ooh.. Thanks for those links, I'm still a beginer (CTRL + C , CTRL + V, but in a leagal way, lol )
I'll have a look!
Well one way, off the top of my head:Isn't the brushes in HL made to be solid against explosions?
You can make the building itself into a func_breakable and set it to break only when triggered. Put another func_breakable inside the building where a bullet can't hit it and have it target the func_breakable you made the building out of. Make the player throw a grenade or other explosive through a window or something to destroy the breakable inside, which destroys the building.
madcow, the units are completely irrelevant.So, 100 is the standard for 10 - 14 year olds?
100 is meant to be average.
I hope its long like OP4 and not short like BlueShift was.I've heard that HL2: aftermatch only is a few extra maps,, but, I don't think so myself..