Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-05 18:16:34 UTC
in apologies newbie! max patch error Post #64297
got it! thanks for all your time and help ;-)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-03 17:48:13 UTC
in apologies newbie! max patch error Post #63929
think I've got the idea, Is it then a case of being as sparing as possible with the sky and keeping it down to the smallest possible area. i.e. have victorian arcades instead of open modern walkways?
thanks :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-03 12:45:04 UTC
in apologies newbie! max patch error Post #63867
I'm working on a map and have discovered the issues concerning a skybox, however my map is outdoors based upon the idea of a small town/village. everyone lists the problems with the skybox but no-one seems to detail the solution. I'm sure it should be really obvious and guess I'm just dumb. :confused: