Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-04-24 09:56:46 UTC
in Wanted Custom HLDM maps Post #23752
I just took a look at intake...

Graphically very interesting... very good architecture, nothing seems not-fitting. The detail really emerged me into the map... It's a very close-combat concentrated map. Although I do think the map has a problem with connectivity, I haven't played it with others yet, so I'm unsure about the gameplay. I haven't seen comments on that anyway...
So I'd like to see it on a server! :)

I'd also like to play my map with more than two players (I only played it on LAN...)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-24 09:38:06 UTC
in bored Post #23743
Hehe... how about mapping?

// How obvious someone would say that... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-23 14:51:53 UTC
in Rotating Avartar's (pics) Post #23602
I could use the logo of my site, it's a rotating one...

But actually, even if it was possible to use such gifs as avatars, it would become pretty annoying very soon... It distracts your eyes... wich can make it pretty hard to actually read what someone wrote.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-23 14:47:16 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23601
I appreciate the comments. Certain things will have to be changed before the release, I agree. The process is at approx. 60% now.

Outside still needs a lot of texture work: on the crete loading grounds (the 'tanks' are train waggons, I'll add the wheels later), on the grass (wich is still a temporary texture taken from CS, I'll make a train track texture) an on the tallest buildings (the one furthest away from the player in the first screenshot).

The inside texture is more of a test area. The real inside will be a little different... much more following the actual shape of the buildings.

The textures are indeed too monotonous, especially on the large buildings. Needs some reworking. I'll think about it. I'm gonna try to do some detail things with masked textures, see if that works. It won't get noticed (I hope) that quick since you'll never be really close to the large buildings.

The plant is in the Ukraine. I know. Some 100 km north of Kiev. I did some reading about it, as well as some photo-gathering on the internet.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-23 10:17:21 UTC
in Wanted Custom HLDM maps Post #23569
Well, I guess there's lots of maps in the mapping vault...

Mmh, wait... I made one half a year ago... It's called Detention:
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-23 01:34:58 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23539
The cliff textures come from de_piranesi, from CS. So do the grass textures. Some conrete textures form Half-Life can still be seen on the tallest buildings, but all other textures are mine.

The way I work, is to cover the main shapes and geometry with already existing textures, and replace them later when I made specific textures for the map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-22 14:17:56 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23487
Ghe... I don't even have Photoshop...

For the textures, I used Paint, Wally, Paint Shop Pro 6 and IPhoto Plus 4. I should definitely get Photoshop... I've heard a lot about it... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-22 08:57:08 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23457
I created most of them while having a magazine full of STALKER screenshots beside me... tweaking them until I found they resembled very close.

Thanks... such comments make me happy :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-22 04:56:52 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23415
If you know a better program to rescale my screenshots...

Then I'm interested... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-21 15:17:45 UTC
in Multiplayer problem.... Post #23326
Info_player_start is for CT, info_player_start_deathmatch is for T. Since the T's have no spawn-points, their team is full... if you can say a team that allows 0 people can be full...
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-21 13:51:33 UTC
in Best tool in hammer? Post #23320
Worst tool... the carving one then. I carve manually using the vertex tool. Much better, much more predictable... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-21 13:28:20 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23317
I use 1600x1200, and I resize the screenshots 50 % in paint. Gives some sharpening effect sometimes... :(

Textures are indeed somewhat repetitive here and there, and maybe too clean for the theme too. I know that. I'm working on it. Some decals may break the repetitiveness of the textures a bit, I guess...
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-21 06:14:08 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23291
Perhaps a dedication to all the people who lost their lives would be in order somewhere in the map.

Yes... that should be good. Reports of deaths range from 300 to 300.000. Some people even say around 400.000 died... What happened there was horrible... It happened a few days after I was born.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-21 05:57:22 UTC
in Where can I get mods? Post #23289
That's Legacy, hazardous. The textures come from Nightwatch if I'm not mistaken. At least it has to do something with Nightwatch. Also a mod to keep your eyes on... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-21 05:39:43 UTC
in Sector Gamma - screenshots Post #23286
Sector Gamma is a HLDM map based on the Chernobyl reactor. 18 years ago now the reactor had a melt-down, resulting in a grave disaster.

I have decided to use only self-made textures for this map. Some of the screenshots still show HL or CS textures. These are still to be replaced.

Enough talking, here are the screenshots:
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-29 06:05:56 UTC
in Comments on levels Post #14301
Yeah... I'm waiting...

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-28 10:47:26 UTC
in any takers? Post #14188
Well, let me tell something about what happened with/to me a year ago. Someone had an idea for a 'crazy fun mod'. I liked it so I joined. At last, we had 5 people who wanted do go for it. It quickly shrunk to 3...

These 3 went on. Well, after a while all 3 where still there but only one really worked. Not me... :( So at last we decided to stop it. It was not gonna work.

You see, we had no idea, no plan for the mappack. Well, a vague idea, a sort of concept but we never detailed it and never put on paper what our goals were, working kinda isolated, only now and then sharing some maps. That was all. After a while, we had no will to map for it anymore. It was no fun anymore and we didn't had the idea it was really important no more...

Well, I'm not that experienced modder, I can only tell fromthis experience now...

So I want to say: know what you're doing from beforehand. SunTzu said: A good general wins the war before the troops engage... A bad general engages first and seeks victory after that...
So: plan it first...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-27 10:11:45 UTC
in Comments on levels Post #14080
I saw I can't delete my own comments on a level. I made one on my own level (detention) and it turned up to be posted there 3 times. It would be good to be able to edit and/or delete your own posts...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 12:06:47 UTC
in Why not? Post #13109
I'm a Captain, ministeve... ;)

Yes Sir Maxisteve! :)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 12:04:02 UTC
in Cool new discovery! Post #13108
The 'skin' key. What value's correspond with what things? You also found that out?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 11:58:23 UTC
in Some screenies of Mudanchee Post #13107
I get the seam. Just moving some vertexes should do the job. I'll remove the seam. Thanks!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-20 08:20:03 UTC
in Cool new discovery! Post #12931
OK. I tried func_train_func_breakable but it isn't recognized bij the HL dll. The name has to be an exact match.

Too bad... :(
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-20 08:07:44 UTC
in Some screenies of Mudanchee Post #12930
r_speeds are 500-600, 800 at some specific spots.

Textures are HL and CS textures, I'm using them as stand-in textures because I want to create textures for the map later on.

1) The wood texture is too repeating? I'll think about it when creating my own.
2) Horizontal seam? What's that? (I'm Dutch... ;))
3) More feeling to the map like mist or a fog-like something... good idea... I was planning a waterfall area, wich could use a lot of mist yes... And I'm going to add a clove that's open in the top, e.g. you can see the sky high above you, with light beams falling between the rocks...

Good to see the comment coming! :D
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-20 08:01:26 UTC
in Why not? Post #12929
Uhm, sorry... I saw the other board just after I created a message here...

Won't do again, sir!
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 09:04:45 UTC
in Some screenies of Mudanchee Post #12778
Hey, check them out, some screenies of Mudanche, a HLDM level I'm working on for about 6 days now:

Do you like the feeling of this map? Or do you think I totally forgot something or you just dislike it? Just say it... :)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 08:59:30 UTC
in Why not? Post #12777
I got about 10 maps within a week, and they look nice, but I only see them as test maps and/or basic maps, that need to be detailed and worked out better in the coming time.

Oh, some screenies of a map I'm working on for 6 days now: (HLDM)

Sorry, direct links don't work with a websamba-account.

And about the competition... I think only few people will do so, because one map can already be an overload of work... But you should try it... just see if it's a popular idea... That's the best way to find out! ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 08:55:43 UTC
in Rating system Post #12776
Oh, well...

About the rating system, maybe add the number of ratings to the info bar... A map rated by a lot of people gets more popular I think...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-19 08:54:07 UTC
in Cool new discovery! Post #12775
Does func_ladder_func_wall work? Cool... So the dll only searches if the name of the entitie exists in the name you gave it, not if it exactly matches... cool indeed...

The 'body'-trick I already discovered. A lot of these things are transferrable between similar entities. One I added 2 extra heads to the grunt model and changed the body value so that I only got grunts with those 2 heads. There's a system for the numbering depending on the body-parts of a model. Don't really remember how that was but it's a quite simpel system. Starts with value 0, bytheway...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-16 09:26:04 UTC
in Rating system Post #12222
Hey, cool! I've got a cool map on the working table now, so... Mudanchee says anything to you people out here? No? Oh, well... :(

Anyway, when should the ranking-system be done over then?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-15 10:36:29 UTC
in Rating system Post #12153
The rating system currently allows a map to be rated by its creator. That's just... well, encouraging for certain types of... people...

Can it be changed to only allow others to rate a map?
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-11 09:56:48 UTC
in How to post a message to the News page? Post #4393
Hello, I've just got this single question:

How to post a message to the News page?

I'd like to announce a contest held on my site, that's why. (My site? It's kind of a gatherplace for dutch mappers. But the site is in English to keep it accessable for other people.)