Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 13:23:26 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #222722
Well they can rob you with a gun because, well, thanks to gun control there is now an increase in violent gun crime, which is exactly what was predicted. All gun control does is disarm everyone who owns a gun license and then arm criminals because a new black-market of illegal firearms opens up. Illegal arms? dealing is big money, and the Government knows this.

Just like the war on drugs, there are more drugs available. War on terror, there's more terror, war on illiteracy - there's an increase in illiteracy levels... I could go on.

The bottom line is - gun control does not work. It?s basically the Government?s plan to disarm the population and then impose martial law. Exactly what previous dictators like Hitler did. When Operation Endgame and REX-84 come into full throttle, no-one will be able to do anything when they split your family up and send you to the forced labour camps they now have set up everywhere.

Oh ? you don?t believe me? Just you wait ? it?s coming.


B.T.W. When you receive a bad credit rating, (RFID, electronic cash - or E-Money), your freedom to do anything will be suspended. This will be known as Red Rating. Under Red Rating, you will be sent to forced slave labour camps. Those with Green Rating will be able to move around and have freedom. People with Red Rating will be literally called terrorists.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 09:14:17 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #222717
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-18 10:35:45 UTC
in BBC Reporting WTC7's Collapse... Post #222539
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression Strong, credible allegations of high-level criminal activity can bring down a Government. When
the Government lacks an effective, fact-based defense, other techniques must be employed. The success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, compliant, controlled press and a mere token opposition party. This sums up, in totality, the press, the media and either of the political parties here in America.

1. Dummy up. If it's not reported, it's not news, it didn't

2. Wax indignant. This is also known as the "How dare you?" gambit.

3. Characterize the charges as "rumors" or, better yet, "wild rumors." If, in spite of the news blackout, the public is still able to learn about the suspicious facts, it can only be through "rumors." (If they tend to believe
the "rumors" it must be because they are simply "paranoid" or "hysterical.")

4. Knock down straw men. Deal only with the weakest aspects of the weakest charges. Even better, create your own straw men. Make up wild rumors (or plant false stories) and give them lead play when you appear to debunk all the charges, real and fanciful alike. Republicrat's are masters at this.

5. Call the skeptics names like "conspiracy theorist,"
"nutcase," "ranter," "kook," "crackpot," and, of course, "rumor monger." Be sure, too, to use
heavily loaded verbs and adjectives when characterizing their charges and defending the "more reasonable" government and its defenders. You must then
carefully avoid fair and open debate with any of the people you have thus maligned. For insurance, set up your own "skeptics" to shoot down. A classic tactic that has been used in America by both the Government and the press for a number of years now.

6. Impugn motives. Attempt to marginalize the critics by suggesting strongly that they are not really interested in the truth but are simply pursuing a partisan political agenda or are out to make money (compared to
over-compensated adherents to the government line who, presumably, are not).

7. Invoke authority. Here the controlled press and the sham opposition can be very useful.

8. Dismiss the charges as "old news."

9. Come half-clean. This is also known as "confession and avoidance" or "taking the limited hangout route." This way, you create the impression of candor and honesty while you admit only to relatively harmless,
less-than-criminal "mistakes." This stratagem often requires the embrace of a fall-back position quite different from the one originally taken. With
effective damage control, the fall-back position need only be peddled by stooge skeptics to carefully limited markets. In other words, spread "disinformation". Another classic tactic of the Government and ALL
agencies, especially the CIA, NSA, FBI, DOD and so fourth.

10. Characterize the crimes as impossibly complex and the truth as ultimately unknowable. (What?)

11. Reason backward, using the deductive method with a vengeance. With thoroughly rigorous deduction, troublesome evidence is irrelevant. E.g. We have a completely free press.

12. Require the skeptics to solve the crime completely.

13. Change the subject. This technique includes creating and/or publicizing distractions. Again, the Republicrat's are masters at this. Just look at how many times "Leaders" bombed and strafed innocent countries simply to distract attention away from the criminal diasters they had created for themselves.

14. Lightly report incriminating facts, and then make nothing of them. This is sometimes referred to as "bump and run" reporting.

15. Baldly and brazenly lie. A favorite way of doing this is to attribute the "facts" furnished the public to a plausible-sounding, but anonymous, source. A tactic practiced daily by the various Federal Agencies of

16. Expanding further on numbers 4 and 5, have your own stooges "expose" scandals and champion popular causes. Their job is to pre-empt real opponents and to play 99-yard football. A variation is to pay rich people
for the job who will pretend to spend their own money.

17. Flood the Internet and ALL levels of society and business with agents, precisely as Hitler did in Germany so many years ago. Supposdely, that number (of agents) has reached a minimum of 40,000 - probably a
very low (estimate). This is the answer to the question, "What could possibly motivate a person to spend hour upon hour on Internet news groups defending
the government and/or the press and harassing and REPORTING genuine critics?" Don't the authorities have defenders enough in all the newspapers, magazines, radio, and television? One would think refusing to
print critical letters and screening out serious callers or dumping them from radio talk shows, rarely printing the truth in any written document, would be control enough, but, obviously, it is not.

? The Global New Deal media, an insider's view ?
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Submitted by truthsupplier on Sun, 2004-09-12 09:54. login or register to post comments | email this forum | 0 points
Posts: 13
Joined: 2005-03-08
Without Justice, there is JUST_US
#12 is the creepiest one. I've read a lot of conspiracy theories. Most are nuts, but some of the facts are nonetheless eerie. I often wonder if they just refuse to publish any conspiracy theory not containing lizard people or satanic rituals (lizard people still seem more plausible to me than anything Ann Coulter says). But getting to the point, I also study sociology. And since C. Wright Mills, many of us have barked up the tree of the elitists that keep us all under control and we always keep saying that it's a structural thing, not a conspiracy. Rather than an illuminati or even a military industrial complex, we implicate subtle social forces that manipulate people in power to work together. Still, someone has to be feeding this process and knowing it. Reaganomics (which is supported by top-tier Democrats, otherwise known as new democrats) took away from the middle class and gave to the rich. Was this unintentional?

What I'm leading up to is this: Why do we waste all this time worrying whether it's a conspiracy or not? All the most troubling facts about conspiracy theories (other than lizard people) are true. The middle class is disappearing. Both parties, at their highest levels, are controlled by the interests and values of Wall Street. Meanwhile groups of civilians are becoming more and more polarized and the checks and balances are falling out of government. Apathy and consumerism are the biggest shared qualities of Americans and we are generally more concerned with others' lack of morality than our own morality. Does it matter if this is the root of a conspiracy theory or a structural problem? Either way we must work together to stop it or suffer the consequences.

But what do they always say? There is no conspiracy. Ok. But this answer does not dismiss the problem. That seems to be a big thing in politics these days. Use a powerful dismissal that kills the opponent's credibility, then ignore the rest of the problem. If part of it is false, the whole thing must be false. The public buys that logic, but there have to be some who see it is a fallacy.


One thing I might add is:
  • Divide any debate into either "Left" or "Right"
If you dare become a skeptic of the official story you are instantly described as being a "Leftwing Loony". On the other hand you might be named a "Rightwing Extremist" for supporting the 4th Ammendment.

Timothy McVeigh was hired to infiltrate the Patriot movement in America and associate their activities with that of the far right.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-18 06:28:01 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #222528
Cream - I'm So Glad
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-18 06:27:15 UTC
in BBC Reporting WTC7's Collapse... Post #222527
Half-Life 2?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 16:07:55 UTC
in BBC Reporting WTC7's Collapse... Post #222444
I dont believe in every conspiracy theory, I dont think many people do. Especially fringe theories such as 'space men attacked the trwin towers which were actually just holographic...blah blah blah' - these only ever ruin a good substantial case for more investigation.

I think when you see hatefilled neo-con pundits like Michelle Malkin, Bill O'Reilly, Hannity & Colmes etc calling for the arrest of anyone who criticises Government, then the level of suspicion increases.

FOX, b.t.w, is admittedly Pentagon funded.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 14:48:29 UTC
in BBC Reporting WTC7's Collapse... Post #222432
(...speaks as though he's heard of it...) :roll:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 08:28:01 UTC
in BBC Reporting WTC7's Collapse... Post #222401
as he actually does believe a superior space reptile race are in control of the power seats of the world.
Alex Jones does not believe in anything of the sort, a simple search or check of his material will show this. He often jokes about such theories on radio. I should know, I have been listening to the Alex Jones show for just over 5 years. The actual people you are refering to with beliefs similar to what you are saying are David Icke and Michael Tsarion.
Terrorists fly planes into tall buildings, buildings fall down, America starts a war.
The End.
Actually the orders to invade Iraq were on the Whitehouse desk prior to 9/11, (the year 2000 to be precise). You see, an invasion doesn't get planned in one week or so, it takes years of tactical preperation (you are talking about peoples lives here!)

If you read Project For A New American Century's document entitled Rebuilding Americas Defences 2000 - page 50, you will see that Saddam w as not considred a threat, he had nothing to do with al CIA-da, I mean al-Qaeda, and that they needed some type of 'new Pearl Harbor' to justify military intervention in the middle east.

Supporting the troops with bumper stickers does not mean you support the troops in reality guys, you are supporting a fake war for Haliburton.

The End.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:34:11 UTC
in BBC Reporting WTC7's Collapse... Post #222260
No time difference, no hoax, I can tell you.

This is genuine, footage. On BBC's Nick Robinson's blog, they even admit it was genuine but say that nothing was... wrong, no of course not BBC...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 15:13:00 UTC
in BBC Reporting WTC7's Collapse... Post #222252
...Before it even happens!
Recently discovered footage of early reporting of the collapse of WTC Building 7 by the BBC, as well as CNN and BBC24-- while WTC7 was still standing in the background of the shot (a.k.a. Solomon Bros. Building-- a 47-story skyscraper within the WTC complex) seems to indicate direct scripting of Mainstream Media.
Go check it out here

Note: I bet most of you will say how I'm lying and that the BBC never reported this and that everything's fine and nothing suspicious took place..blah blah blah, the usual...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 10:00:28 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #222207
[url=]NP: "Road to Freedom" Podcast Show 11
  • Sueann Campbell and Eleanor report on target anecdotes[/url]
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 06:41:59 UTC
in Upgrading myself. Post #222194
Oh my, is Jahzel our resident conspiracy theorist?
Always have been, always will :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 04:55:21 UTC
in Upgrading myself. Post #222183
Everything's monitored through the NSA's ECHELON supercomputer system. Many years ago they denied this. After September 11th they announced it as if it was something new - just like Homeland Security (which we now know to have been set up prior to 9/11).

If everything is compatable with Linux, why not?

I think it's a good idea - anything's better than Microsoft.

...And eugh, Vista blows
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-14 11:38:03 UTC
in Bloody Steam Post #221944
Look, this is really frustrating.

I own a copy of HL2 that I cannot play because the CD Key is registered to my old Jahzel account - an account in which I lost it's details due to everything being wiped off my computer a while ago. I did know this information - years ago - it got lost, lots of things get lost in my room.

So it's an annoying problem indeed. I tried entering the CD code in with the newer Jzel account and it says I'm entering a duplicate code for another account. I try setting up a new account and it tells me the same.

And yet, I remember being able to play the game on two seperate accounts without such problems.

I'm so sick of Steam, I'm sick of it's stupid sett ups, rules and regulations, format everything. Bottom line: These bastards have ruined HL, they ruined everything. I hate their stupid guts, I dont care how great you guys think they are - they fucked everything up for me - I can no longer play my onw stupid game on my new laptop I specifically bought with my own damn money to be able to play.

I can no longer be arsed with this whole thing anymore

They can have their stupid fucking expensive HL2 game back, I no longer want it. There's no point in me having it - I dont have alot of money to spend on new copies of already existing games. So I wont, it's a simple as that. I missed out on the HL2 experience - and so that's me finished with it.

I'm seriously just gonna throw the game in the bin. End of.
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-14 09:57:51 UTC
in The Mesa Times - A HL1 Comic Post #221932
Those are really good, pretty funny - keep em going Daub!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-14 09:54:34 UTC
in Bloody Steam Post #221929
..Which is why Steam blows
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-14 07:26:27 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #221919
Coast to Coast with George Noory, - Consciousness and Remote Viewing

Alex Jones KLBJ Sunday Show (13th May)

Classic Coast to Coast with George Noory- William J. Baldwin - 'Evil Exists'

...Man I love the Coast to Coast radio show :biggrin:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-14 07:23:28 UTC
in Bloody Steam Post #221918
I wish someone invented a rival alternative to Steam - something stable and cough better
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-13 18:13:51 UTC
in Bloody Steam Post #221891
Bollocks to steam man, it's a piece of shit :quizzical:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-13 16:45:05 UTC
in Bloody Steam Post #221873
I love Steam.
...What, it's big tits?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 14:06:47 UTC
in Bloody Steam Post #221737
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 11:54:45 UTC
in Bloody Steam Post #221731
I know I know, but it was a long time ago and , you know how it is...

Bah, I can be arsed with it all anyway, Half-life 2 or no Half-life 2, life carries on
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 11:04:15 UTC
in Bloody Steam Post #221725
I just sent an angry response to Steam, who are now saying that I cannot play my copy of HL2 as I entered in the same CD code registered in my previous account.
To whom it may concern,

First of all, Steam, the code I entered in my "ree_ko" account IS from my retail HL2 Box. It's MY game - it belongs to ME, nobody else. I had to register a new account with Steam again as I lost my previous log in details. So basically, you are preventing me from playing my own game which costs a lot of money - this is bloody unbelievable. My game which is sitting here in it's case might as well just be a piece of expensive junk.

Either allow me to play my own game or refund the money so I can buy a new copy and type in the new code. Failing that, I'll send you the bloody game so you can see with your own eyes that it belongs to me. It's as simple as that. I'm sick of this nonsense. Steam has ruined a lot of games on the market. All it has done is add beurocracy to entertainment - and that's not very fun, is it?

Thanks a bunch,

Ree Ko
Does this sound rude or anything? All I want is to be able to play bloody half-life 2!

God, I hate you steam! You rotten scumbags!
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-11 09:26:46 UTC
in NS2 - New Concept Art Post #221652
Gotten too commercial for ya, huh?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-11 08:30:03 UTC
in NS2 - New Concept Art Post #221646 the Feng Zhu fans :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-18 09:24:27 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #219414
No, banning firearms will open up a new undeground black market where guns are easily sold to those with intent to cause harm - all without licence and regulation.

I'm afraid gun crime will never end - and being disarmed wont put these crazies off.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-18 08:26:35 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #219409
A lot of people here in the UK don't understand the US Constitution and its Amendments; they seem to think that banning firearms helps stop the bad guys... Well you're wrong idiots. Since Guns have been banned here in the UK violent gun crime has gone up ten fold. I've actually been unfortunate to see a gang member get his head blown off right outside my front door - did gun control prevent this? - No.

Violent criminals and gang members will ALWAYS have access to firearms no matter how restricted their availability is. In fact, gun control actually helps violent criminals because it allows an entirely new underground black-market for sale of illegal firearms. (...And now 'illegal knives', according to the Government.) The same can be said for the so-called War on Drugs, and War on Terrorism etc.

How on earth can we, the law abiding citizens, protect ourselves if dangerous individuals pose a threat to our safety and the safety of others if we are unarmed yet the attackers are armed? How can we expect the police to turn up on time before all horror breaks lose? It's ridiculous. At Virginia Tech, the police were hardly going out of their way to take the gunman down - they were busy hiding behind trees while college students took it upon themselves to jump out windows.
As we know now, a brave Professor did actually take immediate action to subdue the gunman and protect everyone, but sadly his life was taken away.

There are indeed other recommended measures and precautions that may have helped subdue the killer, such as clouding the building with Fire Extinguisher dust so that the killer loses sight of persons around the area. 50 years ago, a crazed gunman like this would have been dealt with almost immediately by brave-enough individuals. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case as everyone is taught to back off, thus putting everyone's life in danger.
I've taken SSRI's myself (took Zoloft for 4-5 months) and they made me feel suicidal, dissociated (unable to percieve pain, or not feel attached to it), and violent, so think what someone with less control experiencing these feelings could be capable of? SSRI's (especially Paxil) are horrid things and don't deserve to be on the market.
I was given a similar (if not the same) medication myself, and found it to worsen my state. You are absolutely right about the dissociation, I found myself to drift along oblivious to my surroundings and other people, almost in a zombie like state. And yes, all the research now links these dreadful things with suicide. Doctors prescribe youngsters with these things like they are sweets these days, simply because of the obvious hormonal difficulties one faces at a young age. And surprise surprise, the killer may have took such forms of medication - the same M.O. over and over again.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-17 12:44:00 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #219360
Gun Control = More Gun Violence
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-17 07:15:36 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #219335
The issue is not gun control, the issue is Prozac.

Stop handing out prozac to teenagers and you'll prevent incidents like this happening.

Prozac was subscribed to the Collumbine killers. Psychotropic drugs should not be trusted - if a doctor recommends them please SAY NO. If you know anyone using them, inform them of the risks.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-16 15:13:25 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #219240
Twilight Circus Dub Sound System (The Dub Project) - Impact
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 09:47:21 UTC
in author picture Post #219017
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-13 11:12:06 UTC
in Website with abandoned games. Post #218907
Desert Strike, is that the one where you had to rescue those people with the ladder on the chopper?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 06:29:08 UTC
in 14 year old to be tried as terrorist Post #218685
Terrorism is threatening populations with fake al-CIA-duh videos saying we are all about to be attacked unless we do as the government tells us.

Terrorism is blowing up civilians in Middle Eastern countries with cluster bombs, depleted uranium, and biological warfare and so on - on the guise of "fighting extremism".

Terrorism is arms dealing to rising dictatorships and then using it as an excuse for military intervention, just like the invasion of Iraq - the so-called "Operation Iraqi Freedom".
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 08:00:11 UTC
in DRM free downloads on iTunes Post #218073
Yeah, but I bet the mp3's are all chart/pop bollocks
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 07:58:37 UTC
in 14 year old to be tried as terrorist Post #218072
I can imagine the idiot police in black ski masks grappling the kid down on the pavement, tasering him and shouting...

And if you said, "Hey officers, leave the kid alone!" They'll shout;

"Hey, thangs have changed since 9/11 b'ooy! Whuts the matta? You aint with al Qaeda now are ya?"

This is the new Amerika. Land of the FEMA Camps, Home of the Slaves.

Hey Rabid, a little bird tells me you watched Terrorstorm, am I correct?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-04 08:13:57 UTC
in Freeware music creation software Post #217960
torrent = fl studio 7
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-01 08:53:02 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #217647
Peanut Butter Wolf - Tale of 5 Cities
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-30 08:58:36 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #217521
The reason behind this thread? A cry for help. You see, everyone want's to prove their worth by posting random songs of an eccectic nature. Some folks arent even listening to the songs they're posting!
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-30 08:04:12 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #217517
A good day for ...?
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-30 08:03:10 UTC
in Could be old but still awesome. Post #217516
That bot is way more intelligent than the people who live round by me...
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-30 07:55:53 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #217513
Baby Huey and The Babysitters - Listen To Me
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-20 10:05:01 UTC
in TWHL Mix 2? Post #216477
...And I am stuck with the horrors of ordinary life/madness. I really want to get on the case with this, but I'm worried I'll be far too busy over the next few months.

Yep, one way ticket to shitsville folks.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-17 08:32:35 UTC
in Half-life quiz (perhaps hard...) Post #216135
The questions are benal, thus they seem rather difficult [/professor talk]
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-16 08:11:32 UTC
in Lamarr Post #216028
...Luke :roll:
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-15 13:35:06 UTC
in Lamarr Post #215906
Will baby Lamarr recieve the Hunter award for excellence? :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-15 13:33:05 UTC
in Hilary Clinton, and her Fake Accents Post #215905
Only single-celled organisms feel that way about Hilary :quizzical:
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-15 10:39:32 UTC
in Hilary Clinton, and her Fake Accents Post #215879
Guys, check out one of Hilary's accents, fake southern one:

(Stupid bitch)

When she's in NY, she'll put on a fake Brooklyn accent, the same goes with Obama.

It just goes to show what a complete puppet show the 2008 election is and will be.

Any American here needs to support Congressman Ron Paul
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-12 15:57:47 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #215638
Ficto grabs hold of the weedy-looking emo kid in and the bar and throws him out the window. Ficto never minds the bollocks. Ficto can be applied to almost anything in the universe and still not sound like a cheap pack of Greek duty-free cigarettes. Ficto doesn?t even dictate on what pair of shoes needs to be worn to be an anarchist.
Extract from 'The Rise of Fictopunk'
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-12 12:19:40 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #215610
Shin Dig - There is no Tomorrow (Live at the Edinburgh Sledge Festival 1999)
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-11 16:01:09 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #215544
The Fishtraps - Signals (No Vocals)

From the album "Dinner Party Punk" (1997)
User posted image
Soundtrack to the movie "QUANE" (1997) by Robert Frisk

Original Lyrics:






  • end -[/i]