Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-03-24 21:09:43 UTC
in Themes of Rim Post #170743
Make more maps with layouts like Natural Victory for CS. The gameplay on that map was Tony-Tiger grrrrrrreat.

Personally I didn't like the Sancefar theme very much. It just didn't seem... Rimrookish enough, if you catch me.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-24 21:06:19 UTC
in halo mappack Post #170742
If you are going to make a Halo map make sure it doesn't suck like the one from Sven :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-23 19:09:02 UTC
in The EPITOME of evil: Cheerios Post #170547
Free Cherrios.....?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-23 19:07:04 UTC
in Themes of Rim Post #170544
A little self-glorifying if you ask me.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-23 09:41:11 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #170405
Its a keyblade? Will there be Disney characters?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-23 09:37:13 UTC
in [WIP][HL1] Xen Assault Post #170404
Are we going to have to play this on WON?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 22:24:33 UTC
in The EPITOME of evil: Cheerios Post #170347
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 21:25:36 UTC
in Psyco test Post #170339
Youd take arrows over a gun?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 09:45:17 UTC
in I just... (II) Post #170180
...Got of my computer to get ready for school.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 09:44:40 UTC
in gpf & grf Post #170179
He said the google search came up woth a lot, not none.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-21 20:32:51 UTC
in Which Pulp Fiction character are you? Post #170125
I'm the character that didn't take the crappy online test.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-21 20:32:25 UTC
in Jane Lloyd Post #170124
I'll buffer your face!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 23:19:39 UTC
in Jane Lloyd Post #169619
If you aren't a stubborn jerk(*cough*tycell) then it will make you think about life. Pointless? hardly.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 21:39:59 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #169608
I just tuned into this, those screenshots look amazing!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 21:35:31 UTC
in I just... (II) Post #169607
...ate a chocolate-chip cookie.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 00:59:39 UTC
in I just... (II) Post #169430
Not as much as picking up gumballs, agh, so annoying.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-18 23:02:19 UTC
in halflife2.wad Post #169422
Its not THE wad to rule them all. Converting Source textures is easy, it just extremely tedious. Kudos to you though Rimrook, you obviously have WAY too much time on your hands.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-18 22:57:20 UTC
in halflife2.wad Post #169420
What exactly is it? Just a wad file with Half Life 2 textures in it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-18 22:56:39 UTC
in I just... (II) Post #169419
How big is your lawn?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-18 21:57:24 UTC
in I just... (II) Post #169408
...posted this message at TWHL.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-18 21:55:36 UTC
in halflife2.wad Post #169406
How much is it zipped? FPSbanana allows up to 19 megs max per submission.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 18:16:22 UTC
in Firefox vs Opera vs IE va whatever else Post #169162
Its fascinating that you decided to close my thread even though this one sprung up after it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 21:15:39 UTC
in Mapping vs Modelling *ding* FIGHT! Post #168846
But with a model of terrain you need to be able to build world brushes around it so you don't go through it(keep in mind I'm sticking to the HL1 method of mapping here).

No, mapping can be for any 3d game not just FPS. People can map for RTS or RPGs too.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 21:14:39 UTC
in Everything vs Everyone vs Everywhere vs Post #168845
People tend to copy my poll ideas and such, or so it seems. I started a comparison thread a while ago "Old TWHL vs New TWHL" other people did some random crap vs threads right afterwards. Now I've posted the "Mapping vs Modelling" thread and for some reason epople seem to feel the need to start crap like "bacon vs sausage".
Edit; I just realized that Jobabob posted his Half Life vs Source thread before mine, however my thread was not influenced by his. just wanted to have that cleared up.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 19:06:19 UTC
in Old Games that Scared You Post #168819
Let me tell you guys about this mod called Fraid of Monsters...
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 18:53:46 UTC
in Firefox vs Opera vs IE va whatever else Post #168816
Has anyone ever heard of some browseer called Firebird?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 18:46:30 UTC
in Mapping vs Modelling *ding* FIGHT! Post #168813
More points for modellers:
-Modellers are usually ex mappers
-The modelling community has Schmung(a brilliant modeller who is also a brilliant mapper and did several maps for TS)
-Customizing your game with custom models is a lot more fun than customizing your game with a custom map(honestly, would you rather go download a new map or a new model?)
-It is much easier to find a reskin for a model than a new wad for a map.

More points for mappers:
-Mappers are, indeed, usually the people who start mods(or at least more so than the modeller for the mod).
-Mapping, it seems, is a more social approch to the game(if poeple just got a model and went to a new map they usually talk about the map and leave the model alone).
-No modelling community can touch TWHL.

Notable persons:
-Schmung: Modeller, mapper
-3d_mike: Amazing mapper, texture maker, small time modeller with map props
-Stoke: A man of all seasons; Modeller, skinner, animator and amazing at all 3
-Rimrook: Mapper, texture maker
-Kasperg: Mapper
-Worldcraft Dude: The man...... what?
-Twinkie Masta: Modeller and skinner for Source
-Splinter: Best skinner around
-Jennifer!!: Famous animator
-Hav0c: fast-becoming famous animator
-Nipper: Hall-of-fame cs mapper noted for his 200+ (and sill going) maps
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 09:41:19 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168639
Go download the Mechmod alpha and make a map for that, nobody plays the mod but its a cool looking one.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 09:35:36 UTC
in Mapping vs Modelling *ding* FIGHT! Post #168636
Another point for mapping:
-90% of the time a modeller will just recreate a real life ting, mappers create from their imagination.

I had two really good points for modelling last night but I woke up and forgot them, crap. Oh well, untill I remember what those two points are:
-Modelling has people like Stoke who just blow everything else out of the water(not to put down Kasperg or anything like that).
I actually think it would allow interesting developments if mappers adopted a habit of asking texture-artists more
Rimrook get your butt over here and make a post.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 23:39:44 UTC
in Mapping vs Modelling *ding* FIGHT! Post #168555
People don't build a map, give it to someone else to texture it, and give it to someone else to put entities ni is what I was saying. Modellers usually make a modeller, have someone else skin it, and have another person animate it or use some animations that are already there
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 22:51:57 UTC
in Mapping vs Modelling *ding* FIGHT! Post #168546
Reasons why mapping is better than modelling:
-Mapping is usually done by all by yourself(as opposed to one person modelling, one person UVing, one person skinning, one person animating, etc)
-A good map can last forevr, a good model can get old and be replaced
-Mapping communities aren't filled with realism whores who strive on correctly mirrored guns.
-Mappers tend to work much longer on a project than a modeller, thus bearing a generally better result
-Modellers only build worldly things. Mappers build the world itself.
-The majority of models are weapon hacks. 99.9% of maps are all from scratch.
-Mapping comunities don't have stupid nicknames for their members such as Darkeh(Darkstorn, a very well known modeller for his ak47 model)
-You can spend more time runing around testing an MP map by yourself than running around testing a custom model.
-There are no real specialities in mapping, unlike modelling which has animators, skinners, etc.
-There are no noob map requests like there are model requests.

Reasons why modelling is better than mapping:
-Modellers are far more recognized than mappers.
-There are far more modelling communities than mapping ones.
-If you build a model you are almost certain that someone will download and use it.
-Models can be used anywhere for anyone. Maps have to be used by everyone at once.
-Modelling has virtually no limits(provided that you have a good enough computr to keep up. Just keep adding bodies and 512x512 textures and you can do anything).
-You can usually request a model and get it, you cannot request a map.
-You can play with a custom model for longer than a custom map without getting tired of it(in most cases).

Just thought I'd put these out there, if anyone feels like adding anything go ahead and post it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 19:12:07 UTC
in picture classics Post #168501
He's got hax, duh!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 22:53:59 UTC
in Steam Survey Post #168347
I took this survey for the first time a few days ago. I fell right in with the majority of the other results. Nothing special, oh well.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 22:52:13 UTC
in Old Games that Scared You Post #168346
The last level of Spear of Destiny freaked me out a little bit when I was a wee lad. The Statue level in Goldeneye 64 was pretty weird too.
For some reason I am thinking about that old game "Bio Menace" right now, a Duke Nukem-esque style sidescroller game that freakin' rocked. Though I'm sure if I went back and played it now I would probably find it cheesy and boring. Too bad, back to Half Life.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-14 22:46:14 UTC
in Source vs Halflife 1 Post #168345
THIS is why I don't like to map for Source people.
Welcome back... you ARE jobabob arent you :o
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-12 23:16:17 UTC
in Some of my renders Post #167992
haha nice :D .
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-12 19:23:32 UTC
in Some of my renders Post #167987
Pretty cool, nice work.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 11:22:17 UTC
in picture classics Post #167713
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 11:20:20 UTC
in The horror begins... Post #167711
Yep, textures are from Afraid of Monsters. They are the best set of horror texture's ever. I didn't rip the textures, they were included with the game and therfore are fair game. Don't worry about it I still have some othre textures in there too if you've played AOM to death.
Edit: The bed is propoortion of the bed is fine, it just a big bed. My sister's bed is taller than that one, its about 4 feet tall(no joke).
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 05:33:17 UTC
in The horror begins... Post #167633
I have the hostages so spread apart for a reason. It promotes exploration of the map. Sorry, I'm keeping them where they were last time. Hopefully you'll have mercy on my pathetic soul :P . How often do you win a cs_ map by rescuing the hostages anyway, eh eh eh? I've actually played the original cs_poltergeist a lot on my own server and it played surprisingly well. Needless to say(not to gloat or anything) the players loved it.

I'll get a screenshot of a new room(an office with papers/boxes/otehr crap everywhere in the basement) tomorrow. I need to sleep now.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 01:36:29 UTC
in The horror begins... Post #167614
Nope. Its a freakishly distorted picture of Mona Lisa. She has no eyes, she is bleeding and her face is stretched out.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 22:29:26 UTC
in The horror begins... Post #167604
Retextured, reworked, rehorrified.

New sounds, new textures, new areas, new traps.
Cs_poltergeist2 is coming...
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Expect a release sometime tomorrow. This is a small side project from cs_office_css.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 19:19:34 UTC
in Blast From The Past Post #167561
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 18:13:26 UTC
in Blast From The Past Post #167536
I just realized that I was 14 or 13 when I joined. Wow, I was a little kid.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 11:56:44 UTC
in Blast From The Past Post #167425
I must have missed the entire war against Jimmi because I never saw any threads about it or anything.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 11:39:59 UTC
in Blast From The Past Post #167421
I also remember the time when TWHL was still relatively small, and all the members that have since moved on.
Good times....
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 22:22:40 UTC
in Deep thoughts..... Post #167340
If green was purple and blue was yellow what kind of ice cream does Bill want to eat?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 18:36:32 UTC
in Deep thoughts..... Post #167322
I believe in God creating all things though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 18:30:47 UTC
in The Weird, the Wonderful & the doorknob Post #167318
Gordon Freeman!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 18:26:05 UTC
in Deep thoughts..... Post #167311
If we evolved from apes then apes today might be un-evolved primates that are catching up to humans much later.