Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-06-08 07:54:33 UTC
in OOOOoolllllldddddd........ Post #31372
Well, The summer is comming up and I wont be here for most of the summer(like 2 and a half-months) But I'll be back in the winter(And ever once and a while in the summer) So if you do decide to delete people- don't delete me- please. I will be back.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-08 07:50:09 UTC
in MyModIdeaInTheMaking Post #31371
Well my mod idea is very cool, and is already in the process,

Well, what im doing is a continue from the original half-life game, If you remember correctly after beating the boss, you talk to the gman, which you are on the train, most of you decide to go into the portal and your hired--well, did you ever try not going into the portal... You end up in front of unfortunate hungry beast. Well I recreate parts from the game and put in a number of texts, you see it turns out that you did not accept the gmans offer, because you know right from wrong. So anyway your in front of a beast then with a trick of the camera you get bet up (it fades, and you here sound effects-[like in the original where as you get bet up by the human_grunts]) Then with another trick of the camera you see a monster_agrunt carrying you you pass out. When awaken your on a scientist table, This is where your play starts< you get up and in walks a scientist, only that the scientest is transformed with a headcrab on its head(I forget what they where called-sorry)
With out weapons you run, and run faster, untill you escape from the facility, and whereas you find an alien type weapon(Coding done) You soon get transported back to planet earth whereas you seek out your revenge on the gman.

So whats it sound like, I just about got the intro done, and it's looking sweet already-- The mod is going to be called

"Blind Justice"

So what do you guys think, I will need more ideas, so feel free to post ideas, or even your mod ideas.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-08 07:36:33 UTC
in Locked Door Post #31370
then if you want you could put two env_renders in to make the locked door dissapear, and the door that can be opened appear. So when you find the key you trigger the renders and a text. (Text stating you've found the key), then on the other side of the door make another trigger a text stating "you've used the key. The door will remain unlocked"
It makes the attributes of the game much more fun--plus no offence to the guy who wrote the tutorial, but the tut does'nt work--your missing a connected target field which screws it up and enables it to work.
I could figure it out but not any noobs... So ya azhra.. use this method for locked doors.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-08 07:30:21 UTC
in Something aint working! Post #31369
I find that the fade texture is very hard to work with, changing the angles, lining the edges up and everything--Maybe its cause i tried this with a cylinder, for a spotlight...
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-07 12:16:53 UTC
in Half-Life the movie? Post #31126
hahaha--hmmm, I think anyone of us would-we have the most experience with this character-don't yas think--lol (joking)
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-07 12:13:34 UTC
in can't get monsters to appear in-game Post #31125
How are you putting your models in(sounds like a monster generic)
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-07 11:50:20 UTC
in changing weapon models for a mod. Post #31118
Ok well this is rather easy--all you do is take your new models, and rename them...errr-here do this

take your weapon files,(usually consist of 3files per gun not including the ammo[clips])
Put the weapon files into the

valve/models folder.

Now... Open up a pak explorer(HLMV) and go to the weapons you wish to replace. Say you want to replace the
9mmAR with your new model...

Theres v_9mmAR.mdl
and two others,
open each model, then open your other models, now all you have to do is rename your new models to the correct, corresponding one. and thats
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-07 10:00:59 UTC
in Wav. files Post #31087
Yep I need a program to change mp3s to wav files. Does anybody have a link?
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-07 09:53:38 UTC
in Names Post #31086
No it's just that this forum kindoff got off topic, so I wasn't sure about giving my name- or continue with the gossip, and well... I don't like gossip--lol :cool:
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-07 09:45:54 UTC
in Half-Life the movie? Post #31082
Oh and then there was

Resident Evil,
and TombRaider(which was hot)

Anyway (Dont be a loser, don't double post like me.)
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-07 09:38:33 UTC
in Names Post #31080
Im Mike...  ???
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-07 09:37:03 UTC
in Half-Life the movie? Post #31078
Hey, are you guys forgetting about all the good movies like

-The Punisher

I know they where not based on the game but... common maybe
Half-Life will be just as good--I don't Know about you's but I think It would be great, if I may say...amazing, to see something i've played actually come to life... Does anybody agree?
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-07 09:24:10 UTC
in Multi-Managers Post #31074
Ok but if I was to target another multi, then... ya ok, ic... Nice thinking.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-07 07:33:33 UTC
in SprWiz Post #31044
ok, thanks for the help..
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-07 07:31:28 UTC
in Multi-Managers Post #31043
Ok heres the problem...

I am in the process of making an intro for my mod, Where as theres
a number of game message texts (drawn from the titles.txt), Now,
I have a multi-manager trigger all of these. Which in this case works fine-no problem. But now I want to add an ambient_generic, of the
gman_offer.wav. This starts to play in the level but as soom as the multi-manager triggers the next game text, it ends the wav.
This is a partial look of my multi-manager.

txt1 5
txt2 10
txt3 15
txt4... and so on- (I also watched the number of this to be triggered,
I kept it under sixteen.)
offer 5

Offer, is the wav file.

I think it has something to do with the ambient_gen.. itself, because when I fooled around with the pitch and stuff, it seemed to play all the way through, but the pitch went up and down(sounded pathetic) So I tried again this time the sound quality was good but it kept restarting everytime a txt was triggered...

Can somebody help me?
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-04 11:26:05 UTC
in SprWiz Post #30291
Ohh yeah, definetly. Im just a noob to coding.
Is that a big program? Is it complicated, You seem to
be the opposite of what I am--You seem to know to
much about
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-04 11:22:22 UTC
in Another Mod Question. Post #30290
Oh ya I completely forgot about Wally Thanks Cap.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-04 11:21:24 UTC
in Worldcraft over 3D Max Post #30289
Sorry Can't help you there, never tried 3D Studio Max,
But just think Worldcraft was made for half-life--
...Now take this into account---
What is 3D Studio Max for? Creating maps, yes.
Half-Life maps, sure.
But was it specifically designed to create HL Maps. Or just a 3D world??

Anyways... I really don't know what Im talking about- I never even try'd
3D Studio Max---Oh wait, Isn't
Studio Max an Expensive program, theres your motive, You can get Worldcraft/Hammer for free... Anyways... Later.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-04 10:55:27 UTC
in Another Mod Question. Post #30281
Ok--I guess your right---
How do you make a custom pack file?
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-04 10:54:09 UTC
in SprWiz Post #30280
What do you open the client.dll With--Its all encrypted if I was to open it in a normal texteditor like word pad.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-04 07:38:56 UTC
in SprWiz Post #30239
I believe It already has become,

I now know how to change RGB values to Hex, but I can't
find the Hex code for the hud in any of the files- I thought it
would be in the hud.txt but its not, so where the he11 is it?

Where is the file that needs to be coded?
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-04 07:33:35 UTC
in Another Mod Question. Post #30237
Ok I want to know if it is possible to pack all my mods game files into one file--In which they can not be unpacked, I want to do this so that people will not just take parts of my mod and use them for there own, such as texts, sentences, background pictures, and avi files--maps Im not to worried about.

It would kind of follow the same path as what you do to make a loading screen and console screen,(as in "Setting up a mod Part 3") But intead of making a cached.wad it would make another type of file that cannot be unpacked.

Anyways... Anybody?
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-03 07:25:36 UTC
in SprWiz Post #29966
Yep, I dont think I'd like to spnd all that extra time to code, just to change the color, but it just might happen--lol.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-02 13:13:15 UTC
in SprWiz Post #29832
here I found a really good site--check it out, It shows everything you need to know concerning HUDs
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-02 13:09:22 UTC
in SprWiz Post #29831
Right- Ok yep, thanks for all the help
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-02 11:41:35 UTC
in SprWiz Post #29824
Yes I think some of it is in the, which can be opened with paintbrush(dont think its for the hud though.)

Anyway Sprite Wizard Isn't what I thought, How am I supposed to edit the hud with it all it does is add frames anyways I gotto go, help please.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-02 11:39:11 UTC
in Bird's Eye View my map Post #29822
Yes, its alright- everyone has them days, yep and don't worry about it, I know what a skybox is--lol/
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-02 11:14:38 UTC
in Bird's Eye View my map Post #29818
I don't think He wants an overview, And seeing that he wants a bird eye view kinda says its an outdoor area, so why would you not want a skybox. Keep it simple zombie--lol.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-02 11:12:45 UTC
in seeing models and other stuff Post #29816
Ok maybe I'll re-check that out--hehe, lol sorry guys-- If Im wrong, Then I was REALLY Wrong, I'm Like 4000 Kb's off, lol, sorry guys.
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Posted 19 years ago2004-06-02 11:10:46 UTC
in SprWiz Post #29813
Well I downloaded Sprite wiz--But, It is not what I expected at all,
I still don't know how going about the process of changing the hud,
Or making a new hud, what size is it, is there animated frames--e.t.c.
plus the layout of the hud is very important, soo... I need help..
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 07:31:58 UTC
in Bird's Eye View my map Post #29800
Just make your skybox taller, load the map and toggle the noclip on, go up to one of the top corners and look down at your map then click printscreen, and there you have it... Is this what you mean? Or do you want an overview of your map?
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 07:27:52 UTC
in seeing models and other stuff Post #29799
Actually There Anywheres from 2, to 4 Mb. Maybe it is a virus---
lol eatmonkeychow..
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 12:24:28 UTC
in Refill bags Post #29697
can you extract the backpack.mdl in the valve folder and use it for a half-life map?
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 11:50:09 UTC
in seeing models and other stuff Post #29692
Oh I have a zip program, its just that Im using school computers and I can't put the fgd file on floppy(too large) so I thought if it was in text format, I could break it up in two parts. plus just about every damn site is blocked, including VERC.

oh and thats another thing, I NEED the internet, cause this really sucks
for compos, plus schools almost out, I have a cd burner at home on my laptop, Ill have to waste perfectly good cds for what... 200mb, ahwell.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 11:08:19 UTC
in Competition Suggestion Post #29689
Thats actually a really good Idea Im working on a swat truck right now.
I think it would be fun.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 11:07:06 UTC
in compo, im restless for a compo Post #29688
I will, definately.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 11:01:17 UTC
in seeing models and other stuff Post #29687
Fiestie, I'm not sure, oh and does anyone know where I can get the
new fgd file in text format, not a zip
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 10:57:03 UTC
in Mods Post #29686
Cool---But what do you mean, you can't just have people to send in there mods, with alot of maps and such, what are you planning on doing?
just have us to send in everything but the maps--would'nt that be kind of ridiculous? anyway, Im really interested, but maybe just aint cuttin' it--lol, hope there is one. Is talking scientist finished?

Will there actually be a compo corresponding game mods?
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Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 07:38:51 UTC
in Black & White Post #29638
Here try this-- Make an env_fade with the time it takes to fade out a very high number, Therefore it will fade to slow to notice it is actually fading, You would just get a blurred picture-and I take it thats what you are looking for, so yep give it a try.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 13:19:03 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #29505
Oh and seventh, I never thought of making them func_walls, thanks for the tip.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 13:17:40 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #29504
no, actually my maps are really good and very detailed, maybe its because I put in alot of loading points sort of like in the half-life game.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 13:07:34 UTC
in How do you... Post #29500
Ya I know I already have them unpacked-- But I will try the sprite wizard thanks.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 13:06:20 UTC
in Mods Post #29499
Ok its been a while since i read it, but im pretty sure its not there--I'll check though.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 07:44:37 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #29462
What kind of computers do you all got, 500 sec.s It takes me only 40secs tops for some of my biggest maps. anywyas..
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 07:42:19 UTC
in How do you... Post #29461
How dfo you Change the hud.spr (sprites) I got some custom models- One in which
I just replaced the revolver, but the new gun just doesn't look right when you select it from the hud--You think your getting a revolver when Insted you pull out a blowback.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 07:35:42 UTC
in door question... Post #29460
never knew that, i was use to the method Rileymo described, I'll have to try it out at home.
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 07:32:48 UTC
in Mods Post #29459
Hello people,
Anyways, I made a knew mod with intro videos and new text and everything--but, it just does'nt look right when the loading of a map comes up. How do I change the Half-Life loading Screen?
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 07:29:51 UTC
in Model support .FGD Post #29029
Can I have a link to where I can find this new .fgd file...
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 07:28:06 UTC
in Another question ( a real one) Post #29028
I've had this problem- and I don't have a clue how I fixed it, sorry,
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Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 07:22:38 UTC
in Cameras Post #28875
smart... ok thanks.
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