Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 08:26:57 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155962
Ok, i got amxmodx installed, and its actually working now. But its not really working the way i want it to. Ill figure that out later.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 15:35:12 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155837
Becus it is at the top of the mapcycle. :) But i changed it. Crossfire is the first map in the cycle, but these change only take effect after a full server restart.

Current mapcycle:

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 15:11:30 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155833

Removed tp_matrix from mapcycle. Sorry, Kasp, but that map looks horrible. :P

But instead, i uploaded tp_seth. Looks so much better. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 15:07:27 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155831
Yes you should!
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 15:05:07 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155829
Dudes, when playing in Teamplay, every team has their own model.

Zombie's versus scientist. Etc. So you can easly determine which player is friendly and which are enemy.

As for a votemap system, im trying to get Amxmodx installed on my server! Doesn't really work... :/
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 13:53:41 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155814
Server back online. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 13:45:26 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155811
I closed the server becus im reuploading some offical maps. Won't take long.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 13:16:39 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #155808
There's a tutorial on that on the Snarkpit too, Muzzle. It's usefull now and then, yeah.
Its there, not here. Hell with Snarkpit!
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 12:06:48 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155793
Yup. Accept one: Frenzy, which is the default starting map for the server.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 11:39:31 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155789
Once I download HLDM I will join. Hope server has crossfire (my fav map).
Nope, i removed all the offical maps. But i can put those back online whenever i want.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 11:36:51 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #155788
I know a very usefull texturing technique. It goes like this:

Lets say you have an arch like this:
User posted image

This object is 256w 256l 160h, made out of 12 brushes, with a wall witdh of 16. The used texture is C1A0_LABW4.

Lets say want to retexture the top faces (marked red):
User posted image

Lets apply a trim texture on those faces. I picked OUT_WALL2C. Go ahead and apply that texture to those top faces. You'll end up with this:
User posted image

That looks horible so you need to rotate each face. This is done by selecting a single face, and start messing around with the toggle texture application. When you have once face alligned well, go for the next one. But you might all agree with me that this takes an awfull lot of time. There is in fact a very simple and quick way to get all those faces alligned. Here it goes:

First, apply the OUT_WALL2C texture to all the inner faces of the arch and make sure their're rotated 90 degrees. You should end with this:
User posted image

And now for the magic spell. Select one inner face, hold the ALT button and right click on the opposite face. Like this:
User posted image

WAOW! Nice eh? Do the same with all the other inner faces. Then just retexture all of the inner faces with the original texture, which was C1A0_LABW4. Dont forget to set the rotation to 0. You'll end up with this:
User posted image

There you go. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-01 17:34:01 UTC
in Problem with custom CS spray Post #155695
Did you just added me to msn just to get a solution from me for your problem? That is in no way necessary.

That image is waaaaaaaay to big. It 469*665 in size. You need to shrink that down a lot 64*80 should be fine, as long as the decal filesize is under 14 kb.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-01 16:59:48 UTC
in Problem with custom CS spray Post #155687
Put it online.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-01 14:21:14 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155645
Really? /me checks.

Server back online.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-31 18:10:14 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155516
Muzzle, no offical maps?
Nope, removed them all. :)
No opfor maps too.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-31 18:06:40 UTC
in de_TWHL Post #155515
Hey thats cool!
Make it a HLDM map first, then convert to freakin' CS. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-31 10:36:30 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155442
Yup, turned it off, to make some changes. It'll be back within the minute. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-31 10:28:12 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155440
Current mapcycle:

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 17:50:44 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155333
That was not a crash. Connection got interupted. Dunno why. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 14:28:07 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155311
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 09:54:00 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155281
Oops. Forgot that one. Its now in the list. :)

Edit: Server is back online.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-30 09:25:53 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155278
We should get some sort of tournament set up..
It'd be fun. 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1
Good idea. :)
But you could put L00T DM on it... I can fix up the GMG model a bit so you'd actually be firing with it...
No sure if i can run custom third party mods on it. Ill try. :)
Muzzle could you make a list of the maps it plays? So I could DL them all please.
chuck 'em on the server...... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?
Done. :)

Edit: Server crashed. Do not join.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-29 21:00:17 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155236
Make custom maps you! :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-29 20:56:04 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155234
Teh ill ban ye. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-29 20:54:26 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155232

Oh, and if you use A3D, do not join, ill ban you.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-29 17:28:21 UTC
in Hammer running error Post #155209
It seems its fixed. I just started Hammer 4 and no longer received that 211 error. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-29 15:42:46 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155186

Im quite pleased with, yes. :)

The only runs custom maps from TWHL users, so if you connect to the server while a custom map is running, you either let the server download the map for you, or you can download the map from this site. Just search for the map. Second option is faster. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-29 13:29:59 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155156

And don't fotget: if you want to play on a custom map, just PM me. Its really no problem. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-29 13:17:11 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155154
Crap, it crashed. :/

Edit: Online again. :)

@ Seventh: Put it in Half-Life Discussion. Its more likely people will notice it there. :)

@ Loffe: Ghehe, you wish. :P Ill think about it.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-29 09:49:49 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155131
So, what, is this up permenantly?
The server will be online for 6 months. After i have to decide what to do next.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-29 08:49:25 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155125
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-29 08:41:07 UTC
in Random Hl stuff Post #155124
Count all the entities in every singleplayer map. :) I believe thats allready done, though.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-29 08:38:18 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155122
Thats right. I got a public 8 player HLDM Server. What? Don't believe me? There:
User posted image

Drop in if you like. :)

When im not around, or not using the computer, the server is used as a public TWHL Server. Sometime i might playtest maps with friends and so it will not be availble to the public. Most likely there will be a server password. :)

Also, if you want to playtest a map of yours, PM me, and ill put your map online. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-28 17:38:01 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #155020
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-28 15:40:48 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #155013
Ill send you the mod folder soon. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-27 10:06:53 UTC
in roket_cone Post #154772
You're really hooked to that song, aren't you? :P

Maaaaaaaake the best map in world!
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-27 09:47:35 UTC
in roket_cone Post #154765
One word: Spike.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-27 09:33:34 UTC
in Now Playing Post #154761
Jan Hammer - Crockett's Theme
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-25 16:33:52 UTC
in The Map Vault Review-a-thon Post #154478
@ FresheD: If you want a Map Vault award, get mapping! Sounds pretty easy to me. :)

Congrats to Rowley. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-25 14:00:44 UTC
in ChMod Post #154451
It works fine in non-Steam HL. :) Try that.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-25 11:14:45 UTC
in Looking at others maps, THEY ARE GOOD! Post #154435
What about:

Half-Life Engine Mapping
Half-Life 1 based mapping discussions/questions

Source Engine Mapping
Source Engine based mapping discussion/questions

Its all about mapping, not just design related topics. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-24 19:18:23 UTC
in Hammer running error Post #154363
Wtf, im getting it too!
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 21:04:21 UTC
in C++ Fix Post #154220
I have no idea what you're saying. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 19:09:19 UTC
in Animals? Post #154214

She's like "You woke me up, and you're gonna pay for that!" :P
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 14:03:06 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #154154
Uber l33t dynamic lighting! ^______________________________^
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 13:48:30 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #154149
If you're unsure if you have the latest build, load up a map with barney and make him shoot. He should reload his gun after he's fire 17 shots. If he does, you have the latest. If not:

Latest build:

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 12:48:20 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #154122
and Muzzle, I just tested my maps with your code for the first time.

and I was Like OMFG when I came to a certain part in my map. I have 10 grunts bunkered down in an H shaped hallway, lights all off, some industrial servers used as baricades and choke points. slaves teleporting in. and as I watched the hallway light up from the dynamic lighting of the grunts guns and the aliens zaps I just stoped and watched for a second. It was awsome
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 11:11:41 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #154102
q[like the pistols primary fire. one click, one bullet. im sure there are some tutorials on codeing sites about copying a weapon.]q

Sounds pretty easy. Ill look into it. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 11:02:57 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #154097

Maybe, but i don't know for sure if i can get that working. Im still kinda new with C++.

Whats semi-auto anyway? :/
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 10:51:59 UTC
in Empty rechargers Post #154094
And what, we don't? :/ :P