Just found this "time killing" game. Its a desktop game in wich you construct physics "traps" by placing all kinds of toys such ass footballs, bricks, balloons, toycars, little balls, wedges, magnets, hammers, and what not. The most cool part of this game are the physics. Make a tower of bricks, then remove the bottom one, and the tower will collapse. There possibilites are limitless. You can make stuff and still able to browse sites.
Have a look the official site and get yourself a free (yes, this game is freeware!) and start playing with it. You can save your creations and upload them to the official site, or your own site for everyone to download and play with.
Souptoys!Here a screenshot of my first yet simple creation:
http://www.themightyatom.nl/screenshots/souptoys.jpgWhat will happend if i remove the wall thingy that is blocking the toy car? Right, the car will ride down the track, and crash into the brick tower.
Now, make your own creations and share them with all your fellow TWHL friends!