Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 05:56:26 UTC
in Yo Post #25549
Maybe it would be fun as a knife-only map? Hehe...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 05:51:49 UTC
in Size of map in Hammer Post #25548
Joe_Cool, change the grid size with the [ and ] keys. Your room will need to be a lot smaller...

Most rooms are only 128 units heigh, wich looks like about 2,5 meter...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 01:57:03 UTC
in Yo Post #25532
A few short comments:

It's a nice idea, having several towers and paths between them.
However, I think it's a very bad layout for a CS map. Almost no cover, a bomb spot that's impossible to get to because you're sniped 12 times before you reach it. And when you do, you're killed by a laser...

Nice idea's, but you'll have to work them out better. Wich I think you will do, as this is probably your first released map.

Play around some CS maps if you haven't done that yet. Look at what made maps popular and what did't make them popular. Do some research into gameplay and layout, and you'll be able to create a much better map.

Oh, and most people don't like dark maps. It can really set the mood but it's hard to navigate and to detect enemies. Most players prefer a more bright level. Nightvision goggles don't seem to be popular...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-05 01:40:47 UTC
in Null...WHAT NULL?? Post #25525
The {blue-texture is not a null-texture. Obviously. The null-texture is called 'null', where the {blue-texture is called '{blue'.

Faces with the null-texture are not drawn, but still are solid. You can easily create a HOM-effect when you apply the null-texture to a wall, but that doesn't create a leak.

I use the null-texture to decrease the amount of polygons in a compile. Some faces will never be seen by the player and so don't have to be compiled. In such cases I use the null-texture. But it can be handy in other cases too.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-04 15:45:01 UTC
in 1 unit = 1 inch Post #25452
Esmajor, try it out for yourself. Some things will look right, some things won't. There is simply no real conversion rate that always works.

You're free to use it as a reference, but keep in mind that it doesn't always work. The view cone of the player is different than our view cone, wich does malform the environment sometimes...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-04 12:36:16 UTC
in Hi there Post #25423
I know some people that start waving with sharp sticks when they see monkeys... so these monkeys of you better beware, Jahzel...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-04 11:05:41 UTC
in Hi there Post #25397

That's why we usually talk English here...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-04 05:33:37 UTC
in 1 unit = 1 inch Post #25339
There is no proper scale, everything's to different proportions in HL.
That's right indeed... I guess it has to do with the view angle. It's 90 degrees wide, but in reality we can see some more than only 90 degrees. In the console, type "default_fov x", where x stands for the degrees.

Mmh, I also noticed smaller view cones look better. Probably because the monitor screen only fills a certain part of your sight... Interesting...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-04 03:43:58 UTC
in Hi there Post #25330
Well captan c, i didnt want to have to pay for a translation!!
I gave you one for free... ;)
Oh, and I'm not Captain C...

@ muppet: That's a bad translation...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-04 03:38:50 UTC
I liked Point of View, based on the Half-Life story and still so original... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-03 13:25:10 UTC
in level change probs Post #25223

Look at the example maps and read the articles, it should explain exactly how to do level transitions. Once you get how the system works, it's pretty simple.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-03 09:21:35 UTC
in Hi there Post #25201
Something I find so strange, is that on almost every mapping/game design forum I come, there are Dutch people present. It seems we're not so few in numbers...

While the professional games industry in the Netherlands is limited to only 2 large games-developers and some small ones...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-03 09:16:35 UTC
in Hi there Post #25200
als je hulp nodig hebt, ik maak ook maps voor dod dus vraag gerust. maar ik raad je aan eerst wat single player te leren. heb je een goede basis

If you need help, I also make maps for DoD, so feel free to ask. But I recommend you to learn single player first. It'll serve as a good base (for further mapping)
Compare that to what you got from that translator site, ieatmonkeychow!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-03 04:01:45 UTC
in movies!! Post #25180
Err... J@CK_M-N, do you mean making an .avi file from an in-game happening?

In that case, you can use Fraps: (free demo)

To scale the size of the movies made by Fraps down, I use VirtualDub: (freeware)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-03 02:43:33 UTC
in Custom Grid size??? Post #25172
Grid size in VHE is always a power of 2. 5 units thick walls can be made with the 1-grid size, as ZombieLoffe already said.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-02 08:38:20 UTC
in Photography spree Post #25057
And how old are you then, Seventh-Monkey?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-02 08:28:24 UTC
in Hi there Post #25055
Hehehe! Worldcraft dude, I'm not a DoD mapper, but I saw Joeri probably understands Dutch, and so does Pepper. And since my site has become a Dutch mapping community, I recommended him to visit it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-02 08:16:45 UTC
in Check out my website Post #25054
My site, (beware, it's Dutch! ;)), was made completely in Frontpage. My webhost is, it's 30 MB free webspace. My url was registered by Dot TK,

Websamba does have an advertisement frame, so I moved CPCP to the host of a friend. :)

My portfolio is still hosted on websamba,
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 16:34:53 UTC
in Hi there Post #24906
Ach, en als je dan meteen andere Nederlandse (en Belgische) mappers wilt leren kennen kun je mijn site ook eens checken,

Kijk vooral op het forum (die op dit moment down is omdat de hele boel verhuist naar een andere computer, maar da's morgen wel weer OK denk ik), er zitten een paar hele goeie mappers bij.

Veel succes!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 16:06:29 UTC
in Check out my website Post #24897
A link to your website in that post would be handy then...

But hey, nice site...

As for Alien Blast, you should put it on your own webspace, not on Fileplanet. I'm not gonna wait 100 minutes for a 4 MB mod...

Oh, and can't you get that "This site built and hosted for free by" sentence off your site? It makes me think it's a cheap, premade site... (it's probably not premade, but still...)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 11:23:18 UTC
in Photography spree Post #24856
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 10:21:26 UTC
in Photography spree Post #24845
CRAP! How do I get a picture to show up here?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 10:20:51 UTC
in Photography spree Post #24844

That should do it...
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 10:51:52 UTC
in help needed please Post #24655
If you don't have webspace, you can get 30 MB free at

// When can I edit my posts?!? :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 10:50:43 UTC
in help needed please Post #24654
Upload a screenshot to your webspace and link to it.

If you don't have webspace, you can get 30 MB free at

Seventh: Just post an appendix/edit/correction and a helpful friendly mod will do it for you
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 13:55:38 UTC
in What the troops are dealing with... Post #24560
Aaauch! Now that would hurt!

The man wasn't poisoned or something like that?
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 09:34:55 UTC
in title Post #24519
If he meant the title that showed up when Half-Life started, it's made up of two sprites. You would have to make your own sprites in order to change the title...

It's easy to do once you have the right tools...
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 09:33:00 UTC
in Does anyone work on his/her portfolio? Post #24518
Anyone here that actually works on a level-design portfolio?

I'm interested to see some... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 07:24:39 UTC
in please help, level change probs Post #24499
Oh, and Andy... you said:

"You might want to note here that all Valve Half-Life changes were done in Big Spaces !! not vents or small corridors."

Wich isn't completely right. It has been done in somewhat narrow corridors. But because the info_targets were at the exact same position, the player didn't see walls shifting and didn't shift position himself.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 07:22:58 UTC
in please help, level change probs Post #24498
Yep. JB's method is good. It assures that the info_landmarks are at the exact same place.

Don't put it 'roughly' the same place. It may end the player up somewhat above the floor or somewhat in the floor.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 07:36:58 UTC
in Co-Op Map Request Post #24356
It's much more likely that someone you know for a while wants to work with you than that a totally stranger wants to...

Just my thoughts on it...
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 16:06:59 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24262
That's a good statement...

I know from experience...
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 11:03:20 UTC
in ERROR HELP!!! Post #24205
Too many light styles on a face, it probably says, right?

This has to do with dynamic lights. Lights that have a changing intensity. Like 'Flicker' or 'Candle A'. When you have more than 3 different light styles on a face, this error occurs. Lights with the same pattern are lights of the same style. So, a light that just stays on is one style, and since these are used in most cases you'll only have one light-style on a face. When a normal light and a flickering light both affect the same face, that face has 2 light-styles on it. When also a light with 'Candle A', for example, hits that face, then that face has it's maximum ammount of light styles. Any more will result in the error you have.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 10:57:46 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24067
So the idea is that everyone that joins creates a floor, in wich he shows off his mapping skills? Everyone gets his personal floor, so others can see how good/bad he is and what he likes/dislikes... Sortof a showcase?

Funny idea indeed...
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-26 09:47:21 UTC
in Wanted Custom HLDM maps Post #24063
Isn't it what?
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 16:05:49 UTC
in Junk in the vault Post #23970
I do agree when someone says there's a lot of crap maps in The Vault. But that also happens on the Snarkpit. I think it happens everywhere...
To me, the only maps I look at are:
1) The newest maps.
2) The highest rated map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 15:39:19 UTC
in Whats ur longest time? Post #23965
Mmh... nowadays I don't map continually but I'm drawing, creating textures, mapping and playtesting after each other. Pretty mixed up work-scheme... :)

Wich never dures more than, say, 8 hours. No, wait, make that 6. Or something like that.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 15:37:02 UTC
in Cool idea for a mod! Post #23962
Start making the stuff!

Or no, wait, draw it out first and then map it! :)

Bytheway, what's the clue of the story?
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 15:33:16 UTC
in Funny pics! Post #23961
That brown strange 'monster' is called Domo-Kun. I think it had something to do with a Japanese animation film, or a program on TV. At a certain moment, they held a contest who could make the funniest .jpg of Domo-Kun. Quite some weird things showed up then...

Meh, can't find them anymore on my forum... :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 14:50:41 UTC
in What was your first map like? Post #23940
And my first map was...

Mmh, kindof silly to start my post with that sentence. Well, the first map I was able to compile was a L-shaped corridor, with 2 lights in it. Or 3. Since I made a lot of maps before that but never understood how to compile them, the map was of good proportions. Might have been more luck than wisdom, though...

The first map I published is Detention. At this moment, I'm still busy with my second DM map. I also did a part of a joint map project, wich is still going on now (a project with my fellow Dutch mappers).
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 14:34:53 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23939
The grey buildings need to be a little more white, as you can see...
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 14:33:55 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23938
Yep. That texture needs some work still. It's too blue. But hey, check the real reactor:

Pretty bleuish too isn't it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 10:29:09 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23918
It still has the same texture... or do you mean the tower-alike structure?
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-25 08:20:27 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23879
A new screenshot of the outside:

I made a new texture for the reactor hull. It's not perfect yet, I'll still have to do some work on it. Other textures (for the rails and the rocks) are still to be done.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-24 09:56:46 UTC
in Wanted Custom HLDM maps Post #23752
I just took a look at intake...

Graphically very interesting... very good architecture, nothing seems not-fitting. The detail really emerged me into the map... It's a very close-combat concentrated map. Although I do think the map has a problem with connectivity, I haven't played it with others yet, so I'm unsure about the gameplay. I haven't seen comments on that anyway...
So I'd like to see it on a server! :)

I'd also like to play my map with more than two players (I only played it on LAN...)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-24 09:38:06 UTC
in bored Post #23743
Hehe... how about mapping?

// How obvious someone would say that... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-23 14:51:53 UTC
in Rotating Avartar's (pics) Post #23602
I could use the logo of my site, it's a rotating one...

But actually, even if it was possible to use such gifs as avatars, it would become pretty annoying very soon... It distracts your eyes... wich can make it pretty hard to actually read what someone wrote.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-23 14:47:16 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23601
I appreciate the comments. Certain things will have to be changed before the release, I agree. The process is at approx. 60% now.

Outside still needs a lot of texture work: on the crete loading grounds (the 'tanks' are train waggons, I'll add the wheels later), on the grass (wich is still a temporary texture taken from CS, I'll make a train track texture) an on the tallest buildings (the one furthest away from the player in the first screenshot).

The inside texture is more of a test area. The real inside will be a little different... much more following the actual shape of the buildings.

The textures are indeed too monotonous, especially on the large buildings. Needs some reworking. I'll think about it. I'm gonna try to do some detail things with masked textures, see if that works. It won't get noticed (I hope) that quick since you'll never be really close to the large buildings.

The plant is in the Ukraine. I know. Some 100 km north of Kiev. I did some reading about it, as well as some photo-gathering on the internet.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-23 10:17:21 UTC
in Wanted Custom HLDM maps Post #23569
Well, I guess there's lots of maps in the mapping vault...

Mmh, wait... I made one half a year ago... It's called Detention: