Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2011-12-31 23:41:09 UTC
in Driving tank & rotating turret? Post #302317
Ye spirit would be better but is unfortunately in this case not possible. However eventually I will get my own custom code but till then I'll have to make use of what I've got.

@Urby: I was thinking about something similiar but somehow it wont work for me.

I used 2 tanks one with the turret stationary and the other one that is supposed to get beamed in there on my mark as a func_tracktrain while the other one will get deleted with trigger_relays mili seconds later. But my tank simply wont get teleported no matter what I do. however when I give it an initial speed it works fine but that of course isn't a solution for the final map as we never know when the player will reach the specific area.

I would appreciate it if you could construct me a smaller example map showing how it gets done right. thx

I've uploaded you my testmap to save you some time.

Wish you a happy new year. :)
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-31 17:15:56 UTC
in Driving tank & rotating turret? Post #302303
hey people this time I have a more complicated question I'm not even sure if it's possible at all. But I'm pretty sure I saw something like that being done before..

Following situation.

A have a tank standing at a location. Now when the player comes in the range I want the tank turret to rotate towards me and then back to another more important target. A simulated shot (env_explosion) will get fired and then I want to tank to drive away.

For the rotating turret I've used a func_trackchange what works just fine till now. But the new problem for me now how do I link it with a track_train.

I've tried using a trigger_changetarget linking it to the main chassis of the tank which is already assigned as a track_train but of course it wont work.

Do you know of any other possible ways how to simulate what I'm trying to do?
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-01 00:08:34 UTC
in Custom decals? Post #301205
Thanks for your numerous answers people...

It is odd I also did everything like described in the tutorial but I had no luck. Funny thing is my own created tga. decals are in the texture list in Hammer but just not ingame "Decal xxx can't be found". I'd try it in my mod wad. "Firestorm.wad" and in a newly created decals3.wad (copy of decals2.wad just removed all duplicates out of it.)

I also did try to create it out of a simple copy this time. I took an original decal letter removed the former letter by painting over it with white (255,255,255) and added my own letter onto it. All specifications were the same after saving like in the original.

The file was in 256 colors , TGA & the color palette was still the original one. Yet I can't even get that exact copy into the editor as it simply won't show up. Nor in my mod.wad, decals3.wad or decals2.wad

It would be indeed fantastic if someone could investigate that further how to get decals really ingame these days. It seems the original tutorials are all outdated at least it doesn't work like described.

For now I will make it like Archie suggested it actually isn't the first time I'm painting a decal straight to the texture itself. But I think that's a very limiting option and also increases the work for the mapper of course.

Thanks again people

Posted 13 years ago2011-11-29 02:50:41 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #301163
Nice work on the female scientist @Joe.. I don't think she's to large however
her waist probably could be a bit thinner and same goes for her legs as well.

Also nice work on "The Core" @Archie I'm a big fan of your mod. I hope to see a release soon.. X-mas would be hot. :D
Posted 13 years ago2011-11-29 02:40:04 UTC
in Custom decals? Post #301160
Hey people

for my mod I'm currently trying to build some custom decals...

I want to create letters in 64x64 size as the standard hl letters are to small with 16x16 pixels for my map.

therefore I studied this tutorial how it's supposed to be getting done:

But my decals won't work for some reason.

I copied the color palette out of one of the original pictures from the decals.wad and replaced it in my picture so it's identical and then I just changed the last color (255) in the palette as orange didn't suit in my map.

I have a white background with color specs 255,255,255 and my letter in black 1,1,1 and then I inserted it into my mod.wad (not the decals.wad) I named my textures {large_A,B,C etc

But there's still nothing ingame any idea why. Theoretically everything is correct does somebody here has experience in creating custom decals and would like to conduct a quick check on one of my decal textures?

Perhaps I did something wrong after all. many eyes may see more than just 2.
Below I've uploaded you one of my decals. It's in bmp. format as imageshark doesn't like tga.
User posted image
EDIT: Damn wanted to post that in hl general not in hl mapping forum, sorry.

Greetings 23-down
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-30 08:49:34 UTC
in Blocking player but not npcs Post #299614

Is there a way to block the player (Hl1) exclusively from accessing a specific area but npcs can go through without any problems?

I can't use a func_wall_toggle in that specific situation I have here 'cause 6 npcs will go through an area and that gives the player enough time to follow.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-30 08:45:50 UTC
in Fix Pitch Black Spots? (pics) Post #299613
Sometimes I encountered this issue when I accidently had func_walls on the

Check for different funcs nearby perhaps it is the same situation for you.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-28 01:25:58 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #299515
hm since only textures will be judged I don't see a point anymore in creating custom sounds and a small story around still I'm pretty sure that this will affect the judges.. It's just human like to be disappointed when nothing except a landscape is present.

Anyway I have a new idea then... Good luck everyone.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-27 16:03:49 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #299489
Hi I will attent to this contest...

But there are some things still unclear: What exactly do you classify as tool texutre.wads ?? Zhlt.wad I assume are there any more wads. which are classified as tool textures?

From the posts I've read on top it appears that decals will be forbidden is that correct if yes I have no problem with that. But I would like a clear confirmation.

Who exactly is the admin of this contest?

Are custom sounds allowed? There has been no answer for that question yet.

Please update this informations on the mainpage to that compo because others are also wondering about the same things. You should always make the descriptions as noob friendly as possible 'cause as you can see many are confused right now.

Can I also create my level lets say for Opposing Force for example instead of regular Half-Life1 or Half-Life2? Are there limitations or can we basically map for every gold source game or every source game that's officially created by valve?
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-27 07:37:53 UTC
in Remove Hand Grenades Post #299473
Outch should have figured that out myself.. Never thought that HG stands for hand grenade... ^^ Thx. At the moment I'm fine however if you'd like to contribute some maps for my mod feel free to do so I would be honored. :)
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-27 03:57:47 UTC
in Remove Hand Grenades Post #299463
Hi people do you know any way to remove hand grenades for hgrunts and op4 hgrunts or to force the npcs not to use em?

Because I have the problem that my soldiers are fighting in a tight room against black mesa personnel. They're throwing nades & running into their own nades what is kind of frustrating.

Any ideas?
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-24 02:10:59 UTC
in monster maker properties? Post #299335

Select your door brush and press "Shift T" then make it to a

light options for blinking etc. are in the light entity itself right click on the light entity and click on properties.

As for blood that's called decals look in the left menu it's directly over the clipping tool.

A brown cube with a red crosshair symbole.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-24 02:05:58 UTC
in hammer is broken :( Post #299334
Sounds alot like the old Radeon graphic card bug. Did you buy a new graphic card?

Are u new to mapping perhaps you just need to reduce the grid settings and zoom in closer in order to proberly select the required brush.

It's hard to give any advice with so less informations.
Perhaps reinstall Hammer and use the latest compilers etc. Maybe that will fix it.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-20 00:28:41 UTC
in The Voice Acting Thread Post #299127
I'm also looking for voice actors for my mod... But not any fixed lines which you shall talk for me.. Speak whatever you want... Ever wanted to hear something specific in Half-Life then send me your record and your intention regarding that voice line and I'll add it as long as the sound quality fits.

Especially military radio chats would be very welcome...

To give you an example I've just created a soundfile.. :cool:

I hope it works because I can't watch or listen to any streams from moddb.
Anyway if you liked what you just heard create me similiar voices + an info with your intention you had for your voice file and I will make a cool sound out of it by adding these fancy effects if requested. And then I will add it to my mod to add more atmosphere in it and to get rid of the regulary played "To all units return to rallypoint" radio messages.

Ps: I'm working on an Opposing Force mod if you're still unsure what I'm talking about. ^^ :P

Everyone can attent to this so don't be shy and send me your cool voice based.wav or mp3 files. I'm looking forward to receive hopefully a bunch of impressive sounds with many unique ideas included in them. :D
And be sure that you will end up in the mod credits when I add any sounds from you people.

Greetings 23-down
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-12 00:42:12 UTC
in Problem with texture lightning [lights.r Post #298844
Since yesterday my Hammer decided to annoy me again.
I've also lightning issue now. Till yesterday everything worked fine but now it appears that Hammer is not compiling anymore or at least not till the very end.

See here:

User posted image

At most places it's simply compiling in full bright.. I did replace the lights.rad with another one in order to see if it makes any difference but it didn't. I've reinstalled hammer and the compilers (SHLT3.9) no effect. I'm telling you I'm seriously starting to hate this fu***** tool. It's the 2nd time now that it does this in few months. And I don't have any clue what's causing it.

Does anyone has an idea what I can do? It can't be Half-Life itself other maps compiled by me before that issue started are working fine. So it shouldn't be any driver issue. Any idea what further I can do to fix it?
Btw: My maps are fine - no leaks, no texture alignment issues, no solid errors but every map is compiling full now or with very limited lightning which is also buggy. Even map placed lights aren't working the only thing they now do is to make the npcs glowing in the specific light colour.

Are there good alternatives to Hammer editor to work with? They should be similar and should have all the same possibilities. I know there are batch compilers to compile with but not sure how they work or how it'll affect my maps when they suddenly compile with different lightning & carving options etc.


Nevermind I've fixed it.. Something or somehow my gamma settings in half-life were screwed up. Dunno how that happend but it's working agian.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-11 09:16:17 UTC
in SHLT, ZHLT compiler command reference fo Post #298805
Ye I've just used his example map... I read that he recommended a light_spot and that made me curious to see the results.. Because I usually take the light_enviroment..

That's when I discovered that I have basically no shadows available. In my mod maps I have some shadows but now that I think about it they are also barely present in them.

Any clues what to do?
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-11 07:11:03 UTC
in SHLT, ZHLT compiler command reference fo Post #298803
Hi people

while downloading and playtesting this out of curiosity.

I noticed something bad..

I'm using the SHLT 3.9 compilers and even when I compile in full vis and extra rad I barely have any shadows in outside areas at all.

So I'd like to know if you people know any commands to compile with extra shadows or so.

Is it actually normal that I have 0 shadows in this example map?

I've tried following 3 parameters when compiling but they doesn't make any difference at all. Perhaps they work only in source engine.

-staticproplighting -staticproppolys -textureshadows
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-09 19:48:19 UTC
in Condition NPC alive!? Post #298765
Amazing guess then this will become one of my new favourite entities along with the multimanager.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-08 23:04:24 UTC
in Condition NPC alive!? Post #298747
Ye actually something like that... I never really used the multisource yet does it collect different events and first when all events are executed it will trigger the multisource? If yes that's exactly what I'm looking for.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-08 22:00:54 UTC
in Condition NPC alive!? Post #298743
I have a further question regarding the same topic.. Is it also possible to ask the same condition with more npcs...

The problem is I have only monsters with monster maker created.

So the npcs themselves don't have any names which I could link to a condition. And for map placed npcs it also wont work due to the fact that I don't know where the player will go first and what he kills first.

Basically I want a door to open first which leads to the next level when all monsters has been wiped out on the map.

Any ideas how to solve that?
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-06 20:44:22 UTC
in animation problems Post #298702
Good that you figured it out...I've tested it and it's nicely done.. Just pity that it is a SD Gman model but who cares.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-06 11:16:33 UTC
in animation problems Post #298692
Ah ok..

And yes when the Gman falls out of the window and the player looses eye contact with him simply replace with with a clone. Probably the best thing to do.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-06 00:39:16 UTC
in A way to untoggle NPC of Animation? Post #298683
Interesting thx I will try that.

But how shall I play an animation by default? You mean without any scripted_sequence?
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-06 00:35:44 UTC
in animation problems Post #298682
What how will you assign more animations than 1 with only 1 scripted_sequence that sounds impossible. Is there really another way? If yes I don't know it yet how does it work?
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-05 03:57:53 UTC
in A way to untoggle NPC of Animation? Post #298654
Hey People...

I'm currently experimenting to untoggle several npcs of animations I gave them. I have 2 soldiers which are idling in "Crouching_idle". But after several seconds later I want them to get a new movement order.

That however wont work so far.

I've tried following things that far: Giving them a new animation so that they stand up and hopefully are able to walk again. But they refuse to play the animation.

Gave them the new movement order also here no reaction to the animation behaviour.

Any ideas? The scneario is one where you're in a squad of soldiers and I want a lot of squad action similiar to Bootleg Squadrog mod.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-05 02:01:17 UTC
in Condition NPC alive!? Post #298651
Oho you're right... I have completeley forgotten about that... Till that point I never used trigger conditions in monsters.. Great thx.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-04 06:58:39 UTC
in Condition NPC alive!? Post #298635
Hey guys this could be probably a total noob question. But honestly I have no idea how it works..

I want like in all original hl games a condition given. So when a specific npc dies it fades out and says something like "Mission Failed".

Now I have no problems with the fading the screen out or with text entities however I have absolutely no clue what Entity is responsible for questioning the status of any npcs and other objects.

Does anyone know?
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-31 21:10:27 UTC
in Help - Triggering an ambient_generic Post #298554
Feel free to upload a testmap and I will look into it along with your sound.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-30 21:58:00 UTC
in Increase visibility in maps? Post #298521
Hm good to know what's possible as highest number. I always wondered about the same question.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-30 21:56:20 UTC
in PC dies while compiling Post #298520
:D I meant Watt of course.. :D Was to tired yesterday..
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-30 21:54:35 UTC
in Help - Triggering an ambient_generic Post #298519
@Captain Terror: You don't need a cue point in the audio. Unless it's a sound you want to play in a loop forever..

With the not toggled flag you can call in the sound as often as you want. If it doesnt have a cue point it wont loop however.

That's at least the experience I made. Start silent is only useful if you play the sound instantaneously like a looped alert sound but want it first hearable when you target it. In the end the outcome is the same. So I don't really understand the logic behind it valve saw there but whatever.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-30 01:52:31 UTC
in Textures/entity limits Post #298487
As for the limits that's different with the different compiler versions out there. With SHLT for example you can have up to 32mb texture cache just in one back. However creating such large maps would be a nightmare to compile and hl1 would be pushed to it's limits.

No clue what are the limits for source.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-30 01:47:45 UTC
in Copy of splash.bmp Post #298486
I'm also still modding for WON... Eventually when it's done (my mod) it will be also ported to steam but most hl1 modders are modding with WON. Who wants to start this crappy slow steam program if he has to get into hl1 every few mins in order to check new stuff?

Loading times were also faster in all Hl1 WON things if you ask me.. I miss WON..
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-30 01:43:02 UTC
in PC dies while compiling Post #298485
Well upload your maps... If the pc is shutting down for others as well during the compile then you clearly know that your maps are responsible since you said it's only doing that when you try to compile something but everything else is running normally for you.

But I also guess it's too much for your pc. When you have 64bit get more ram. 32bit systems don't support more than 4 ghz ram but 64 bit supports up to 16ghz ram if I'm not mistaken. Also depending on your motherboard of course.

Perhaps place 1 more fan near your cpu & clean your pc with the vacuum cleaner & a brush. (turn it off eject the cables for your transformer)

Perhaps you also have to much things plugged in. In that case your transformer isn't producing enough power. That means you need to change of 500 volt to a 600 volt transformer for example. I had to do excatly that once couple of years ago myself whenever I ran complicated pc operations it simply shutted down. Bought a new transformer and it worked nicely again. You can test that.

Unplug all non needed usb devices like gamepads, external hard drives etc. and then compile your map. You can also test it by disabling most windows services which are probably disturbing and resource hungry. But do that before you start compiling.
Posted 13 years ago2011-08-30 01:24:10 UTC
in Help - Triggering an ambient_generic Post #298484
Disable the start silent flag button.

Enable the not toggled flag item.. Should work then. When you test it the first time also use play everywhere.. That way you can test such things better.

Not toggled in this case just tells the ambient_generic that it is waiting to get activated by something.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-10 13:18:59 UTC
in H1 Santas Revenge2 active dl link Post #288932
Unfortunately it is not.

It's been on ice for several months now. That is because I'm low on time and also low on morale. I think it would be stupid to continue working on it when I have just so little time at the moment.

The fact that I'm also low on motivation right now would cause quality loss when it comes to mapping. Therefore I will wait till I get more time and morale again.

Then I will continue so don't worry it's not dead it's just on ice for now.
And I'm happy that the upload was well received so it's my pleasure.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-09 12:16:43 UTC
in H1 Santas Revenge2 active dl link Post #288859

Some people on Planet asked me if I could upload this mod for them because all known dl links are down.

Well here you go guys. I thought some of you here might wanna have it as well. Have fun.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-29 06:34:10 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #283587
Awesome screens Joebama... I love the textures you're using here..
Keep it up.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-26 12:15:47 UTC
in Help required - Hl1 Op4 mod Post #283488
Ah thank you Joe.. I knew it was somewhere... It is working now I can see the end of the map fully textured...
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-26 11:19:55 UTC
in Help required - Hl1 Op4 mod Post #283481
the bushes yes but thats only due to the fact that I want to maintain low r-speeds the rest of the map is very high quality stuff and therefore raising up r-speeds.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-26 01:24:03 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #283474
Wow Urby those screens are really hot.. Good luck with the coder I'm not sure why you need 1.. But if it's just for the custom models then you can easily replace them or add them as seperate skins that's how we did it in my mod. In that case you need a skinner. Should you add new monsters however with new sounds and ai or things like fog then yes. Then you need a coder.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-25 21:49:00 UTC
in Help required - Hl1 Op4 mod Post #283469
Sorry for the doublepost..

Well I don't want to open a new topic regarding my questions.

I used the search but didn't found any useful results.

So here are my questions:
I remember a compiler command that made it possible to increase the viewdistance for the player... Does anyone know the command? I had it once but accidentally deleted it. Was it maybe -maxdistance X (X= number in units)

Does one of you know a way that I can let my npcs let look at something? They're also required to move their body into the specific direction. Right now they are looking all into opposite directions but then something shows up and they shall turn around. I can easily work with scripted sequences here. But the results are not really satisfying.

Then 1 request.. I need a voice actor for a high ranking soldier. Who wants to share his beautiful voice as sharp rusty superior. :D

I need also 1 additional voice actor for a radio message. This soldier sounds scared and crys into the radio.

Texts for both roles will be provided via PM as soon as I have my voice actors.

Last but not least some pictures still very WIP.
What do you think?

User posted image

User posted image
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-23 22:59:49 UTC
in Help required - Hl1 Op4 mod Post #283388
My problem maps were 2 video maps which play on a complete different location and were therefore really hard to fix.. But guess what I finally (after 2 months) fixed it! I used a combination of changing the spawnzone outside the video area in a box and then teleport the player to activate different scripts.. It works..

So at the moment I have 9 maps runnin. I will continue implementing my newer maps now. Finally I can also continue mapping itself. This problem took me any motivation left in the last month.

Glad you like to help. I will contact you shortly when I need your help again. Then I will send you my entire mod as far as it is playable yet. You can also betatest the stuff if you like. By the scripting all connected maps are done but by fixing little texture issues and adding more design related machines etc. there's still some work to do I fear. So ideas will be welcome when the time comes.

Greetings 23-down
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-23 16:33:42 UTC
in Help required - Hl1 Op4 mod Post #283368
Ok I will check it again thx...

However if someone wanna help or even want to take an active part on my mod or just want to distribute some ideas or little prefabs report here immediately. I really could need some help regarding the stuff posted above.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-23 12:33:05 UTC
in Help required - Hl1 Op4 mod Post #283357
Hey people...

I don't know what to do anymore.. My mod is making fantastic progress however I'm still having massive problems to combine the maps with mapchanges. As everyone knows it can be very tricky to make the mapchanges working properly.

I've read so many tutorials now and even downlaoded a bunch of example maps and also decompiled other maps to see how they did that. Well I successfully made the first 6 maps working. But 1 problems remains in every single map. The transitions aren't really smooth. Meaning that the player starts few meters behind or a bit in the air. As soon as I move the triggers just a little I'm spawning outside the map again.

Would someone with some time and a lot of experience be willing to support me here? Then I would send you all required files to my mod. That way you also get the chance to see some parts of my mod before many other people does. Releasing the problem maps here on the unfinished map vault is no option because I don't want to spoil my mod to any people as long as it is not finished.

Who wants to assist? The only requirement is that you have good if not very good knowledge of hammer.

Another topic: At the moment I lack a little on ideas regarding different objects. Therefore I invite everyone who wants to create little props for me. Be it some scientific machines or just plants and boxes. I will then use the things in my maps to decorate them with your items. Credits will be given then. There are no rules here and of course no enforcement. Feel free to create something or don't it's up to you.

My mod status at the moment is around 40%.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-23 12:10:14 UTC
in NPC's from last map chasing me Post #283356
Little late the answer but thanks it worked. :)
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-11 09:10:46 UTC
in Competition 28 Vote-O-Rama Post #281741
I vote for map a dream basically because that can cover all the other ideas... For example you're mapping a dream which is a nightmare. That scratches the nightmare vote automatically.

"Map a Dream"
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-24 22:36:37 UTC
in teleporting player via multimanager? Post #281430
For some reason it didn't worked to disable it. Sometimes Hammer reacts really strange with all it's flaws..

Well bedtime for me. Gn8.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-24 14:59:06 UTC
in teleporting player via multimanager? Post #281427
New problem:

I get teleported to another place when I get teleported back to the original place from where I started... The original first teleporation trigger is teleporting me again and again.

Causing the player to get stuck during that sequence. So the first teleport is working fine but the 2nd isn't due to the first trigger.

I tried to kill the trigger brush but it wont get killed. Is there a way to teleport the trigger itself or to deactivate it again?

EDIT: Nevermind I fixed it myself. I deleted the brush to late. That's why it didn't worked I suppose. I deleted it now a bit earlier in another trigger and it does work now. :)
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-24 13:10:31 UTC
in teleporting player via multimanager? Post #281426
Works fantastic thank you @The Mighty Atom. :)