Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 02:50:15 UTC
in map is lagging down to 5fps Post #41483
i shall smite you with your sky box. That is a BIG no no
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 18:35:40 UTC
in wpoly counts Post #40797
yea im going to go through and see if i cant take out some usless brushes and see if that helps a bit
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 21:43:28 UTC
in wpoly counts Post #40539
ill post it up but the hint brushes are gone... i deleted them out of frustration yesterday
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 21:30:09 UTC
in wpoly counts Post #40535
speaking off wpolys Ive been having a rather difficult time with them in my map. I read the tutorials on both hint brushes and r_speeds and it helped alot. I turned alot of stuff into func walls and i lowered the polys by almost 1000 in some places. The problem is that i still have a fairly high poly map. I tryed the hint brush approach to block out 'seeing' the infatrucatures accross the map but they never work. I am almost positive im placing them right. Does anyone know why these hint brushes are working?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 21:25:47 UTC
in Where's My Cstrike gone!? Post #40533
Ok what you need to do is open up steam on go into CS. Join any random game just for like a minute or two. It is then that the CS directory will created.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 04:32:00 UTC
in Not r_speeds again ! Post #39118
Yo i have this map (tis an awp map) and noramally i would just go by myself and fix this stuff but i have a deadline to meet for a 'client'. I need to get this map from nothing to completly final (texturing and lighting and everything perfect) in about two to three weeks. Thing is the buildings in this map are complex (as in have a lot of small pieces). I get r_speeds of 1300 when looking from side to side. How can i correct such a problem in such a large map. Time is of the essence.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 16:39:17 UTC
in Entities seen through brushes Post #38777
Im making this awp map where there are two buildings on each side of a medium sized court yard. the problem is that iwhen i look at them from either side i can see entities through the brushes. Is this couaseed by my map being to big?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 13:37:52 UTC
in i carvth and my map leakth :( Post #35043
OH! when i look at my map with gl_wireframe 2 i can see everything at once. Hint and skip brushs will prevent me from see all of that and thus reducin wpoly count. Am i right?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 03:46:02 UTC
in info_player_start Post #34964
bad fgd?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 03:44:45 UTC
in i carvth and my map leakth :( Post #34963
thanks CP
so a hint brush is like a marker of something out dont want to see or dont want your complier to render?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 03:31:26 UTC
in i carvth and my map leakth :( Post #34961
thanks for the advice but im a noob at this stuff please dont flame me...what are hint brushs? Oh i cant really skill ths skybox unless i fix the leak in the fan elevator...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 23:59:22 UTC
in i carvth and my map leakth :( Post #34938
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 23:58:44 UTC
in i carvth and my map leakth :( Post #34937
dude i did you use point file and i cant find them :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 23:18:22 UTC
in i carvth and my map leakth :( Post #34931
hey i posted my new map (he_dagreatwall_beta4) in the problem maps sections today and i was wondering if someone out there could kindly find that sneaky little leak in my map. I (like a noob) resorted to carving around an elevator that i was trying to build (ct side). Now I cant find the leak and out of frustration i used a box around the level :zonked:. Comments welcome too.