only for people who know adobe photoshop 7 thingie's so i make a texture and then you put it on the wall, but it doesnt repeat itself:/ cause it has such a ugly line when the texture repeats itself, how can i make it repeat right?
you mean sky?? use terragen ot mkae hte sky and if you want to maky em appear rihgt in a level, use skypu skylf skyrg sky dn ore so, chek your env folder in hl to find out wiht what names to save really messed up, really, there is not better comedy then duthc comedy, whe have youp van het hek, najib amhali, and some ohter great ones like harrie jekkers from the straatnaambordjes blues
yay chek this AMD Athlon XP 2400 333mhz 512mb ram pc333 40gigb hdd western digital 7200rpm asus a7v8x-x motherboard gforce fx-5200 128mb agp cd= 52speed dell cdrw=24x10x40 plexwriter, plextor
lol no steinin is was just doing some experimenting srry il chnge my av back nad...any one could rip my avs off i dont really bother. srry again steinin