Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 18:42:25 UTC
in Movies Post #131347
Batman begins was my most recent movie, but that was maybe 2 or 3 months ago. It was pretty good, voice acting could have been better but I still liked it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 18:40:25 UTC
in Whats your favourite mod of all time? Post #131344
My top 5 mods/HL originals(HL and HL2). They tend to change from time to time(I'll play one, get hooked, and lose interest with the others for a while).
1. Counter Strike (1.6)
2. The Specialists
3. Half Life 2
4. Natural Selection
5. Opposing Force
hl2 doesn't have any cool mods yet..
Enter.....drum roll.... Garry's Mod!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 18:31:30 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #131343
I had always been big on customization. I guess what REALLY started it all was making my own Wolfenstein 3D maps with Wolf Edit. I'll tell the story, however, form the standpoint of my Half Life career. Half Life(CS really) for me started about 5 years ago:
I started with CS, not knowing about Half Life untill a few weeks after when my brother bought it. Thus I found out that Half Life was the original and CS was this mysterious thing called a "mod", which apparently was a changed version of the original game. With this new knowledge of "mods" I decided I wanted to make my own! yeah! it would be the coolest game, it was going to be called "Meat". It would have been a deathmatch game where you run around as cows and pigs and chickens picking up weapons like sausage launchers and Slim Jim whips, etc. Yeah! best fuckin' game ever! Well I didn't know how to make a mod. So I googled "make your own mod for Half Life". I found the link for Worldcraft and installed it. But at first glance it only let you make maps. I needed code, modelling programs, the works. So I thought the mapping program, Worldcraft, to be useless. However I got bored one day and decided to open it up and try to make something, just for the hell of it. My first attempt failed miserably, I had no idea what I was doing. My textures paths were all wrong, my compile paths were screwed and I had holes all over the map, which at the time though didn't make a difference. Through the course of what I'm not at liberty to say I came to want to map something more and more until I was driven to map icegalaxy, an unfinished HLDM map and the predecesor to de_icegalaxy. I fixed my paths and compiled the map. It worked! Except for the gaping hole where the sky should be. But how was I supposed to know how to make a sky? I was an infant in the mapping world and didn't know to cover the sky with the "sky" texture. And even browsing through the textures I wouldn't have found it, being as small as it is. I was determined! I googled "sky for Worldcraft", "Sky for Half Life", and such. I found a few other sites that didn't really help, some that weren't even related to half Life. Eventually I found TWHL, saw their tutorials(yes, when I was a we-little noob, I actually did look at the tutorials) and saw that they were helpful. I bookmarked the page and began my never ending quest that is now my mapping career.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:27:54 UTC
in CS vs. HL Mapping Post #131076
SP mapping can be played for a long time, it just depends on how long of an SP map you make.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:26:16 UTC
in TWHL worldwide Post #131075
Wasn't there a thread about this a while ago already?
I don't know if there was a thrwad for where your from, I know I made a thread asking your first language, which is probably what you are thinking.
I'm from the good ol' 'Nited States of 'Merica.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-29 19:37:12 UTC
in Grand Theft Mapping! Post #130791
I've got a friend who could possibly crack the admin's forum account(not kidding). Are we willing to go to that extent or what?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 23:14:20 UTC
in Obesity Post #130377
Jeremy is so small and cute. Lets pick him up and put him in our pockets!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 19:50:07 UTC
in Obesity Post #130352
Go chug down some lard barrels, that'll fix you right up :D
My metabolism is rediculous. I eat a lot, but I dont gain weight. But its also cool because I dont lose weight either, its the perfect balance!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 19:48:17 UTC
in Obesity Post #130350
There is no such thing as big boned...
Except for in my pants...
That has to be one of the wost jokes i have ever heard..... :|
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 19:43:24 UTC
in Grand Theft Mapping! Post #130349
Suermario you really made the original surf_egypt? Ha! Hilariously ironic.

Anyway, here's their forum. Anyone who wants to bash it, spam, post things you shouldnt post(use your head), go right ahead, they deserve it. I just figured out they don't ban IPs, only usernames, so if you get banned re-register. You will need a new email each time though. My advice, use yahoo and make like 10 different emails, each with a slight change in the name. Example: deathman, deathman1, deathman2 etc. Then reregister with the new email each time.

Posting the same topic over and over again can be done by refreshing the page forwards you back to the forum after making a post(the "thank you for posting you are now being redirected back, if you do not wish to wait click here" page). there is a 10 second delay between posts.
Id highly recommend using if you don't speak german because these guys only speak german. Dont worry about breaks in the sentences or anything they are understandable enough after being translated, just translate full messages at a time and post.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 18:39:25 UTC
in Grand Theft Mapping! Post #130331
mmmmm i dont know man, I tried decompiling cs_assault and it worked fine, but trying to decompile the ripped version that I run on my server just crashed WinBSP
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 18:18:01 UTC
in Grand Theft Mapping! Post #130327
is the clan name The Hitmen by any chance?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 17:16:47 UTC
in Grand Theft Mapping! Post #130298
Id be happy to "rage" their server for you if you know what I mean :badass:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 16:51:17 UTC
in Grand Theft Mapping! Post #130290
Rip your map after you compile it, add a few useless entities like triggers that trigger nothing. Doing so limits the possibility of decompilation. (Decompiling ripped maps usually breaks WINBSP)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 16:49:07 UTC
in Obesity Post #130288
Im about 6 feet I think, the last time I checked I was around 5' 8" but that was yeard ago.
Im a skinny bastard.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 16:26:31 UTC
in Obesity Post #130280
Im fat! I weigh a beastly 128 pounds!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 12:45:55 UTC
in CS vs. HL Mapping Post #130230
Blahhhh is pretty good, despite its weird nature.
cs_WildWest, cs_duke2k, de_evergreen, the list goes on.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 03:27:55 UTC
in Bash my work in progress! Post #130156
Don't be hatin', be appreciatin' :heart:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 01:58:34 UTC
in Bash my work in progress! Post #130143
Please dont tell to map this for Source. Save everyone the trouble of me going on a never ending speech about how much I hate Source mapping.
PS: Forgot about the boffee table, thats a prefab too but everything else is mine I swear.
Cars? I will if I can spare the r_speeds in the end.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 21:44:58 UTC
in Bash my work in progress! Post #130120
The only prefabs I've used are one trashcan and those three chairs, the rest is all me.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 19:27:42 UTC
in The real thing Post #130097
Dude there is so much crap you can say about the USA, but none of use preppy Americans care. Because we live in the most powerful country in the world! Bitchaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzz!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 19:25:08 UTC
in Bash my work in progress! Post #130096
I plan on porting it to HLDM after I'm done. Of course we all know what happens after I say I'm going to port a map to something...
What games do you play m0p? You don't seem to like CS, HL2, TS, or any other game for that matter.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 17:06:08 UTC
in Teleportals! Post #130041
One atom? there's nothing to split there, the matter isnt being taken appart, it just slides through, of course you can teleport one atom. When its 2 or more you'd have to trip the particle appart.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 17:04:21 UTC
in W0oT! Post #130040
Hello Worldcraft dude! This is your 1968th login
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 16:57:57 UTC
in The real thing Post #130037
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-26 16:55:53 UTC
in Bash my work in progress! Post #130036
Another City map, don't you ever do something new?
I do, its just that cities are the majority. I've released two non city maps onthe AMX website for CS Deathmatch, one map that I submitted but deleted a while ago (cf_icegalaxy, not the de), and some CS gravity gun deathmatch maps (another AMX gameplay mod) which were not released at the amx website. There's also the maps I have here but everyone already knows about those. Actually.... de_full_ciy was my last city map, that was a while ago.

I appreciate the the suggestions, I'll definatly work on the walkway.
there are a few dumpsters but they are behind buildings in small spots not worth capturing in a photo, which basically goes for the crates too, but yeah I do need some placeholders.
One last thing: yes, it is a matrix hud, feel free to pillage and rape! :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 21:01:10 UTC
in Bash my work in progress! Post #129812

cs_winter_city2, take a look and give me ideas. I want a 5 star map!
PS: the r_speeds thus far have maxed out at 900, booya.
Critisize! Give me suggestions! I want you to freakin' tell me how to improve it!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 20:56:11 UTC
in The real thing Post #129810
Im lucky I dont have a face, therefore I cannot die.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 20:53:39 UTC
in The real thing Post #129808
Guns dont kill people, massive holes in their face do.
Its their own fault for having their face in the way.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 20:23:19 UTC
in prefabs Post #129803
If they are plain white in Hammer that means they are untextured.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:46:30 UTC
in The real thing Post #129781
My uncle is just some guy who collects large weapons.
I actually plan to collect an extensive amoutn of guns myself when I get the chance to. You know, I'm all about the violence.
Leave it to Hunter to see the watch above everything else :P
Ok this is insane. Me, Elon, and Luke have been posting for the past like 20 minutes, its ONLY been us three and its ONLY been in these three threads. Someone, back me up here, I feel like a spammer.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:41:31 UTC
in 10k posts Post #129775
It was awful :D THE MADNESS!
Holy crap I've posted like 16 times in the past 10 minutes, I need a break!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:39:57 UTC
in The real thing Post #129773
To own an automatic weapon you need some special permit as far as I know. If not, sign me up for a Styer Aug as soon as I hit 18!
Does your dad work for the police or something?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:38:50 UTC
in The real thing Post #129769
I don't know, looks pretty far away to me actually. Lets ask him!
Hey goat! how was the recoil on your face!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:37:15 UTC
in prefabs Post #129767
Open up the prefab factory, import a map file, done. ABC, 123, just you and me. Lets get it on.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:34:57 UTC
in CS vs. HL Mapping Post #129765
FPS = First Person Shooter, duhhh!
^Best online show ever, I swear.
Please don
t use that face, it looks too much like a guy having an orgasim....
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:31:46 UTC
in The real thing Post #129763
How else would you place your head? You can't exactly hold the gun sideways.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:30:52 UTC
in 10k posts Post #129762
No, I used to post a lot, a LOT. Or at least I think I did... hmm... well I know I posted a hell of a lot more than I do now. I really only tune in now whilst I have a maping project going. Which i reall'y don't like because i'd rather it be I want to go here even when I'm not mapping(which i am aiming for again, I just love you all so much!).
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:28:16 UTC
in CS vs. HL Mapping Post #129760
CS is a strategic environment, so not only it is limited with gameplay objectives
CS? Strategic? Maybe back in the day but now its mostly run and shoot.
Play hostile Intent if you want a stretgic game, thats about as realistic as it gets in the world of FPS.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:26:20 UTC
in The real thing Post #129759
The m4 is fake. I call bs on it all the way.
Either that or it is
A) An airsoft gun
B) A shell ejecting replica
C) Semi Automatic(which i would still cal bs on because that would mean its real, just semi automatic. And I don't believe you own a real one, shazam!)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:24:10 UTC
in 10k posts Post #129757
6531?!!! Good god man what are you on?
I only have 1914. Of course I'm not exactly as active as I used to be but still.
How do you get 12 posts a day?!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:22:19 UTC
in Im back Post #129755
I remember this guy, welcome back.
Fix your typing :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:06:38 UTC
in 10k posts Post #129748
Woohoo rave! :
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-24 20:11:04 UTC
in CS vs. HL Mapping Post #129550
Natural selection maping confuses me, is there an entity than specifies the game type or what?(ns vs co)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-24 17:48:19 UTC
in CS vs. HL Mapping Post #129534
And then theres the city maps...
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-24 16:35:24 UTC
in CS vs. HL Mapping Post #129524
This is really all a matter of opinion. I mean seriously, the cs fans are obviously going to like cs mapping more.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-24 16:33:52 UTC
in CS vs. HL Mapping Post #129522
Id say CS mapping and HLDM mapping are equally as fun. But since I play more CS, I tend to map more for CS.
HL single player....mmm..... not so much my thing, I like it when you can get what people think right then and there whilst they frag on.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-24 13:08:45 UTC
in Strange Beam Problem Post #129452
The light might be brighter than the beam ultimatly overpowering the beam, but I've never seen or heard of anything such as a light overpowering a sprite.
Set the beam's brightness to be brighter than the light or tone down the light and see what happens.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-24 13:07:37 UTC
in Has anyone come across... Post #129451
Disable what? Saving? You confuse me.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-24 12:44:26 UTC
in Has anyone come across... Post #129444
That error sucks, it should really say something more like:
This program has encountered an error, so we decided to crash it for you
If you didn't save you are fucked, because non of your crap was saved
Please tell Microsoft about this problem so we can give even less of a fuck
We have created an error report that you can send to us. We wont even look at it!

To see an endless stream of unreadable symbols and crazy shit, click here
Debug........Send to us, even though we dont care............Don't send