Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2009-04-02 03:37:47 UTC
in The tricky room Post #264905
I'd go for B) because it can't be momentary + activated by a momentary_rot_button as a train. However, I have used those textures elsewhere in the map and that would look odd. I'd hate to replace them, but I suspect that's what I'll have to do...
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-02 03:33:09 UTC
in Females on this interwebs? That's unhear Post #264902
Weeelll... I know of one that should:

User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-02 03:21:40 UTC
in New 2 Your Site Post #264900
I had to create my own because the backend considers it too old (>3 months) and won't let me post to it. It also says to create my own thread...

I suppose Teknique has the same reasons.
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-02 03:16:00 UTC
in The tricky room Post #264899
Mapping question:

If I have a moving brush entity, which has to be built inside a world brush so that when activated it moves into place, it will look dark because no light gets to it. How do I light it? A solution for other cases would be to revert the start/activated positions, but... this is a momentary_door, and it can't be built the other way around because it's set to auto return. Any ideas?
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-02 00:48:21 UTC
in New 2 Your Site Post #264878
Hi, welcome! I'm new too. Depending on what you map for, maybe I'll help with those questions too...
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-02 00:46:08 UTC
in New member reporting in Post #264877
It took me several posts to realise that by MuzzleFlash you were talking about The Mighty Atom. Part of the fun of not remembering all the names, I guess...
i thought he was female.
Everyone knows there are no female HL geeks!
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-31 00:41:00 UTC
in Extraordinary Rendition Post #264789
Sounds like it could be great. Just imagining Matrix-like agents, SWAT teams, private security and other random folks chasing you up and down a huge building, each with different tactics and strategies, sounds action-packed. Make good puzzles, and well thought maps, and well, it can be an enjoyable experience. If only I could map for Source...
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-31 00:36:42 UTC
in New member reporting in Post #264788
Wait a minute... there never was any cake!
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 19:49:09 UTC
in New member reporting in Post #264756
Hi Darkie. I think I remember seeing your avatar around here... :P

Hi hlife_hotdog, thanks for the advice! I guess I'll post a map or two when I have them finished.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-26 16:06:04 UTC
in New member reporting in Post #264636
Oops only now I realise what he was talking about. Sorry World Crafter!
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-26 13:42:53 UTC
in Interesting thing I saw Post #264632
What about hiding my P4 and popping out my Cyrix M-II? :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-26 13:41:46 UTC
in New member reporting in Post #264631
How would you feel if one day someone registered as WorldCrafter? It is different after all!

I know "DiscoStu" != "Disco Stu", but it may look the same in a quick glance. Admins would tag me as a doppelganger or something and ban my ass from there.

And satchmo, how do you parse the three words?
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-26 13:01:20 UTC
in Interesting thing I saw Post #264628
Now that would be interesting... anyone knows someone that owns a very powerful server? :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-25 18:18:23 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #264574
fold, I feel there is something odd with the steering wheel...
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-25 18:11:48 UTC
in New member reporting in Post #264573
@JeffMod: Maybe you guys can make me a nice new multiplayer map for my birthday? hehe jk. Who knows, maybe I can come up with good stuff to share.
And thanks for the link, sounds interesting so I'll take a look.

@WorldCrafter: what?? There are other DiscoStus?! AAAAAAHHHHH!
I'm not, so I guess that means I can't keep my username if I go there :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-25 14:32:11 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #264557
Is this still open? Might be fun to try something to submit!
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-25 14:23:42 UTC
in The tricky room Post #264555
Let me put it this way. Button 1 fires event A, and button 2 fires event B. At the press of any of them, their targets are switched: Button 1 now fires event B and button 2 fires event A. Until any of them is pressed again.

And now that I think of it, maybe it wouldn't be much harder to have more buttons cycling between their targets (may be fun to try eh?). But it won't be for this part.

And sure, I'll upload it if you want to playtest it. Of course, I'd have to make sure the rest of the map is worth playing...
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-25 14:12:12 UTC
in Model compiling problem Post #264554
Nice! Add the hole and you're done hehe.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-25 14:09:23 UTC
in New member reporting in Post #264553
Yay, glad to know there are other HL1 fans out there!
a german eh?
Sort of. It's my name. But I like to mislead people with it :lol:
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-25 02:27:16 UTC
in New member reporting in Post #264535
Really! I haven't come across this site until now. Not that I looked much actually, but I did search a lot for entities and sample maps back then. I got all reference from the Valve Collective ERC but it seems to be gone.

Is it bad that I still like the 10 year old HL1? And that I still want to map for it?

It all started with MapEdit for Wolfenstein...
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-25 01:00:27 UTC
in The tricky room Post #264534
I had this idea I'd like to share. I'm a bit of a beginner, and after reading about I figure this must be pretty straightforward to you. But I'm proud of my little achievement and I'd like to tell someone hehe.

I started to make a HL multiplayer map in Hammer. It's intended to be a tricky map, where not everything is what it seems to be. Don't be afraid, though, I'm not that experienced in mapping :P .

My favourite part is this room, of which there are two ways to leave: either walking or dying and then respawning ;) . Anyway, it's a rather boring cubic room with two doors and two buttons. One of them opens the doors so you can leave, the other one makes the floor open and you fall into a pit of radio slugde.

I did this a long time ago in a test map, but I quickly realised that in a multiplayer environment, by the second time you wound up in there you would know which button not to press... which gets kinda boring after the first surprise. So here I was, making a new map, when I thought of putting this room, but with a twist: the buttons would reverse their roles each time pressed. Therefore, you'd never really know which button to press, with either there is a 50% chance of leaving or dying - depending of how many others were there before. After unsuccessfully trying plain old trigger_changetargets, I realised what I needed was a combination of 4 multi_managers and 4 trigger_changetargets, effectively making a two-state machine. I suppose it could be done to cycle between many more states, but the amount of logical entities would grow exponentially.

It took me a full day to envision the complete setup, but in retrospect it wasn't really all that complicated. But I wanted to vent my frustrations and tell someone about this, someone who could understand what I was talking about (my other HL-playing friend don't know shizzle about mapping so I'd just get blank stares back).

If you haven't fallen asleep already, I thank you for taking a minute to read my little rant. Maybe I can post the finished map soon, if anyone happens to show interest. It's just a small map for a couple of n00bs on a home LAN :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-25 00:14:34 UTC
in New member reporting in Post #264530
Hello everyone, new member here. I'm German, 21, and I'm one of those "mappers now and then" there are here and there :P . I started mapping for HL/CS many many years ago, but never got around to do anything worth even looking at. A couple of years later I tried to do mapping again and then a couple of years after that I did try again. And here it is 2009 and I'm on to try HL mapping yet again. A couple of days ago a friend came home and we played HL deathmatch on LAN. And thus the idea of making a custom map came to my mind again. And here I am, after looking for interesting resources, ideas, and the inner workings of some maps I wound up here. A lot of interesting mapping stuff crammed together in one place. Maybe a good place to share ideas and ask for advice on some things... it'll be interesting to see other HL geeks here ;)

PS. I'd rather not create a new thread for introducing myself but I was unable to post at the Hello thread (perhaps a mod can move this post?)