Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 05:00:51 UTC
in func_bombtarget?? Post #51776
Nope, but it would be nice if people can find the target-zone without having to crawl through the map or only look for some decall.......
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 04:33:06 UTC
in no .p0 file Post #51764
thnx, finally got some mapping done now :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 04:29:54 UTC
in func_bombtarget?? Post #51762
I'm making an CS map but I can't get the bomb target right. Normally the little bomb on the left of your HUD starts to flicker red when you walk through the planting area. But in my map it only works when I duck (go prone or whatever its called).

I've made a brush from floor to ceiling and tied it to a func_bombtarget.

Does anybody know how to fix this? (BTW can't find the env_bombtarget)

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-16 10:42:37 UTC
in no .p0 file Post #51334
I've setup Hammer using the Setup Guide tutorial. Made my first cube while reading in the beginning. But it doesn't work everytime. Sometimes when I try to run it it gives the error: can't find the map_name.p0 file, and Token to large on line 4. Alt-p doesn't show any errors though.

I've been trying out different setups (for mods etc) but the problem keeps poppin up.

Can anyone tell what to do or where to look?? thnx :confused: