Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 22:24:23 UTC
in Configure worldcraft3.3 + Steam Post #35524
ok now that i got 3.4 hammer i get in the hl console like used in hl not cs which is the kind of map i am making i get hall not found which hall os the name of the map
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 19:26:21 UTC
in Configure worldcraft3.3 + Steam Post #35512
I have Just got back into mapping agian and know the basics but now that steam is out i am having a problem testing out my maps that i have in the works. can someone give me a link to a good site or explain to me the way to configure steam and wc3.3 to work together. i do not have cs1.4 installed i just have the steam. i am starting to think i should just install the old version agian but was hoping i dont have to seeing as it does take up more hd space.. also as a 2nd question hope far should spawning points be apart from each other.