it says exoctic mater, thats what gave me the idea in the first place, the material Gordan was expirimenting with. The wormhole was created, leting the aliens through. accualy, a whole lot of wormholes where created.
thnks, but I'm leaving the train part out. From the time he leaves his lab, to the time he enters BM, there is a warp, (Exep to show snarks kill some scientists
this way, you can make up what happens in your own mind. the area isn't that fried, since it was all underground, there was still a cavern of it that exists, including his locker.
I've changed my mind, it won't be 60 years, since Gordan would be long gone, but 40. since the Orig HL took place in the 50s or 60s, that would make it about mdern time.
don't worry, there can be futuristic stuff when they go through the wormhole.
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