Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-03-25 11:34:55 UTC
in Navigation Mesh help Post #170839
Whitch forums would I go to?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-25 10:51:41 UTC
in Navigation Mesh help Post #170834
I have been screwing around with the bot navigation mesh, and I was wondering, is there a way that as soon as the CT's get the hosties, they eliminate a way of getting to the rescue point? It is kinda hard to explain but when the CT's get the hosties they go through a vent leading back, when there is another way for them to go AND the hosties can go too, since hosties cant go through vents the rounds take forever because the CT bot goes back and grabs the hosties and tried to go through the vent again. So is there a way to only make them go 1 way when they get the hosties?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 16:34:45 UTC
in A big feeling of running a map Post #169551
If you are not done with the map, and want to see how it looks so far in game, when you press F9 to compile, check fast for vis and rad. This will reduce the compile time ALOT! But it doesnt look as good as normal compile. It will reduce a compile time of 3 hours to about 6 minutes.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 16:30:33 UTC
in Making NPC's appear Post #169550
Wait, but HOW to I make npc's appear. Do I set them to an npc_furniture? I don't get it!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 15:57:18 UTC
in Making NPC's appear Post #169541
Okay, thanks alot dude.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 17:22:02 UTC
in Making NPC's appear Post #169135
Awesome! But, It doesnt really explain how to use it, and how to do it step by step. It just says what they are. Can you perhaps tell me step b step how to do it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 16:49:37 UTC
in easy hl1 - hl2 texturing Post #169119
Well do you mean making them all nodraw so you can texture them? Just select all with the move tooland hit enter, then texture it to nodraw in Texture Application. But if that is not what you mean, then no I don't think there is a faster way, I mean it can't texture itself.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 16:35:18 UTC
in Making NPC's appear Post #169113
How would you make an NPC appear? I have tried everything I could think of. I didn't think it was this hard to make one appear. The only one that works is prop_ragdoll, but like the name suggests, it only makes them ragdoll. How would I make them do an animation?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 16:30:41 UTC
in Ambient generic continuously repeating. Post #169110
Okay Thanks you guys.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 15:11:52 UTC
in Ambient generic continuously repeating. Post #169094
How would I go about creating an ambient generic sound that continuously repeats without having to walk through A trigger.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 16:35:45 UTC
in Why aren't my favorates being saved? Post #168246
Awesome, thanks!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-13 20:11:06 UTC
in XSI Problems. Post #168110
In my XSI program, there is a whole section to the left that I can't see; I believe it is my resolution. My current resolution is 1024 x 768. Do I need a higher resolution? I would rather not change my resolution, is there A way to change around my interface in XSI so I can see the buttons to the left? Here is A screenhot I took of my current interface.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 13:52:42 UTC
in Attatching things to a rope. Post #167741
How would I attatch an object to a rope? Would I have to use a "keyframe_rope"? How would I use it? I know how to use regular ropes, but can anyone explain how to do this? :cyclops:
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 00:28:59 UTC
in Why aren't my favorates being saved? Post #167100
Why aren't my favorates being saved? It seemed to of happened right after Militia came out for CS: Source.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-05 13:26:55 UTC
in Hint/portalflow/ ect. help! Post #166539
Can anyone give me a good explination, or a link that has a good explination of how to do like, hint brushes, portalflow, ect all that jazz. I read the valve developer one, and the only one I sort of get is portal flow. Help! :cry:
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-27 21:39:05 UTC
in Need a .bsp to .vmf decompiler!!!!!!! Post #165442
God loves me! Somehow the .vmf file just appeared! I'm so relieved, impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-27 21:37:20 UTC
in Doors! Post #165441
How would I go about doing A door where you have to open by using the "use" key and the handel moves and the door opens?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-27 20:44:35 UTC
in Need a .bsp to .vmf decompiler!!!!!!! Post #165434
I'm making the SICKEST map! I mean like, it is the craziest map I ever made. Im on about 5 hours a day, just working on it non-stop. One time it freezes, and I get an auto-save. So I continue to work on it, I get like half the map done. Then I decide to work on it one day, and its gone? So I'm flipping out because it took hours to do the other half of the map. The .bsp file is still there, but the .vmf is gone. So my brother said I should get a .bsp to .vmf decompiler. Someone PLEASE give me the link to get one! I don't want to have to start over and spend hours making something I already made! PLEASE!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 17:08:23 UTC
in First map done! de_complex :) Post #164887
This is my very first map and first time using SDK. My brother "Xyos212" taught me mapping in SDK. Its pretty good, there are some small mistakes, but pretty good I think for a first map. Take a look here:

Tell me what you think :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 14:30:46 UTC
in Making an Invisable wall Post #164839
Okay, Thanks!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 14:00:15 UTC
in Making an Invisable wall Post #164834
I tried making an invisable wall over a fence with "nodraw," and I made it really high so you cant jump over the fence; but its outside and I noticed that it is a bit darker when I go out near the fence. I think that the "nodraw" is casting a shadow. What is the proper way to make an invisable wall?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-23 00:26:19 UTC
in Model editor for Source Post #164570
Try getting XSI Mod Tool. It's free so there you go.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-23 00:25:13 UTC
in Keyframe_rope? Post #164569
How do I make a Keyframe_rope?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-24 14:02:51 UTC
in Need help in XSI Post #159366
When I click "Extrude along Axis" nothing happens or pops up.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-23 21:31:38 UTC
in Need help in XSI Post #159294
Sorry about that. Does anyone know!?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-22 15:41:23 UTC
in Need help in XSI Post #159108
Hey, I'm new to XSI and I did 1 tutorial successfully on this site, but I'm on the "Animating Models" tutorial in the tutorials and I can do everything up to thie one part. It says..

"In the Model button bar, select Modify->Poly Mesh->Extrude Along Axis to create the "ball" part of the joint for our pump model. Edit the length to 3."

I can do everything there except it doesnt tell your how to edit the length to 3. So I extrude along the axis, and nothing happens or pops up. How do I edit the length to 3!? Can anyone help me?