Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 19:27:12 UTC
in Where are these coordinates? Post #42096
Here's the error i'm getting:

WARNING: MakeNodePortal:new portal was clipped away from node@(12,460,-3380)(14,-455,-3148)

I'm sure you've dealt with this issue before but I appreciate the help.
I'm Not sure which #'s to type in. Thank you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 18:11:20 UTC
in Where are these coordinates? Post #42076
My comile log gives me an error and gives coordinates to where the error is. What's the best way to pinpoint where the error is located? I'm not quite sure how to find it and fix it. Thanks in advance.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 15:51:59 UTC
in Map submission problem Post #42035
My new map is uploaded for your gaming pleasure.......well, for your gaming at least. There is a secret room in it, too. My first map, so go easy on me. lol, thanks again.

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 14:53:26 UTC
in Map submission problem Post #41997
I went ahead and did the CuteFTP thing. I placed the .bsp file on my personal webspace but what I think I need to re-upload the map in a zip file. I'll do that and resubmit with a read me file as well. Thanks for your time. I hope everyone likes my first attempt at HLDM mapping. Called Defcon1, made back in 1999. I made some minor adjutments to it. It's still 95% original work though. Thanks again.

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 14:28:33 UTC
in Map submission problem Post #41984
Oh, I see. Thanks for the info. Yeah, It's about 2.5MB or so. Thanks again. I'll keep a-waitin'.

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-16 14:11:46 UTC
in Map submission problem Post #41975
I submited a map last night but I can't find it in my "My Maps" section. Does it take a few days to get there or should it show up automatically? If it does show up right away, then I guess i'll need to upload it again. Thanks for the help in advance.
