Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-22 20:40:40 UTC
in Multicapzones target one ControlPoint Post #85119
Thats ok, there doesn't seem to be that many on the DoD forums either!....LOL
Since it's all a variation of the same game, the more general information is always helpful too.
Thanks for the response anyway.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-22 16:02:31 UTC
in Multicapzones target one ControlPoint Post #85070
The map is a railyard with several (non-moving) trains.
One of the trains has several passenger cars in a row.(end to end of course)
What would be the most effecient way to setup a capzone so that it requires 1 player per car to create a 3man cap.
It's a DoD map and is actually finally done. (this version, anyway)
I'm just looking at ways to orchestrate where the fighting should occur.
I want to avoid having all 3 players in one car, or 2 in one, and one alone, etc.
Capturing the train would require holding all 3 passenger cars for 8 to 10 seconds before the cap is awarded to the team.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.