I started on a map, but I don't think I'll be able to finish it. I never was much of a mapper, I just know a lot about entities. I just dont have the imagination to create good looking architecture
But we'll see
Unfortunately that's part of the engine limitations not being able to make awesome shadows. However I have an idea that might work. Not sure, gonna test it first and then get back to you in this thread
Projected textures! They are availble in the new orangebox games, so you'll need ep2 to pull it off.
The entity is called env_projectedtexture and does what the projector does in CS_office, but it also casts dynamic shadows of everything in the way.
The default texture is the flashlight texture, and it does the job quite well. If you want to change the texture you will have to do it via input
Worth a try
Oh and remember that you need to enable the entity to cast shadows in the entity properties
Edit2: Notice that the projected texture entity will mess up your flashlight since source only allows one shadowcasting lihgtsource.
So if your projector is shining on an object, and you use your flashlight on that same object, then weird shit appears on the screen.