Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-28 14:54:27 UTC
in -> CS train trouble Post #99744
Hi again!

I wont complicate matters by explaining the scenario, but i want to make a train that does the following:

It will start at A then it will goto B, then i want it to go back to A and stay there.

I am able to do this, but once the train goes back to A i cannot get it to move again!! (by walking through my trigger_multiple area)...

Any ideas on how i can make the train usable again??

Thanks! =)

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-23 16:12:51 UTC
in Backpack that respawns INSTANTLY? Post #68631
Ahh, dont worry, found it now... Tx 7th Monkey :) :)

For anyone who would like to know what i actually did...

I used the entity i_t_g, and added the key "env_render" and the value 1! So now the entity refreshes every 1 second... perfect...

Tx again!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-23 15:54:47 UTC
in Backpack that respawns INSTANTLY? Post #68630
Thanks :)

But, surely, doesnt anyone know how to make something respawn?

Tx :D
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-23 15:37:41 UTC
in Backpack that respawns INSTANTLY? Post #68624
Hey ppl, wondered if you could help me on this one?

Im making a conc/juggle map atm, and I want to make something that will give the player unlimetid quad, unlimited invulnerability, refill thier concs but then appear back instantly...

I know how to do this by making a brush, and using it as a i_t_g entity, but the only problems are:

A) Its not visible to the eye
B) As soon as ive used it, it doesnt "respawn"!

Im sure someone knows how to do this... mainly because ive seen other maps with this feature on! :P

Thanks in advance! :D
