Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-23 21:08:59 UTC
in Taking Maps Post #85391
as you all know, there are unfinished maps that say you may complete them and extend them. What I am wondering is, how do you make the BSP into a rmf or .map file?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-23 21:07:29 UTC
in Weapon Question Post #85390
Thanks! Totally helped. Forgot that I reinstalled. lol. Dumb me thanks alot man.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-23 12:40:46 UTC
in Weapon Question Post #85243
i mean...i cant do that.....if i could do that i wouldnt have posted. ya see...i dont have that options under entities or anything at that matter. Please, someone...
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-23 11:46:58 UTC
in Weapon Question Post #85235
NmNm NM...i found out. NOW my question is, how can I make it so I do not start off with a pistol in the beginning?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-23 11:38:12 UTC
in Weapon Question Post #85234
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-23 11:05:52 UTC
in Weapon Question Post #85229
I guess i should also post that with player_weaponstrip...I dont have it. I used to but then it just went bye-bye. lol. I have no clue. I mean, before it was under brush and entitiy. I checked both brush and regular and either way, nothing was there. I've lost about 30 entities in the thing and have no clue why. Thanks if u can help me. :) :) :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-23 10:38:05 UTC
in Weapon Question Post #85225
Now on this one, I am pretty sure you can't tell me to look it up. I might be wrong but hey, I am only human. Yes,I read the tutorial about putting weapons at a spawn point. What this does is it spawns a floating weapon so when you move you get that weapon.

I wanna know how to make the weapons appear on the ground, like in an FY map. Thanks alot, please help.