Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-07-04 04:21:28 UTC
in Timer Post #38637
I've searched for something on timers and found nothing that helps. Everything seems to be based on triggers, not on time. What I'm looking to do is trigger an ambient_generic and I'd like it to play every 40 seconds. I have an env_beam that fires every 40 seconds and lasts for 5. The .wav file lasts for 5 seconds, so, if I can trigger the .wav to start every 40 or 45 seconds, depending on how it is counted out, it'll all line up. Is there a way to do this without setting up a lot of multimanagers, buttons, a trigger_counter, and a trigger_multiple?
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-02 03:22:32 UTC
in Rotate Brushes Post #38173
Captain P, can you set that rotating modifier to something other than 30 degrees? I prefer 45 degree angles, but use the Transform function for that.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-02 03:19:15 UTC
in My steam isn't working Post #38172
I hope you're having better luck at the steam forums.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-01 19:47:08 UTC
in My steam isn't working Post #38128

Delete the clientregistry.blob file. "Exit and Log Out". Log back in. This fixes about half the steam problems.

Also, directly under the STEAM folder, is an errorlog folder. This could be helpful when you're posting at the STEAM forums.

STEAM had several updates over the last week, and you're installer may install an out-of-date version that won't currently work. Get everything "brand new".
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-01 19:36:30 UTC
in please help Post #38123
Seventh-Monkey, I apologize for being so abrupt in my post last week... you were right.
Posted 19 years ago2004-06-28 01:06:22 UTC
in brush outside world (liar) Post #37066
When I do it, I start it before I go to work, so it's ready when I get home, but the kids just KILL me because they have no computer during that time.
Posted 19 years ago2004-06-27 15:54:14 UTC
in stripper2 plugin Post #36946
In a compiled map... it's a server admin's tool. Not a mapper's.
Posted 19 years ago2004-06-27 15:49:50 UTC
in stripper2 plugin Post #36942
Don't forget you need the metamod.dll for this to work.
Posted 19 years ago2004-06-27 15:47:07 UTC
in stripper2 plugin Post #36941
Posted 19 years ago2004-06-27 15:43:31 UTC
in brush outside world (liar) Post #36937
Whoa... tons of good answers. I have that Dewann tutorial in .pdf format already and it is definitely the best one. The first "this" is the second best for hint brushes. And that was a big "doh" when you pointed out about useless hint brushes if there's not a full compile.

I do a full compile without vis or rad fairly regularly, to see if entities function correctly, etc., but use that cordon tool for texture and lighting checks. I'm running 512mb ram and 1100mhz processor, so it takes twice as long as it does Seventh Monkey.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 13:23:36 UTC
in brush outside world (liar) Post #36633
I got it to run. I didn't realize that when you cordon something, it creates a 600 wide wall... not 64. I also didn't realize that if something was cordoned, you could export that cordoned area to .map. I thought the whole thing went. In .map, I could see that one cordon wall was not created and adding an additional closing piece made it work. And it only took a week! Just to see if the trolley worked, which it didn't.

Thanks! I'd still like answers for those questions above and I do read here on a semi regular basis...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 12:50:50 UTC
in Killtargeting a tripmine - laser stays. Post #36631
Isn't the beam an trigger of it's own? Try killing it as well...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 12:47:18 UTC
in brush outside world (liar) Post #36630
it compiled okay. I played it.
Hmm.... I didn't try compiling the entire map. On my computer, that's best left for the end. The "cordon" tool is the best thing for me. I've read that the cordon tool creates a 64x64x64 box around the area you want to look at, and I've even taken pains to move the entire map away from the edge (it used to be 190 pts. away, which I thought was far enough). So... I'm thinking that there is a brush, which is skewed, but not enough to kill a full-blown compilation, but somehow crosses the area I want to check... does this sound right?

Some questions about the lighting I've never known the answers to are: "Can there be too much texture lighting?" I'd like to use it everywhere I can. "How do indoor maps come to have very even lighting?" I cannot seem to get this part (not for this map). "Does light-environment have anything to do with a map if there's no "sky" texture?"

And since you've got the map in your computer, any guidance as far as the hint brushes are concerned? It's my first time using them. At one point last month, I had a wpoly of 5500 in one spot. It's fixed now, but it's still way up there. That was without vis or rad. Does vis reduce r-speeds alot? In other words, if nothing were to change, and a person had a wpoly count of 4000 (nice round number), approximately what amount of reduction would vis create? 10%? 40%?

I appreciate the help! I really do. Most times the tutorials don't answer specific questions that come up and it's frustrating when someone's answer to a question is "Read the tutorial". Ever try to get an answer from the adminmod people? It's their answer for everything! And, again, I'm sorry for being such a whiner-baby earlier.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 05:16:06 UTC
in brush outside world (liar) Post #36490
Sorry for the annonymous again... for some reason, it keeps logging me off. Maybe when I clicked the "this" link, and came back, I needed to log in again. Regardless, that above is me.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 05:14:20 UTC
in brush outside world (liar) Post #36489
I have read that, everything on this site, HandyVandal's, VERC. Even the little pough-dunk sites with one or two "tutorials". I usually go to DocRock for answers, but he's into a different game now, and he doesn't come around much anymore. I'm trying to find a new place I can obtain guidance. I guess a bit more history (or timeline) is in order.

Pretty much, nothing is set in the map as you see it. This is my ninth map that's heading toward completion. The first four didn't compile at all, "Fyve" sucked, and I'd gotten alot better, so I canned them. The others pretty much follow what I've read about a mapper's progression. They are poor quality, but a start nonetheless.

This is my first non-box, non-night attempt and I want it to be good. Not just work, but work well. But I'm trying to work my way along, trying to give each room at least three ways out, etc. The textures I'm using are just kinda guidelines right now to tell me what area I'm in. Sometimes I run it to check on different lighting works as texture lighting, but none of that is even started. The lights are just there to help me see what I've done in a non-full-bright way.

I went back and read that "this" for a third time. That is what it looks like. Sorry to sound so abrupt in the beginning of this, but I'm not here to have the answers handed to me. I'm the rare one who searches the forums and tutorials for answers before I ask... I've read that several times in the past and very recently. But it doesn't answer my question at all...are you trying to tell me that I need to make the non-standard textures emit light to evenly light areas? Or are you asking for my altered lights.rad file so when you compile it, it'll look like I intend? I didn't include it, and I probably should have.

I am very tired. I sound bitchy, whiny, and like I need some midol. I'm not like this normally and I don't mean to offend you. I appreciate ANY help in ANY aspect of mapping I can get. I just don't see what the lights have to do with brushes (that don't exist) outside the world.

I will be gone until Sunday evening, so don't think I've gone away! Especially after all I just typed at you....
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 04:14:11 UTC
in brush outside world (liar) Post #36482
It's been uploaded.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 02:08:58 UTC
in brush outside world (liar) Post #36463
I have the same error, and when I check through the "go to..." command, it tells me the brush does not exist. I tried the above mentioned .map technique with no luck. I had used the cordon function to isolate the area I wanted to test and the .map file was only that part of my map. What is weird to me, is that in that map, in the camera view, I couldn't see all of it. As I traveled toward the map itself, I was all-of-a-sudden in my room, like I'd traveled through a soft wall.

Like I said, there were no objects showing any skewed geometry in the .map file, and in my .rmf file, there is no wall or brush at that location. Is this the error? I will try to get the .rmf and the .map file up where it can be gotten. Thanks.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 01:15:01 UTC
in How did you find TWHL? Post #35552
A link DocRock's site.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 08:55:42 UTC
in Ripping maps (not rip-offs) Post #35392
I don't think so, but check for yourself.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 20:47:29 UTC
in Ripping maps (not rip-offs) Post #35309
Metamod coder botman made a .dll for metamod that's called Stripper (now it's stripper2). You can add or subract any entity in the game. It comes with a tutorial that's pretty self-explanatory, with examples. is the website of the download. Camper'sWelcome is a server that uses it extensively to add enough ammo, longjump, health, and armor to make smaller multiplayer maps playable by many people. And HURT LOCKER (maybe Loon's Lair, don't remember exactly) has assassins and other monsters spawning (seemingly randomly) during the multiplayer game. By the way, it was designed for multiplayer. And be sure to use Stripper2 and not Stripper.