Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-27 15:00:30 UTC
in Time counter Agin :( Post #123918
will it make it crach?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 23:39:34 UTC
in Rate my Pic!! 1-10 Post #123764
sweat nice soft shadows ! >8<
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 23:37:37 UTC
in Time counter Agin :( Post #123763
Im confused what do u mean?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 22:25:22 UTC
in Time counter Agin :( Post #123757
naa thats aint rude :P I know my englich sux
but if u understandt my Q Im happy :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 20:52:40 UTC
in Time counter Agin :( Post #123753
Hi..yeah im back whit my problem making a time counter!
Last time i postede this, i was tolde about game_text game_counter's and multimanager.

"what I am looking for is a time_counter that can display the number it have counted till on the screen or better on a bruch(like a digital clock)

so i made som setup's using multimanager and game_text

somthing like this:
3 multimanager:

Multi_sek target= "9 game_text's each whit a number from 0-9"
whit 1 sek delay betwin each.

Multi_sek10 target= "9 game_text's each whit a number from 0-9"
whit 10 sek delay betwin each.

Multi_sek100 target= "9 game_text's each whit a number from 0-9"
whit 100 sek delay betwin each.

Than each of em multimanagers was sat 2 target it self 2 make an endless loop.
This should work in theroi (dono what it's called)

But at the time i dit not know that it ONLY will show 1 message at the time or 1 number.
So what i have made is a counter that can count too 9 whit difrent delay

Well that kinda sux!
But it made me think of a other way, using the same ideea.
Only this time ,it would change the texture on a bruch too a number 0-9

But can i do that?

If u know a way of setting this tingy up so it workes I would be Very happy :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 08:37:50 UTC
in modding Post #123647
yeah i dit not notis any erros :(
Is ther som thing that i must but in my map's for them 2 worke in a mod,
if it a singleplayer_only ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 07:36:52 UTC
in modding Post #123637
But i cant make the mod worke :( even tho i folowed every step!!
I can see the mod name in the "thirt party game" list in the "play games" list in steam, I can also load it.
But it craches when i try 2 play a new game or the traning.?!?
New folder "name of mod"
folder "cl_dlls"
Folder "dlls"
folder "maps"
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:59:20 UTC
in modding Post #123632
:P silly me the maps run fine in the olde hl-1
It's just me who have crewed somting up trying 2 make a mod :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:38:32 UTC
in modding Post #123629
yes i have an up2date fgd.. but i would like 2 have one that is just as olde as that hl-1 i have on my cd and not the one that comes whit steam..
Is it posible 2 find that?

Or is it not the new fgd that is the reson i cant open my maps in the olde hl-1?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:24:28 UTC
in modding Post #123625
(and stop spamming my Omg i need help)

I have used the forum alot the last days feels like im spamming :P

hate 2 be a noob but i cant find the fgd in my hl instalation...
Maby they aint ther? If so, wher do i find the olde fgd's
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:07:31 UTC
in modding Post #123623
thx :) ill try 2 make it worke :)

(and stop spamming my Omg i need help)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:52:12 UTC
in modding Post #123621
No it's not that i have deleated the olde files :)

I think that its caurse the half-life i have on my steam is a newer version than the one on my Ooooolde half-life cd.

the 3.5 hammer cant map for that olde shiaat? or im a rong?
Or maby the fgd. tingy is difrent from the olde one..hmm
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:41:38 UTC
in modding Post #123618
ye the (u must be using steam) anwsered it :) they tend 2 hide em files alle kind of crazy plazes :o curse u steam!

that leads me 2 my next Q...
caurse when i was not able 2 find the files the right plazes i installet my olde hl1 from the cd :D

But i cant open my maps in it :(
What kinda a old hammer is neede ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:30:31 UTC
in modding Post #123609
I was reading that modding tutorial.
But i cant find hl.dll and client.dll!

well i can find em but they ar not wher they ar supose 2 be (in the valve/cl_dlls.../dlls)

is the tutorial rong (I doubt it) >? :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 22:55:44 UTC
in Change textur in game! Post #123568
Word :P

1.can i change textur ingame?
or can i make game_text displayed on a bruch?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 01:29:37 UTC
in what example maps do newbs want?? Post #123305
Woo My chick cannon ideea if u map that u ar cool :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 01:26:53 UTC
in strange wahter :O Post #123302
i have deleted the wahter...but all settings at func_water defualts
exept content sat 2 slime!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 00:27:34 UTC
in strange wahter :O Post #123293
word wazzup lads :D

Im having a rather anoying problem whit som func_wate, it's complety flooding my map :(

I have plazed a trigger_hurt in it and on top of that a multi_trigger..
(dont supose that the
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 13:40:56 UTC
in Time counter Post #123202
Havent any of u played kz_jumpmaps? (cs maps) ther is an counter that both keep track of time and than display it at a screen,,not only when u hit stop but u can also see the numbers change every sekund :o

plz dont tell i need 2 be a c++ dude 2 make it happend :S
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 13:33:43 UTC
in Time counter Post #123192
Hugely complicated what nazty word :S

Naa im not gona give up whit out a fight :P
thx 4 alle em Quik responses :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 07:05:16 UTC
in Time counter Post #123119
ehe...A new Q again :P

can i make the counter keep track of how many sekunds it have counted, and when i press the stop button, make it display the time :o

1337 :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 06:58:41 UTC
in Time counter Post #123115
can i still make the numbers apear on screen that way?
caurse its also 2 stress the player the hole count down tingy :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 06:54:13 UTC
in Time counter Post #123112
Elon Yariy u ar the man! :heart:
im 2 tiret 2 try it now (have mapped the whole night :S it's 12.52 am :D Nice 2 be hooked on mapping agin !) Ill let u know if i was able 2 pull it off !
Yo :glad:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 06:48:24 UTC
in Time counter Post #123109
Sweat :P but ther is a limmit on 127 letters ? or is that per channel ?

But i guess that delaying a other game_texts! 2 when the first runs out :P

(btw game text ar cool :P but i tent 2 spam shity comment at the player :S

player = my self sins i havent releast any og em maps :P)

thx ill give it a try
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 06:25:15 UTC
in what example maps do newbs want?? Post #123102
I wana see som nude girls :o
Maby u would make us noobs a chick cannon..wooo !
That would make u a 1337 mapper :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 06:18:17 UTC
in Time counter Post #123101
Yo lad"s :P

Any of u know how 2 make a time counter somthinglike the one used in kz_maps?
And even better if u know how 2 make the numbers apear on the screen :P Groovy stuff!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 10:36:48 UTC
in map 2 big? Post #86637
maby it's 2 big but the longest distans aint bigger than standing in the A bomb place in dust2 and looking down A long
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-27 12:51:37 UTC
in map 2 big? Post #86088
thx ill try it out :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-27 12:45:43 UTC
in map 2 big? Post #86085
ehe sry but my englich sux :D i ment think and leak! :nuts:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-27 12:43:20 UTC
in map 2 big? Post #86083
Hey I have a prob, i thing i have maby made my map 2 big..corce when i run 2 the far corner*s of my map,,the walls begin 2 fade or dissapear :S is it 2 big `? or maby a lag?
Corce it not that big at all
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 18:12:04 UTC
in animations Post #68431
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 16:20:04 UTC
in animations Post #67964
:( maby
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 11:53:15 UTC
in animations Post #67929
k glad 2 know....So now 2 the fun stuff of getting 2 know the program and than get a job at sierra :D :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 13:27:55 UTC
in animations Post #67668
oO btw...i have looked at the dead goat side..And that hacking a model stuff, aint that just like stealing?! i mean if i took one of your maps made it a hammer file agin and just changed a few bruches?? but what do i know about that! :D
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:19:38 UTC
in animations Post #67649
thax m8's ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:23:15 UTC
in animations Post #67431
hey what programs if i wanna make som animations 4 hl?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-05 07:59:30 UTC
in func wall Post #64192
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-04 17:01:53 UTC
in func wall Post #64112
Hey..if u turn everyting inside the map 2 func wall the compile time is like non ! but is ther any reson not 2 do it...will the ligtning be difrent or will the fps go 2 hell?!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 08:09:58 UTC
in make fire?? Post #63580
hello I would like 2 know how 2 make a tource..ehe dono if it`s called that..But it's also know as a mideival light (a stik on fier) :nuts: cut not find it in the tutorials :roll:
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 18:55:19 UTC
in Players dying at start of rounde Post #63495
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 10:31:41 UTC
in Players dying at start of rounde Post #63387
lol sry for bad englich :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 10:29:33 UTC
in Players dying at start of rounde Post #63385
hey i have a map whit 10 spawn points ay bothe ts and ct...but whit only 14 players the prob starts..1 or 2 players die at round start
_!? what's that all about
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-11 14:50:16 UTC
in yet a prob :( Post #58252
hmm i cant open my sever,cfg :
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-11 14:47:13 UTC
in yet a prob :( Post #58251
yes im mapping 4 cs 2 but in this case it's hl...and the first try 2 :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-11 14:33:29 UTC
in yet a prob :( Post #58248
whit out a y!? :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-11 14:32:34 UTC
in yet a prob :( Post #58247
it worked no my m8 barny is ther ....Sparky Owen!!! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-11 14:28:47 UTC
in yet a prob :( Post #58245
hehe im gona try that...but if ther is only one info_player_spawn would that not make it a single player so i can do som serius monster shit:)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-11 14:22:54 UTC
in yet a prob :( Post #58243
only barny and snarks :( the allowmonsters is that under creategame settings
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-11 14:19:31 UTC
in yet a prob :( Post #58240
no not 2 many i have a barny and a zombi and bothe of en r missing :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-11 14:15:15 UTC
in yet a prob :( Post #58238
not 4 mapping in halflife but the cs one yes:)