Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-13 15:09:55 UTC
in Midi, Magnificent Midi Post #163060
Ah I had this problem with FFVII, I installed the FFVII PC patch and it changed some of the core XP system files, ever sicne the music sounded so much better. Perhaps the patch did somthing like what you want?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-13 15:08:12 UTC
in What TWHL stands for Post #163059
This monkey Whacks off Having just Lubed up.

insert 7ths avatar here.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-13 15:04:44 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #163057
Try the HIT forums or the CStrike Forums for modelers / skinners.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-13 11:16:33 UTC
in Why do people get jealous of good maps? Post #162987
... Dude, the filter button is there for a reason.

You do bring up one point though. I FUCKING HATE BOTS. WHY do people add them? There so easy to kill! Sometimes you'll join a server, and all 8 of the slots that are full other than yours are bots. These peolpe just leave bots to play on their server! WTF! Having 1 bot per side is barley acceptable in my book. If a server is filled with bots its not worth playing, bots are just fodder for the better players. Its funny when you see noobs talking in a server and there saying "Omg these new bots are really hard!" I laugh my ass off. Bots are the most annoying thing in CSS IMO allong with the auto noobs and the AWM. Infact I think I might send a mail to the Steam Center and ask if they can put a "number of bots on server" list in the server directory. I get really hacked off when I spend time looking for a good server only to find 3 servers in a row with purley bots playing. [/rant]

Anyway... use the filter button J.C
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-13 08:20:10 UTC
in Why do people get jealous of good maps? Post #162964
CS and HL are just games. The objective of these games is to have fun.

If some players find some extremely simple and visually lacking maps fun to play, then more power to them.

If someone finds drinking horse urine fun, so be it. Let them do it, as long as they don't hurt anyone else.

True, I don't like these "n00b" maps, but that's just me. If someone else finds them to be a great source of entertainment, what's wrong with that?
Couldnt of put it better myself.

J.C I WASNT reffering to your english. I was pointing out that you had only been in the community for 1 year and only been playing CS for 3.

Noob maps dont LEAD CS, the Authentic CS maps lead it. When a new CSS map gets released through Steam, every other server is playing it 24/7 for at least a week. Though I agree the "noob" maps spoil the whole game, isnt that kinda the point of playing them? And even if you removed all noob maps from CSS and erased them from existence, within a week somone else would have relesed a new one because thats what a lot of people want. As Satchmo said, if they want to play the noob maps, let them. Its not our right nor privilage to judge them for what they do with their time.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-12 19:06:38 UTC
in kid reacts badly to screamer Post #162920

Now that is funny ZL.

... And also rather disturbing seeing as that would be like child abuse...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-12 16:08:07 UTC
in cs_office_css - WIP Post #162894
Why are you doing this? Making it in HL1 I mean, it will never be as good as the source version, the engine just beefs it. Sorry.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-12 14:33:53 UTC
in Why do people get jealous of good maps? Post #162873
Again J.C this is all your opinion. Yes I agree, CS is to stop "quakers" who just mindlessly kill in level and no I dont support Kill Boxes. None the less a lot of people downloaded this map, its good to play non quake games like CSS but somtimes you need a break, levels like this are a perfect way to "blow steam" if you have been playing serious CSS clan matches for 3 hours in a row a little "lol killbox" is appreciated. There is no one perfect form of gaming, you have to vary your experiance to really 'enjoy' yourself.

Or at least, I do. I cant play clan matches all the time I play CSS, some times I join a server on CSS purley to try and run around knifing people or to try and make them waste all their ammo shooting at me as I run around. It rarely ever works but its a good break from buying an M4 / Sig commando and pwning them.
Not it isn't : I am studying this community for one year now (playing CS for three ones), and I exactly know what I am talking about.
  • I rest my case. And no I am not talking about your spelling or grammer.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-12 14:21:11 UTC
in kid reacts badly to screamer Post #162869
Hmm, I found that more mean than funny really.

It was funny, but then when he started crying it kinda wasn't.. unsure - :
My thoughts are the same. When he freaked it was funny, but when he was crying and his dad (presumably) was filming him and laughing it wasnt funny. Still, I dare say I might try somthing similar with my kids if I have any. I have a smile on my face at the moment, but I still feel sorry for the kid.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-12 11:41:22 UTC
in Why do people get jealous of good maps? Post #162834
Maybe so, thats your opinion. But calling names will only fuel the fire.

As I said earlier, if you think somones comments are unfounded, ignore them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-12 11:18:42 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #162827
Whoa big improvement on this:

Looks good, keep it going. I wouls suggest not making the room quite so high and the machinery quite so big, Hydo-Damn's tend to have many small turbines rather than a few big ones. Of course its completly up to you. Personally I think a few big turbines looks better than many small ones. Ever though of lowering the roof and then letting the top of the turbine's fit into a large indent in the ceiling? Perhaps with some walkways to make an interesting sniper point.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-12 11:06:23 UTC
in Why do people get jealous of good maps? Post #162822
Fuck the CS community, they are all retards...

But I think the very first problem with CS is all those irresponsible admins : web admins who accept any maps on their database, just to grow up their stats and make "look at my site, it got the most maps!", and game server admins, who upload hundreds of maps, just to act like "look at my server, it got the most maps, lot of fun here!!". Fuck'en all come on...
J.C; I am in the CS community, are you calling me a retard? Seems to me to be a very generalised and un informed statement. A lot of the sensible CS players dont post or simply avoid those types of forums all together because they are, granted, full of "noobs" or "tards" or in experianced players who just want to shout their opinion and dont care what anyone else thinks.

Whats more, of course admins are going to add maps to their vault. If I were running the site I would add every map that came knocking, even if it was a kill box with no point or nice mapping, SOMONE will want to play that type of map so you have to account for every taste (or try to at least). Notice in the second map ZL posted, 5 stars and 4500 downloads, its a kill box, yes. But clearly a lot of people WANTED to play that map. If we were to rate that map (or at least I were to) I would be rather criteque about the size, detail, longjevity (sp?) of the game play. But clearly, a lot of people DID like the map, even if it wasnt all pretty and flashing.

Captain P: My opinion nearly exactly.

Why are the rest of you arguing? Flaming each other for no reason. Seems stupid to me and on any other day I would simply close this thread and leave it to be locked. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, if they are young and foolish and possibly angry they of course they are going to say stuff like "omg this map suxz0rs, u suxz0rs, go die wit u map noob!". You cant complain because people are saying stuff like this, even if its barley ledgable for all you know it might well be their honest opinion. As CP said, you take the good (Well constructed, pointful and objective) critisism, bask in the compliments, and ignore the rest.

People are always going to be called each other names and getting at each other by assaulting their work or saying "its shit" and rating it. I remember the first map I ever posted in the vault, some guy voted 0 stars 50 times for no reason. What did I do? Did I go up in arms and start flaming (exactly what they are looking for)? No. I deleted the entry, and re submitted it. If he / she had done it again, I would of just left it.

If I were a Mod or admin I might give some of you a slap on the wrist for flaming each other needlessly, or on the other hand I could leave this as it is (unless it got into even bigger flaming) and then just lock the topic. "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and they all stink". That saying is for the larger part very true, there will always be somone who doesnt like you or your style or the way you map and will tell you that, be it constructivly or just by insulting you. Live with it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-11 19:05:08 UTC
in Caption Contest Post #162733
Now now kids, lets not turn this friendly game into an argument.

"If you can read this your going the wrong way!"

"The friendly police force of China welcome you!"
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-11 14:41:35 UTC
in Tales Of War Post #162713
Being in a helicopter dog fight in Opperation Flashpoint, running out of ammo in your light attack chopper and bailing out, as you paracute down feeling safe as you are far too small a target to be cut down with the chain gun or rockets, then watching is horror as your best friend (and enemy at the time) chops you into peices by flying at you rotors first in his Hind.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-11 14:37:49 UTC
in Caption Contest Post #162712
"Tresspassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again. Have a nice day."

"There are 3 snipers with sights on you at this very moment, exacution will commence in 3.. 2.. sign obscured by blood stain Thankyou, come again."
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-11 12:06:19 UTC
in Tales Of War Post #162689
Carrying all the turrets you collect all the way though Nova Prospekt to the end part with the large teleporter, at which point you have 7-8 turrets or so. Setting them all up and then just sitting back and watching the combine getting owned, also when you rise up in the teleporter watching the elites try and storm in and just get hacked down without losing a single turret.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-11 12:03:30 UTC
in Caption Contest Post #162688
Sign up for the Combine Overwatch HERE!
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-11 09:39:20 UTC
in Something for Mac haters Post #162651
"I'm glad they put the handle at the top, becuase you can attach a chain to it and use it as a BOAT ANCHOR!"
LOL!!! That was fantastic.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-11 09:33:41 UTC
in Tales Of War Post #162649
Getting a Flashbang Kill on Dust in CSS. Yes it was awesome, I only whish I had taken a screeny, everyone was like "WTF!"
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-11 09:30:20 UTC
in Sub Zero Mod - Still Kickin' Post #162647
Ah looks good. I could re word that story to be the same and sounds better if you like :) But other than that it all looks brilliant.

PS You want mapping help with this mod?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-11 09:24:26 UTC
in Hit a wierd mapping problem, need help Post #162644
Nooooooo I hate this error. I would of hoped they would have gotten rid of it in source. Gah, anyway be more careful when creating and shaping brushes to avoid this.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 22:47:43 UTC
in The random swf thread. Post #162574
None of the links work for me D:
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 22:46:05 UTC
in Tales Of War Post #162573
Another one: Playing Planet Side with my outfit at the time. We had teamed up with 2 other outfits to take back the map called "Nexus" which was under controle of the Vanu (noob team). The idea was simple. As many fully loaded Galaxys (drop ships) as was required for us to all fit in, we would then all symultaniously jump from high altitude and all land on the centeral building of the 1 main base in the map (which was under enemy control).

When you bail from any vehicle in Planet Side, you get a sort of magic carpet of energy under you to slow your fall and take you straight down. 7 fully loaded galaxys (which took nearly 30 mins to organise) all flew over the base, I was in about the 5th one allong. We all bailed one ship at a time over the centeral building. So there was a constant stream of about 50 of us from the top of the map (400,000 meters) to the roof of this building, all in a big line in the sky.

Someone with a Command Rank of 4 or 5 had an orbital Strike charged, they targeted the centeral building. I was still in the air when it happened, a giant beam of blue light wiped out ALL of us, every last one. Our amazing mission plan shot to hell by one guy holding a laser pointer. The guy had somthing like 80,000 XP from the MASSIVE kill. I think of a party of 50-60 only 8 or so survived (they were in the last drop ship and missed the orb strike.

Jesus that was funny, but at the time we were all fuming.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 22:37:37 UTC
in Tales Of War Post #162572
Playing Operation Flashpoint online with a custom Black Ops map. I had never played online before and all these guys were pros, also if you died you didnt respawn in this map. As soon as the level started I saw the chinook parked opposite us (which was ment to be our transport to the main island to begin the mission) and I jumped into the pilot seat. Everyone else (all 9 of them) had to take the gunner seats and 'ride in the back' seats. We take off, I was pretty good at flying a chinook and was overly confident.

I even took pauses while flying to type "Look ma, no hands." into the team speak box. I got replies like "Oh dear god is Tycell flying?" "yes" "were fucked." I joked and laughed with these guys who were taking the level rather seriously comming out with comments like "Anyone want popcorn?" And "the in flight movie is" each time I stoped flying to type the chinook would start to veer off and nose dive or just loose altitude, all of them were screaming at me just to shut up and "fly the damn thing!".

Eventually we got to the first waypoint, it was a mountain like area and at the bottom was a large russian base full of gaurds, armour, jeeps, trucks all manned. We had to land ontop of the mountain undetected and sneak down into the base, plant charges and blow up as much of the base as possible (preferably the tanks first as we had no AT weapons at the start). Once most of the base was gone and the base (of course) was on high alert we had to kill the remaining enemy forces, get back into the chinook and get away before three Hinds came allong to re enforce the enemy base.

I dropped the altitude of the chinook fast so that we would land hard on the mountain trying to show off my piloting skills to the guys who were playing. The chinook hit the ground fine, but we were off to the side of the landing spot and the first waypoint, you can only get out of vehicles if they are stopped (or you can bail, but that 99% of the time results in death). So I jump out when were still a few feet from the ground (the second the option was availible) I run over to the waypoint and tag it with a satisfying little ping.

I turn around to the funniest fucking thing I have ever seen, becauase I jumped out of the chinook while it was still just above the ground it had strafed backwards, and because it was moving none of the guys could get out, it hit the floor (the engine turns off when the pilot bails) and started to roll on its wheels down the mountain. All of the other 8 guys in the chinook (one had jumped with me) could only sit back and watch from third person view as they all rolled, turned and then barrle rolled (wrecking the chinook and our only way out) all the way down the mountainside and into the enemy camp.

They rolled right over an enemy Shirka (AA tank) and into an Ammo Ural (ammo truck) which was parked next to a building, at which point the truck and the chinook with all 8 passengers exploded setting the base alarm off. Moments later me and the other guy who were stood at the top of the hill watching in pure histerics (well at least I was) as all this unfolded were insta killed by a shot from and enemy T80. Never have I seen somthing so fucking funny as that, the abuse I was getting as they were rolling down the hill was amazing, I was kicked from the server seconds after dying.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 22:19:19 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #162570
-if possible. an upgrade that minimizes your crawling sized so you can fit through smaller crawl spaces. Only if possible though.
Actually, you could do this with a cleaver setup of ents and a camera sequnce, seeing as how the camera is so buggy however it would be difficult.

All this sounds good, but wait, 50 maps! Whoaa, rim, start small mate. 50 maps is an insane ammount of work, try 10 or 20 and then make addons (Turnstile part 2) etc. 50 maps worth of work is far too long to wait for.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 22:10:26 UTC
in Sub Zero Mod - Still Kickin' Post #162569
Very nice use of ents, good brush work, good scale, good texturing, nice skybox. Looks brilliant. Update on the story and new features please? :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 10:25:56 UTC
in Looking for an old but good game. Post #162424
If your looking for somthiing that will last you;

Fallout 1 and 2. The two best games ever created in my (and a lot of other people's) humble opinion.

Play Fallout 1 first (If you can find it) otherwise you wont have a clue whats going on and you will miss an important peice of the story.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 10:22:34 UTC
in I dont know what I did... Post #162420
HAAHAHAHAH! When I first got hammer I went through and tried all the buttons, most of my Hammer knowledge is self taught :)

DYK: If you hold shift and press up and down you can make the camera pan up or down? My friend didnt know that until I showed him. There are all sorts of little nooks and crannies in Hammer waiting to be discovered.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-10 10:20:33 UTC
in happy 17th! (NOT work-friendly) Post #162419
Anyone else think that looks suspiciously like donut glazing? Mmm, donut glaze...

I think both of you have a point.

ZL: You have a point I would be much more incline to agree with, the 'taboo' of our world are very fucked up. You can HAVE sex at 16, but you cant watch other people having sex until your 18 (At least in this country). I mean WTF?

People think its a little funny when somone gets blown up in a movie and owned, but when some people watch it happen in real life (Reffering to the movie clip when a bunch of US soldiers call in an airstrike on an iraqi's house and wipe out the whole block) they laugh their ass off and come out with comments like "HAHA OWNED!" when some poor bastard and his family have just been blown up!

Strider, you also have a point. Yes, we are not used to it but I think that is because a lot of people in the western world (the majority) are sheep, ZL (and myself I feel) are thinking outside the box. What you are saying still stands but you could class it as "Oh no, that is breaking the rules, thats dirty and bad no one must watch it". You see what I mean? They say you have 'freedom of speech' in the US, but if you stand outside the white house and boo Bush (or the current president in office) you can expect to be arrested. If you do it with about 50 people, you can expect tear gas, riot squads and beatings even if you are all being peaceful.

The world has become very fucked up and we need thinkings (IMO) like ZL to put things into perspective and set things straight. If we keep going the way we are were going to all end up dead, hey its somthing that we cant avoid, but that doesnt mean we can say "Ah fuck it, I'm going to be long gone when it happens" like with global warming for example. I spose theres nothing that can be done, its human nature to destroy ourselfs.

Conclusion: ...Happy birthday?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 17:05:44 UTC
in Looking for an old but good game. Post #162306
Theme hospital, Theme park, Most of the C&C seriese...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 13:20:32 UTC
in UNB's Mod in the making. Post #162247
That looks awesome! Nice sprite work Rim, Unb: I can voice act and do radio SFX (I have 2 radios) if you want. I am told I am pretty good with VA in general, if you like send me some lines (accross radio too if needed) and I can give you an example.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 17:22:08 UTC
in UNB's Mod in the making. Post #162122
I like it. Its different, might work better, might not. Though I would suggest having them spread out over 1-5, be more like quake then, 1 number, one weapon. The sprites look good (Do I see a hint of CS / CSS?).

So common, more details. Story, new enemies? Estimated time of completion, help needed?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 13:27:16 UTC
in Your thoughts on Post #162095
Saco: Saving Private Ryan.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 13:25:55 UTC
in Skyline : Source Post #162094
I know... 4-5 coders. All code for HL1, non can code for HL2. And at the moment there are no "free" copies of the compiler program around.

And one of the coders I know started out as a mapper ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 10:28:16 UTC
in Skyline : Source Post #162069
Ahhh, Source coders are few and far between, mainly becuse Micro-Shaft are the only ones with a program atm (AFAIK) that can compile .net or somthing, I dont know I am not a coder but the bottom line is you have to pay to buy the program to code for source and it aint cheap.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 07:51:05 UTC
in wads! Post #162053
Or you could try yourself with:
Damn you beat me to it habboi.

Naoko: Once you have uploaded a file copy its name, taking care not to copy and extra space at the start, and then paste it onto the end of that address.

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 07:46:00 UTC
in Skyline : Source Post #162052

Can we expect the return of the itchy? :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-07 20:54:11 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #162014
Souds. Awesome.

I love the fact you come all the way back to where you started to escape, very HL1ish.

I like the sound of some of the events you have, if I may suggest another?

Ambush 3: A room with a group of allies in the middle, all around enemies and other dangers (map based) are threatening to kill them, you must protect the allies (scientists) until they can open the path onwards for you.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-07 12:06:20 UTC
in CSS Server Script Modding Post #161906
Does anyone know how to do this?

Basically what it does is allow you to change the rules of CSS without having to download anything (Other than possiby custom models).

So if anyone knows how to do this can they say here? Thanks.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-07 11:59:56 UTC
in Classical games that you wanna play. Post #161903
Damn it all this talk of Theme Hospital make me want to download it again...

infact opens Emule

Reminds me of Theme Park, that game was awesome, if you put two "one way" arrows going inward from the main entrace people could never leave and they ended up spending all their money and then when they ran out they just bummed round the park doing fuck all.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-07 08:19:06 UTC
in Skyline : Source Post #161857
Sounds good Urb.

I would suggest not setting a date for it though, that way you can include technology that isnt around yet.

I'm still waiting for 2009 to see if Black Mesa happens. ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-07 07:58:30 UTC
in Your thoughts on Post #161854 <-- I dont get it?

I'm guessing hes some american talk show host who just does not get angry.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-07 07:49:52 UTC
in Classical games that you wanna play. Post #161853
Fallout (1) - I played Fallout 2 and really loved it. I have no idea where to get part one from.
Ebay, you MUST buy this game, Fallout 1 and 2 and THE ultimate RPG's.

Games Tycell Still loves to play:

Warzone 2100: Awesome strategy where you can design and make your own units! I think there is somthing like 3000 unit combinations you can have... awesome game. CP: WHy cant you get it and run it? It works fine for me coughemulecough

Fallout 1 and 2: The ultimate post apocalyptic gaming experiance, still an amazing game even though its so old. I once tried to map "Vault 13" once, turned out well until I lost interest.

HomeWorld Cataclysm: The best in the homeworld serise IMO (yes, even better than HW2) this game is awesome, I know the story line off by heart and barley have to concentrate to complete it in Very Hard mode.

Advanced Wars (1 and 2): Highly addictive game for the GBA, give it a try its great fun, even if the final level of 1 is insanly hard!

Final Fantasy 7: The latest addition to my collection, just got into the shinra building and am going around for all the key cards (for those who know the story). I have never played this game before and am loving this.

Command and Conquer: I have all of them, though some dont run, I play the ones that do. Tiberian Sun 'roxorz my soxzors', I only wish they could make a version of that in the C&C General engine.

Games Tycell wants to play but cant because his computer is too cleaver for them:

Constructor: Awesome and funny game.

Command and Conquer 1: Did get it to run one time but as soon as any unit of yours entered the top 4 squares of the map it crashed (Made the NOD campaign impossible to start and the GDI one impossible to complete more than half way).

Command and Conquer Red Alert: The first one, great game unfortunatly the disk is so battered it wont install.

Erm... thats about it really. There are more but I cant think of any ATM.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-06 16:56:24 UTC
in happy 17th! (NOT work-friendly) Post #161750
And as requested..
LOL omg some of the crap people will buy, or is it fake >_>
Oh no! Only 1.669 trillion seconds to live! ?_? :P

Happy Bday.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-06 13:10:37 UTC
in Reissues Post #161702
Oh man, just when I get into Source mapping an awesome oppertunity like this comes allong! Grr.. I will have to give this some though.

More details for everyone:

Custom textures : yes
Custom sounds : yes
Must be compatible with spirit of HL.

Read more here:
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-05 18:50:06 UTC
in Mohammed caricature boycott Post #161640
Hey I am a carpenter! Well not a carpenter a Joiner (better than a carpenter).

So it is settled, we shall start a new TWHL religion worshiping Suns, Badgers and carpenters... what are you waiting for? On your knees my loyal subjects.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-05 18:48:07 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161639
J.C When somone hacks your computer they dont see your desktop, they just see the file directories. Same as if you look at somone elses computer on a LAN.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-05 18:44:14 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #161638
Just for a second there, I though that picture you posted, Rabid, was what you had mapped :P

Hmmm... pretty much everything I would say has been said, the skybox does need a little spicing up, perhaps some buildings?

Looking good, keep going.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-05 13:17:05 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161611
Guys, I can see what a lot of you are saying. But think about the cons, yea you have to have bad to have good, but some of the ways your trying to justify hackers it total rubbish.

Hacking some business website and defacing it, ok its not good and a crime and thus bad but at the same time the people who own the site can just reload the original (usually companies keep backups).

Hacking somones personal computer (Or the computer of an employee at a work station) and fucking it up is wrong. They can loose a lot of work, they can loose a lot of time and money, they can loose their job.

With people at home its usually just an annoyance, but it can be more serious. Hackers just dont think about what they could be doing by messing up somone system. For the hacker the other person is usually just a number, possibly a name. Anyone rmemeber that incodent in the papers where some technician got his computer hacked and somone threw a virus in. He was working for the hospital, three weeks later the guy has to say this to a family; "I'm sorry Mrs Smith but your son died because a virus on my computer corruped the life support equiptments programing and it didnt run properly."

Hackers just dont think of the damage they can do! SOMONE HAS DIED FROM HACKING FFS and its probably not the first or last person either. I hate hackers, crackers all forms of people who think its cool to play around with numbers to annoy somone. No hacker has a life IMO, you see them getting all jazzed up in films like Sword Fish and shit but its never that way. Some toss pot spends weeks and weeks locked in a room going through masses of numbers and letters until finally after weeks of working he releases his creation into the world, yet more 'space junk' to go around. How can any of you guys defend these morons? Fourth Gen I have nothing against you mate but if your a hacker then you just lost all respect in my eyes.

'Word out' to hackers: GET A LIFE.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-05 12:59:10 UTC
in Cool competition idea, High fps! Post #161610
Xyos212: I didnt mean any offence, and I am an Idiot for not knowing how old you are (Doubt that you are 18, if you are your extremly immature) and how much you have used Hammer? I can see your getting worked up because no one is liking your idea but no need to fly off the handle like that.

In other words: Lol STFU noob it was a shit idea.