.

Received a 4% pay raise.

Denied a raise.

My son Sunday has been assaulted but fortunately suffered
no permanent injuries.

My wife Tachiko has died at age 70 from bladder cancer.

72 years old
Hurt in an accident.

Received a 6% pay raise.

Met a new woman I like very much, named Chioma Dosou.

Rejected by Chioma Dosou.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Quit my job.

Tomi born to Ashabi Chukwu

73 years old
Borrowed 200000 nairas in a family loan loan.

Borrowed 200000 nairas in a one-year loan.

Borrowed 200000 nairas in a five-year loan.

Borrowed 200000 nairas in a 15-year loan.

Borrowed 200000 nairas in a 30-year loan.

Began work as a primary teacher's aid.

I have had malaria again.

Payed off 200000 nairas of family loan loan.

Payed off 200000 nairas of one-year loan.

Payed off 200000 nairas of 15-year loan.

Payed off 200000 nairas of 30-year loan.

Payed off nairas of loan.

Moved to Russia.

Moved to Astrakhan.

Began work as a computer technician.

Received a 2% pay raise.

Nahid born to Ashabi Chukwu

74 years old
Received a 2% pay raise.

75 years old
Died at age 75 from an epileptic seizure.

Long diary is LOOOOOOOONG.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-16 16:21:18 UTC
in A petition. Post #229183
I'm really glad I missed the whole 'Jimmi' episode
I did to. Remember when he tried to talk to us through the names of accounts? Heh, those were the days...
38_98 38_98Lord
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-13 02:38:52 UTC
in A Proposition Post #228767
I do. It was when Orph was here.
On a completely unrelated note, whatever happened to him anyways? I was away from TWHL (heaven forbid) at the time.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-12 12:41:33 UTC
in A Proposition Post #228693
Agree with Caboose here. I haven't really seen what Dave has done so wrong that has caused such an uproar, apart from maybe one or two lame jokes.

When you spam that picture everywhere, your no better then him. So STFU.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-07 12:19:33 UTC
in Desktops of July Post #227775
User posted image
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-06 12:31:37 UTC
in Flash Game Post #227591
Nope, but that sounds pretty cool. If you do find it, or anyone else for that matter, do post it here. I want to play! :)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-06 01:31:30 UTC
in Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Post #227550
When all this comes to light (and it is, but the mainstream media does not cover it), you'll look back and say to yourselves "hey those guys we called loons were right."
Unbelievable. Just about everyone here had some degree of agreement with you and Jahzel, but you go and write that? Even I agreed with your views. Did you actually ever read ANY of the posts here? Or did you just assume we'd all be going "O HAI U GUYS ARE GAY AN UR THORIY SUK LOLOLOL"?

I would say more about your post, but Gunter has pretty much said what I wanted to say.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-05 02:25:53 UTC
in Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Post #227412
First, you wanted us to write it in our own words. So, I did that.
Then you say we shouldn't use links to other information. Then you say what we use as our basis for information is all propoganda.
I didn't say those. Somebody else on this thread did I believe. The only one I wanted to see happen was the last one you listed. I only you to change how approach this topic.

Taking another quote from another thread on 9/11 conspiracies.
Pretty much the same vibe i'm getting, why are most conspiracy theorists the same? Annoying and incredibly one-sided.
This is why I'm saying change your direction, because your only pissing people off. If you want to wake people up, your going the wrong way of how you do it.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-04 17:58:02 UTC
in CS_OFFICE THE COMIC Post #227377
Hehe, its a pretty nice comic. As luke has pointed out its pretty funny. The facial expressions for Gman in panels 5 and 6 look a little odd. Otherwise quite a clean looking comic.

Do make more! :D
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-04 17:00:54 UTC
in Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Post #227373
8:49 my time. Althought I have no idea what time it would be for you, although i suspect somewhere around midnight.

Meh, fair enough.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-04 14:23:44 UTC
in Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Post #227361
Fine, be led to the FEMA camps, don't say we didn't warn you
I'm honestly shocked. You still don't get what me, ZL and others have being trying to say. None of us disagree with you ideas (or whatever you want to call them) we just disagree with how you present them. Being highly aggressive in debates, arguments or whatever will only serve to annoy people and have yourselves ridiculed.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-04 02:21:44 UTC
in Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Post #227318
nope, I'm not gonna shush - at least not til they take my freedom of speech away, but they're already workin on shutting down free speech so I guess it won't be long til I get shushed. Then you'll be happy, aye?
Where the hell did you get that from!? You completely missed the point of what I said (which was to try a different approach, in short. Which is what ZL is also saying to you).
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-03 17:07:08 UTC
in Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Post #227275
I agree with ZL. You people try to throw off the titles the public hand down to you like "radicals" and "conspiracy theorists" but when you act like this its not hard to see why they name you as such.

You also make ridiculous accusations. Such as "boot-lickers", which makes you seem even more radical. Please think what your going to type before you type it.

Of course, this is just gathered from my observations..
Children Arrested, Handcuffed For Riding Bikes
You mean handcuffed for riding bikes in an area where they're not supposed to be ridden.

I seriously don't understand why people throw up such a big fuss about cops simply doing their duties. Anyone with his/her head on straight can figure out that skate parks are for skaters. If people stopped being so fucking ingnorant and actually checked what they were doing was legal then you wouldn't have stupid incidents like these.

And if people don't like these laws, then taking it up against the cops isn't the way to go about changing them either. Its as if people thinks is "cool" to go up against the cops when they're simply doing they're duty, or if they make a few mistakes (which ANY human being can make). I don't know about you, but it sounds ridiculous to me.

Bottom line: Got a problem with the law? Don't blame the cops, they're simply enforcing it.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 12:18:57 UTC
in Anyone know? (habbo) Post #227161
Oh , Why the fuck is habbo so underrated?
Because its on the same level as Runescape. You know somethings bad when its on level with Runescape, its one of those laws of the universe.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-01 16:46:19 UTC
in Anyone know? (habbo) Post #227046
Habbo is for 8 year olds
Thats we he's posting it.
and /b/ raids, please, come ON.
Speaking of /b/ raids, I heard they're having one on the 12th of July. Unfortunately, thats all I know.
Yes, but the website is called The Whole Half-Life, and I don't remember seeing the word Habbo in there.
Don't remember seeing NWO theories, religion or anything else in there either but we still have threads about them.

Oh, and Mr.Good Map, stay out of the pool, I hear it has AIDs.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-01 10:32:12 UTC
in Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Post #226992
One cannot travel to the North Pole or to the South Pole for two reasons:

1.) The North Pole and the South Pole do not exist. In their places are polar openings that lead into Inner Earth.

2.) Anyone who attempts to travel to a polar opening is eventually stopped by Outer Earth guardsmen as they near the opening.
Best one.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-29 15:06:38 UTC
in Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Post #226822
My advice to any city with a skating problem: Build a nice skate park. It helped loads where I live.
I couldn't say the same about my area, we built one and most of the skaters stil decided to skate on the roads and pavements.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-29 10:37:14 UTC
in ABC Half-life Post #226777
Flying aliens
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 16 years ago2007-06-29 10:33:48 UTC
in Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Post #226776
Meh, not a very big deal. People make mistakes, his were just more noticeable. Although I have to say this wasn't all his fault. From what I heard about this (as I was in a similiar discussion about this just two days ago) the kids were smack talking to the officer, and he probably didn't feel he should get pushed around by them. And in the video you can see some resisting arrest. Start doing that and your asking for the cop to fuck you over.

In my opinion, he may have used excessive force because there were lots of them (4-6 I think?) and he may have been peeved off by their smart ass comments.

Oh, and I'll just add that he was originally stopping them because skateboarding (even those it was seemingly "go skateboarding day") was against city orders (for rather obvious reasons) but the kids decided to make a big deal out of it and the cop went too far.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-28 02:30:26 UTC
in Hitman the movie Post #226637
I dunno Srry, maybe something to put on your toast?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-27 17:34:34 UTC
in Hitman the movie Post #226605
Typical. People just can't make a film on any game without making it look like a complete pile of shit.

Oh well...
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-24 04:10:22 UTC
Am I the only one here who doesn't get it?
Yes, yes you are.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-23 09:33:12 UTC
in About this Site Post #226265
I map for Red Alert 2 !
Yay! Me too!

Although I can't script much to save my life, except maybe to have paratrooper monkeys and crocodiles dropped in right at the begining.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 12:21:43 UTC
It seems /b/ and Ebaumsworld are there. I bet NBC won't have a fun time cleaning this up.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 05:56:15 UTC
in Windows Vista Reviews Post #226075
Don't get it now, wait until they fix it all up (which will be a bloody long time)
38_98 38_98Lord
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 15:35:20 UTC
in Mapping for Dummies Post #225995
Ha, Half life 2 mods for dummies? Shame its a crap book.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 18:08:08 UTC
in Gay marriage Post #225706
but when they take up arms to march on Washington DC, thats too much.
So your saying that when they rally, like other groups (such as women) have done in the past for rights, you think its wrong?

I'd have to agree, once again, with ZL. You sound like a facist.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 14:34:34 UTC
in Gay marriage Post #225665
Oh please, no more ZL, my lungs can't stand such laughter :D
38_98 38_98Lord
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.