Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-27 13:33:51 UTC
in Bushism Post #86107
ive noticed alot of stereotyping of americans on here.
Instead of looking in the mirror to help figure out why things suck so bad, some people tend to place the blame on others (scapegoats). That way, they never have to make any difficult changes in themselves because they convince themselves that they are perfect and the problem lies elsewhere. It's really not so difficult to see.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-24 13:02:03 UTC
in Changing avatar Post #85472
hey saco, stupid, if you click on the persons name, it usually tells where they're from. and its funny, but the people you think are the obnoxious americans, are really the right thinking "utopians" who visit this site. hmm...