Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 06:23:08 UTC
in Make a room about you...! Post #112868
Good luck with this, I'm having a hard time keeping people focused on the mosaic and I've got a web site, forums, rules, pictures, etc.

its tough to get a large group of people to do anyting with out pay.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 14:41:58 UTC
in Elevator Problems Post #110881
I'm not sure if this will work, but try to make your lift brush into a func_brush. Open the flags tab and check the box that says something about "the player will stand on this". Now make a func_tracktrain and parent the train to the func_brush.

see if that works.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 19:42:57 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110758
Me and biopulse are putting together a hl1 version of the mosaic (when I can get the site up...)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 10:31:48 UTC
in Dark Side Post #110704
"Love is just a sensation caused by horomones."

Cant you say any and every "feeling" is only a chemical reaction? I think we need to define love before you can let your friends die in the name of it.

An erection is a sensation (or a result of) love is something that is not tangable. I think love, true story book love, is a connection on a sub physical level. Love is under the skin, under the brain cells, under the chemical reactions in our head. Love is, or can be, something in our "soul".

As corny as that sounds... so if its love, soul mate, forever love. Then yeah, f*ck your friends they are only the moment. True love is forever.

meh thas almost poetic. But you get the idea right?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 10:24:24 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #110701
Dose one (if you know this guy I think your cool)
The Notwist (" " " " " " " " ")

I've got those going on and on
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 10:20:42 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110700
Forums are up

if your part of the project please register and keep an eye on the forums, if your not... your support is always valued.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 10:38:00 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110616
post any comments in mosaic map thread over at snarkpit:
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 10:17:36 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110611
just sign up on the web site.

Also, the mosaic beta is done!

you can find it here!

I need to find server host, so if anyone knows anyone please get me some contact info or simply pimp the link above to them.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-22 19:49:50 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110553
By the way, the speed at which we are all going was talked about over on snarkpit. I'd just like to say that you dont need to rush! Your map will get into the mosaic no matter when you finish it, take your time and make something you will be proud of.

If you think you can make something good in 2 days then do it! If you think it will take you 2 months, take your time. I'm not asking for perfect but dont sacrifice your theme and area quality to make deadlines.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-22 06:58:15 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110488
I'm adding trap's area to the beta, I like it, simple and unique.

I'm going to stich what maps I have into some kind of working map, I'll add sections that I make just to fill in the gap for beta. But I dont plan on having any of my own sections in the real map (untill #2 or #3) becuase I want this to be the community map not "my" map. Anyways I will be busy fixing bugs and gateways to worry about making an area.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 19:51:49 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110456
dont be tooo hard on yourself. I'll see if I can fit your map into beta, but I doubt it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 06:49:44 UTC
in Dark Side Post #110388
Friends are forever, lovers are not.

thats my opinion.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 06:45:30 UTC
in Pimp my site Post #110387
no she has a top on, the black line on her left is a strap of her top. I edited out the other strap or she had it off her sholder.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 06:44:25 UTC
in HL2 Hammer door texture Post #110386
lucky you, I wrote a tutorial on this very subject.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-21 06:41:42 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110384
Got and responded to your e-mail trap.

thunder, did you sign up? either I dont remeber your e-mail or you didn't give me 'imthunder' as your name.

big site update!
expect dm_mosaic1_beta very soon! with an only-in-beta area by me! :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-20 15:43:49 UTC
in Avatar (No, not another one of those...) Post #110311
I have an avitar. Look, its a doctor!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-20 15:42:51 UTC
in important-spread the word Post #110310
Everything kills you, the world eats away at us untill we die. We can slow it down, we can speed it up, but in the end we all end up the same way.

We all know that fast food is bad. Tell me something I didn't know, like how 50,000 people die every year in car crashes.

I agree with satch, if parents dont take care of their little fatty McFatfattyfats, that is bad. But once some one is able to make their own choices, leave it up to them. McDonalds doesn't shove its food down your mouth hole. Sure they use adds that make their food look good, but what should they do? Show REAL pictures of their food?

I really doubt that some avarge joe who eats fast food everyday and gets sick can blame it 100% on the fast food.

I dont think Americans are stupid, I think we, like most of the world, dont like to take responsbility. "I'm fat, must be some one elses fault" "I'm poor, must be the government" "I dont like the state of the world, blame Canada"

point is, the world is toxic. If you want to live life your going to have to deal with it, and we have no one but ourselves to blame for our problems.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-20 15:28:47 UTC
in Pimp my site Post #110309
nope, all the art is 100% my own.

That is a manip of a photo I took of my ex with an Israli M-15 gas mask on.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 15:00:03 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110151
I've got the 3 maps right now, and I made a 4th area to fit them all together so I'll post a beta soon.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 14:49:18 UTC
in Pimp my site Post #110150
Yeah, I'm trying to keep alot of stuff under 800 horizontal, but I also dont want to give up the creative part of the site. Maybe I'll throw in a little warning.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 05:37:20 UTC
in Embarrassing Post #110075
Adult would be some one <18 child >18 becuase at 18 you can sign your own papers and can become independent of your parentals.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 05:36:00 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110074
I'll work on that.

Any one else who is done or near done send me your area ASAP I want to put a few together for a beta map.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 22:58:16 UTC
in Pimp my site Post #110061
just thought I'd pimp my site. alot of content isn't up just yet.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 22:57:16 UTC
in Embarrassing Post #110060
They know what it means, they just dont know how to have a boy/girl friend.

Its a title for most, exclusive touching rights for others, and a true love relationship for some.

Most younger kids have relationships based on lust, not true "love" not even a great deal of care. This leads to a lack of communication, becuase of the lack of connection. Then, becuase there is only lust to connect the two and no communication they dont please each other so one or both will cheat and they think its some kind of big deal and this leads to drama.

Thats something I belive in, if there is good communication in a relation ship it is bound to stay alive becuase if you arn't afraid to say whats on your mind, or "that feels good" "that feels not good" you can have a fullilling relationship.

and that is what lacks for younger kids becuase they dont know how to communicate nor do they feel confortable talking about themselves.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 22:46:03 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110059
indeed it is
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 16:05:08 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #110015
good good, I have 2 maps so far. Section 2 and 9 If I can get a few more areas I could put together a beta map.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 22:44:21 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109931
I can cordon your map and check the entitie report. Its not a big deal if you go a little over, becuase some maps only use 10-15 props.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 15:05:10 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109908
yeah I already have a section, though it is for section 2 so I'm not going to steal habboi's spot.

I'm able to come up with an area in a few hours so if we area a map short and it doesn't look like the person will finish I can alsways pop in and put a random area together.

I dont think anyone who is active should take more than a month on it, the largest area only has a volume of 5.3 billion units.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 22:28:07 UTC
in Embarrassing Post #109846
at the same time?

Is the gap in sexual experiance any diffrent from when you were our 14-18 age? I'm not sure how long ago you were a high school student, but it seems like sex was there, but wasn't so out in the open for kids back "then"

Like now, every 6th grader knows about the Paris Hilton sex tapes, and any kid can download any kind of porn in the world from their computer.

young "love" seems to be around more in middle school than when I was a kid... Like there were a few kids having sex which seems gross now that I think about it. But now... its all about lust relation ships, sex has become a symble of status, and most of the kids "doing it" dont know what the hell they are doing. Sex, not love has become the staple of a seriouse relationship. Kids jump in bed just to do the do. I mean, even myself... My girl friend and I tryed to take it as slow as we could but it was only a matter of weeks, and to think that some people wait years.

/rant thingy
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 22:18:21 UTC
in this model doesnt appear ingame [closed] Post #109845
the window bars can only be seen from one side (ie on side is see-thru), try and flip them around.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 22:17:15 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109844
no, if you worked on a map, you will, in one way or another get your map in a final relese. lets say the first mosaic is done, all 10 areas, I will relese it. If you finish your area (lets say its area 3) and it looks like no one else will add to the project then I will make a second map with the original 9 areas plus the addition of your area 3 and relese that as mosaic 2.

As it stands there are about 15 people working or finished with their area.

I plan to take the first 2-5 areas and make them into a mosaic_beta, which should spark even more intrest in the project.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 18:43:13 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109829
wow triple post, habboi, I did get your map it went into my spam folder... strange... so I have it now.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 18:39:38 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109828
imthunder, I'm sorry for the confusion. HL2: DM
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 18:38:05 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109827
have you sent me your map?
I dont think I've gotten anything from you.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 05:37:26 UTC
in Urb's HL2 Comic (56k look out) Post #109718
impulse 200; cl_drawhud 0

Pictures look cool, text is kinda tacky, I dont get any story... I assume its an intro?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 05:35:48 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109717
sorry folks your going to have to work with the gateways. You can always build your map and if the entrance is only 128 units and the gateway is 256 then you can just block off the top 128 units of your gateway.

but remeber... if I put your area and the map and it doesn't fit with the other gateway I will have to whip out my clipping tool and make it work!

I will draw up a diagram later for you guys.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 03:36:54 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109693
I'm going to use a day time sky texture, but add no plan to add no light_env, so you can have ssky texture (no 3dsky box tho) but you will have to add the light from the sky yourself.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 18:17:52 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109660
It will.

and Snpbond has it right. The map mosaic will be 10 rooms by 10 diffrent mappers, and as more mappers sign up then a second map mosaic will start, same 10 rooms diffrent mappers.

By haveing spots open for more than 10 mappers I can have some one fill in for anyone who drops out or takes more time on their map.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 16:12:59 UTC
in True advert from norwegian television Post #109637
I'd rather have TV be cut and dry about stuff like this.

"Call ######## and you will get sex with a woman like this [picture of hot woman]"

but no... "call ###### and something 'special' with some one could happen [hot woman eyeing the camera]"

its bullshit, we all know what the add is about. Is it any less 'bad' to prance around the subject?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 15:59:37 UTC
in SnarkPit down again! Post #109629
I love the snark pit, its easy to keep up with (not much goes on so I dont have to read alot)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 15:39:15 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109624
wow cool.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 12:48:52 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109572
Last one didn't have any structure. With the web site, and all the rules layed out, and the fact that there will be more than one mapper for each area. I think it will work out.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 04:48:14 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109496
thanks for the support. As it stands I think we need 2-3 more mappers to sign on for the first Mosaic.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 20:47:02 UTC
in Community Death Match map project Post #109439
I've put together a project called the "Map Mosaic"

Basicaly, there is one Half Life 2 Death Match map split into 10 areas. There will be one mapper per area, each of these mappers will create what ever they want in their "area" of the map.

Anyone is welcomed to join, you can read more about the project on the website.

btw, there is no limit of space on the project, once ten 'areas' have been taken spots will be doubled up and the first person to finish will have there section put into the first map, then a second map will be started, and so on and on and on.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-12 00:40:09 UTC
in css ambience Post #89816
logic_auto > trigger sound

That will fire the sound every round.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-08 21:07:55 UTC
in Request Mappers of all kinds Post #82710
That is true! I have done this before and it worked out great, only problem was the map was far to big for hl1. There have been others, I think the main reson anyone fails is becuase they dont stick to it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-07 15:30:44 UTC
in Request Mappers of all kinds Post #82259
Well the problem is that before anyone can get started, I have to know how many people are on board and ready to map. Also everyone will have to work from a template that Me and habboi make.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-06 18:11:25 UTC
in Request Mappers of all kinds Post #82106
Thanks, thats what I was thinking. I just want to clear up a few things I didn't say in the above post.

this is for half life 2 death match
We will start after the hl2:dm contest is over.
everyone is invited, noob to guru (all I request is working knowlage of hammer, this isn't a good 1st map project)

thanks! be sure to e-mail if you want to help :cool: