Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-07-09 07:19:18 UTC
in Compile error... Dll file or something Post #39901
Nevermind i figured it out. Thanks!
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-09 07:15:19 UTC
in Compile error... Dll file or something Post #39899
Uhh.. could you explain that a bit better?
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-09 05:57:35 UTC
in Compile error... Dll file or something Post #39894
Ok, I'm new to mapping and I'm following the guide as much as possible (i even reinstalled CS since I couldn't figure it out with steam...) Right now I'm trying to make a TFC map.

Anyways, things went better after i tired changing everything over to the original non steam cs. Right now I'm trying to compile a simple cube with a light and a info_player_start entity. Everything compiles fine but then I get a popup error saying "Could not find filesystem dll to load"

Any clue as to what it is? I think it's actually a half life error and not a hammer error.