Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-07-17 20:25:23 UTC
in Map not found Post #42402
Try to run it without actually running the game and look at the log file you may have a problem with a coplaner problem or something like that
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 20:54:59 UTC
in Overhead Door Post #42135
Ok I posted the map in the vault now someone can tell me why I am so stupod and this is not working. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 11:33:51 UTC
in Overhead Door Post #41932
Ya where is the problem vault? I need some help with this I am freaking wigging out on this and I cannot leave it till it is completed AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Papacubanlover :badass:
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 09:40:43 UTC
in Overhead Door Post #41901

I created a simple box separated with a big hole on the center. I added a brush on its side and tied it to an entity and origin. Func_tracktrain
Then I created path_tracks to designated destination and recreated
path_tracks just below one frame for it to return on.
I tied this all to a trig once button and MM this is not the look I was
It goes up nice and smooth at the end though it flips around and does some
weird sh*t before it comes down?
My ultimate goal is to tie it to one button for up and down operation!
I looked at the map vault and found one map called Garage1 which was
totally nice but his door doesn?t come back down. and does not function :)


Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 17:08:33 UTC
in Overhead Door Post #41377
The garage door is 1 solid. If it is (and I think it is) 3 or more segments, you would need to do that for each segment; so for 3 segments, you would have 6 tracks, and 3 track changes? I was originally thinking of having 3 brushes that followed eachother and stayed together but apart. I have had the problem where these brushes all meet up and bunch together?

I appreciate the fast response and help,

Thanks, Papacubanlover
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 16:40:14 UTC
in Overhead Door Post #41364
I am probably going to be hated by everyone, but I just cannot figure out this simple task to all except myself.

Here it is-

I am creating a garage door (overhead) and I want it to function like a real one. I have seperated the door in three sections horizontally. I know am wanting them to go up above the cieling like the real ones. I am new to this but after reading every article that I could locate I think I should be using the func_track entity on my brush and possibly func_trackautochange to have the door return to me? I am needing help in making this work. I may not be even on the right track :lol: If someone can tell me what I need to do to accomplish this or send me an example map I am using Hammer as my editor. (recap) I am looking for a way for three brushes to follow a path around a corner just like an overhead door on rails. A trigger to allow the "garage door" to go up and return down. I CAN GET IT TO GO UP BUT NOT DOWN!

Thanks in advance! Papacubanlover