Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-07-28 15:23:07 UTC
in how do you make a sprite move in cs:s Post #191928
I want a sprite to shoot.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 23:18:58 UTC
in how do i use env_smoketrail? Post #191785
its an intro man. no good to me
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 20:55:48 UTC
in how do i use env_smoketrail? Post #191756
I am trying to use env_shooter but I can't get env_smoketrail to work with it or at all.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 13:54:41 UTC
in game_player_equip help for cs:source Post #191736
in 1.6 there was a tutorial where a player clicked a box and got a shotgun.

I am using this game player equip to equip a usp by walking into a trigger_multiple. Problem: at spawn time you have no knife but just a usp (both teams). help!

trigger_multiple: onTrigger target: give_gun
game_player_equip name: give_gun
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-18 14:29:14 UTC
in moveing belts Post #73734
use block tool and make a cylinder. use hollow tool on the cylinder. ungroup and get rid of the two unwanted peices. Than select all and tie to entity func_conveyor.
if your face features look crappy. click the face properties tool. click treat as one ,check face, than check world. and should look good.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-12 12:30:15 UTC
in I've made a map so what now? Post #72762
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-10 18:27:24 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #72551
step1: create a block 16x16. Tie to entity trigger_multiple
Target: ct_equip
step2: multi_manager (targetname) ct_equip
add ct_equipped value: 1 . add stripper value: 0
check flag: multithreaded
step3: game_player_equip (targetname) ct_equipped
step4: create a block 16x16. Tie to entity trigger_multiple
Target: t_equip
step5: multi_manager (targetname) t_equip
add t_equipped value: 1 . add stripper value: 0
check flag: multithreaded
step6: game_player_equip (targetname) t_equipped
step7: player_weaponstrip (targetname) stripper

ok i added multithread.
any other besides #TWHL?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-10 14:18:25 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #72521
yea i can use it what channel? i have a small bug need fixin
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-10 02:53:31 UTC
in weapon_c4 Post #72455
weapon_strip takes them away, and player_equip with weapon_c4 gives every t c4 on my map
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-10 00:16:18 UTC
in weapon_c4 Post #72452
i put this on the floor and it doesnt show up?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-09 17:54:34 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #72414
Its finished. Here we go.
step1: create a block 16x16, and use hollow tool value 2. Tie to entity trigger_multiple
Target: ct_equip
step2: multi_manager (targetname) ct_equip
add ct_equipped value: 1 . add stripper value: 0
step3: game_player_equip (targetname) ct_equipped
step4: create a block 16x16, and use hollow tool value 2. Tie to entity trigger_multiple
Target: t_equip
step5: multi_manager (targetname) t_equip
add t_equipped value: 1 . add stripper value: 0
step6: game_player_equip (targetname) t_equipped
step7: multi_manager (targetname) game_playerspawn
add stripper value: 0
step8: player_weaponstrip (targetname) stripper
now i used a teleport where the top of the teleport touched the bottom of the info_player_start/deathmatch and put the trigger_multiple in the center joining the two together.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-09 15:43:14 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #72397
1 thing though. I need help with game_team_master. The game_player_equip has Team Master. so i assume i put entity game_team_master in and name it like ct_guns, and put in the game_player_equip box "team master" ct_guns and finally change teamindex to value??? i dont know MY QUESTION IS what are the values? is it 1 for ct and 2 for t? the only thing it has is -1 for no team.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-09 15:37:40 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #72395
I used player_weaponstrip to take care of the game_player_equip in the start of the round. I am using the trigger_once still and it breaks up the guns as desired. The bugs: the roundreset doesnt reset the trigger_once. Multiplayer i start server and i get guns, i add 1 player he gets all guns at spawn i get none.. i need a new method this will be my last update on this thread. I will post when i get this thing running and directions how.. thanks guys for your assistance
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-08 19:10:31 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #72273
problem: game_player_equip with (targetname) dont_give_guns still does its job when nothing triggers it. is this why i still cant do this lol
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-06 12:52:39 UTC
in anyone wanna coop on my map? Post #71954
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-06 12:51:53 UTC
in anyone wanna coop on my map? Post #71953
i brighted it a little but those picturescant match the color in the game

my contact info is above, thanks
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-06 05:00:29 UTC
in anyone wanna coop on my map? Post #71897
Im lookin 4 a guy who knows his shit that can help finish this map, and make a texture with our names on it... and i thought i was replying to the thread i started hmmm... here is the map ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-06 04:43:30 UTC
in anyone wanna coop on my map? Post #71896
you guys tanked or something lol. why is this stupid thread the hardest thing to accomplish... freakin peace of love is king and i should have this done grr!! um yea still workin on equip! im bout to spawn guns on the ground like all the fy maps u guys hate :(
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 16:16:41 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #71806 I made a simple teleport map. well i made the ct with equip and didnt equip the T, but the T still gets equipped. I believe if i make one for the T they will share all the guns than.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 12:14:10 UTC
in idea about buytime? Post #71745
Im working on a case with func_buyzone around it. When i destroy the case i want buytime to end for that round. Could i have the func_breakable target trigger_once and make buytime 0. Than at roundreset have normal buytime? Is this legit?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-04 21:15:59 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #71580
ok these little boxes, all u have to do is jump where they are placed and it gives the weapons... ahhh not cool
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-04 18:58:39 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #71573
ok i got it, thanks for the info!!!! but i need more assistance to shorten the steps i took. so if there is anything not needed or would make this better please let me know.

First i made multiple trigger_once that targeted the mutli_manager. The multi
_manager i checked the flag multithread, and added equip with value 1. In game_player_equipment name: equip, in the team master box i put ct.. and checked flag use only. For the game_team_master name: ct and team master put value 1. This set up ct with rounds of ammo for the guns chosen... and stripped the t of weapons. so i copied the entities and made one for t. For the first map ive been working on FOREVER id like to supply the cts and have t's buy since its there map... i think my setup is a little off so please help me out one last time with this thanks guys thus far
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-04 18:23:06 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #71572
im trying to give the CTS the t weapons, and T's the ct guns. so i make hollow trigger_once out of the AAATrigger texture and target multimanager. This multi_manager in smart edit: equip value 0.1 --- to kick off the game_player_equip. Now i need a teamindex of 1 for ct? Am I doing the right steps?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-04 02:42:23 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #71405
i spoke too soon.. i picked up the expert.fgd and it has a team master.. i set the team master (teamindex to 1) and it still supplied both teams... whats going on?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-04 02:21:51 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #71396
it says here to use game_team_master but no details.. how would i do this ??
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-03 23:08:14 UTC
in how do i player_equip a ct only? Post #71374
what entity/values do i need to do this