Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-06-23 15:06:27 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186567
Go to this site, go to forwarding, find your router, find what you need to port forward, and then follow the guide. I used this site to get my old server working.
Posted 17 years ago2006-06-10 16:17:15 UTC
in please check compile log! Post #184587
Adding -wadautodetect at the end of the CSG command line will make it remove WADs that aren't used. Also, the PRT file is missing because you're not running hlbsp.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-31 19:41:01 UTC
in Questions about TFC mapping Post #171777
I'm not a TFC mapper, but I know why the first problem happens. When you run the map in single-player mode, which happens when you run the map with the default compile settings of Hammer, it will restart the map when you die. To get it to run in deathmatch mode (which works as if you created a multiplayer server), go to the expert mode and add "+set deathmatch 1" (without quotes) at the end of the game parameter (the one that says "$game_exe").

It's written in the tutorial here:
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-24 01:18:45 UTC
in moving train collision kills Post #170596
Someone made an example map about rotating objects hurting the player when the player is in its path. Although it uses a func_rotating, the same method should work for a train.

The example map is here:
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-24 01:14:01 UTC
in climbable ivy? Post #170594
I think this problem happens when you tie more than one brush to a func_ladder, and if that's the case, then that's probably the problem. Instead of copying and pasting, try just making a single rectangle covering the area of the ivy, and that should work.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-06 00:06:24 UTC
in Error with compile in 3.4 & 3.5 Post #166617
It's a problem with using the wrong setup for Steam, not with the mod/game.

You can search the forums for the problem, you know. Just to let you know, this problem has been brought up many times. There's even a tutorial here at .

To fix: I think the problem happens because you ran hl.exe. Maybe using Steam.exe with -applaunch 70 -mod ts works. If you don't get that, then just don't use Hammer to run your map. Just open up the game and run the map yourself.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-12 18:03:47 UTC
in what does this mean Post #162914
Don't worry, it's not an error. It's just a message telling you about how many extra clipnodes HLCSG is removing or something.

Edit: Whoops. Muzzle posted first.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-02 23:29:57 UTC
in Please help, hammer crashed Post #161227
I think there is a bug with Hammer and .MAP files where if you have more than something around 5 WADs defined in the .MAP file, then the map doesn't load. I'm not sure though, but try to back up the .MAP file (just in case it screws up even more : ), open the .MAP file with a text editor like Notepad or Wordpad, and delete the stuff in quotes that looks like this (not the "wad" part):

"wad" "<wad1> <wad2> <wad3> <wad4> <etc.> (delete the stuff inside these quotes)"

It might work, but I'm not sure. : Next time, just make frequent backups of your map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-21 12:53:06 UTC
in No CS textures? Post #158917
If you're talking about the new 1.6 de_aztec textures, then those aren't the new textures that are being used in 1.6. The textures being used are actually in de_piranesi.wad, and the textures in de_aztec.wad are still the old ones used in the 1.5 version.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-20 01:14:42 UTC
in Keyboard won't work Post #158711
You're probably missing kb_act.lst (or it doesn't contain anything), which defines all of the possible commands. This belongs in the <mod>gfxshell folder. There should also be a kb_def.lst (defaults) and a kb_keys.lst (possible keys bindable).

Here's the default kb_act.lst.

"blank" "=========================="
"blank" "#Valve_Movement_Title"
"blank" "=========================="
"+forward" "#Valve_Move_Forward"
"+back" "#Valve_Move_Back"
"+left" "#Valve_Turn_Left"
"+right" "#Valve_Turn_Right"
"+moveleft" "#Valve_Move_Left"
"+moveright" "#Valve_Move_Right"
"+jump" "#Valve_Jump"
"+duck" "#Valve_Duck"
"+moveup" "#Valve_Swim_Up"
"+movedown" "#Valve_Swim_Down"
"+lookup" "#Valve_Look_Up"
"+lookdown" "#Valve_Look_Down"
"centerview" "#Valve_Look_Straight_Ahead"
"+strafe" "#Valve_Strafe_Modifier"
"+mlook" "#Valve_Mouse_Look_Modifier"
"+klook" "#Valve_Keyboard_Look_Modifier"
"+use" "#Valve_Use_Items"
"blank" "=========================="
"blank" "#Valve_Communication_Title"
"blank" "=========================="
"+voicerecord" "#Valve_Use_Voice_Communication"
"messagemode" "#Valve_Chat_Message"
"messagemode2" "#Valve_Team_Message"
"blank" "=========================="
"blank" "#Valve_Combat_Title"
"blank" "=========================="
"+attack" "#Valve_Primary_Attack"
"+attack2" "#Valve_Secondary_Attack"
"+reload" "#Valve_Reload_Weapon"
"+speed" "#Valve_Walk"
"impulse 100" "#Valve_Flashlight"
"impulse 201" "#Valve_Spray_Logo"
"slot1" "#Valve_Weapon_Category_1"
"slot2" "#Valve_Weapon_Category_2"
"slot3" "#Valve_Weapon_Category_3"
"slot4" "#Valve_Weapon_Category_4"
"slot5" "#Valve_Weapon_Category_5"
"invprev" "#Valve_Previous_Weapon"
"invnext" "#Valve_Next_Weapon"
"lastinv" "#Valve_Last_Weapon_Used"
"blank" "=========================="
"blank" "#Valve_Miscellaneous_Title"
"blank" "=========================="
"+showscores" "#Valve_Display_Scores"
"snapshot" "#Valve_Take_Screen_Shot"
"save quick" "#Valve_Quick_Save"
"load quick" "#Valve_Quick_Load"
"pause" "#Valve_Pause_Game"
"quit" "#Valve_Quit_Game"

I'm not sure if it works without the kb_keys.lst, though. Just give it a try.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 19:31:55 UTC
in 3rd person Post #156071
Use the console command "chase_active 1" instead of "thirdperson." Don't ask me why they made it so thirdperson uses a side view.

Also, you can adjust the camera by using "chase_*" commands. I'm not sure if it works for the thirdperson command, though.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-08 19:24:33 UTC
in info_map_parameters entity wont work Post #151184
It's supposed to work, but it never works on the very first round right after you create. If you restart the round somehow (easiest way: sv_restart 1), then it should work.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-04 03:03:07 UTC
in Please help! Post #150345
The error is self-explanatory. It's basically stating that there is no tfc.wad in the valve folder.

If you need the wad, then either copy it into the valve folder (not too recommended) or if you know how, -wadinclude it into the map (probably the best option but will make the map bigger in file size).

However, if you don't need the wad, just remove it from the texture list and recompile it.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 20:01:48 UTC
in Horror Post #145368

You're clicking everything that triggers an event and then something happens like BANG or some body randomly appears.

In the last room, it was kind of predictable, though.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-19 18:14:18 UTC
in ASCII ART Post #135837
It's still changing the smilie symbols to the image smilies, though.

Have fun with this pointless maze.
|V|__  _____  |
|  ___|____ | |
| |  ____ | | |
| --  ____| | |
|____|______| |
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-18 11:01:00 UTC
in Attaching Error? Post #135499
It's only 112 KB, and I'm sure the limit is above 500 KB.
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-18 10:28:38 UTC
in Attaching Error? Post #135493
I'm trying to send a fixed map to Ansith using an attachment but when I click Submit, it says "Comment and file posted successfully." Then, I checked my comment and it didn't have an attachment. The attachment is also a ZIP, so it shouldn't be messed up.

How come it doesn't appear?
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-02 22:43:39 UTC
in Windows SP 2 Post #131915
Windows XP SP 2 messes up my comp, too. I tried installing it like 2 times and both times result in a infinite rebooting sequence. (load up, attempt to boot into Windows, failure, crash, restart, repeat)
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-13 10:33:33 UTC
in Hint brushes wont work Post #114133
But I deffinitely dont have any of the standard wads for half-life.
Steam started using GCF files, which are like WON's PAK files. The game's WADs, models, sprites, and etc. will be in GCFs. You can find the GCFs at "C:<Steam directory>SteamApps<email>half-life.gcf", and you can find the GCF extractor here. (Make sure you download the .NET framework!)
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-12 11:24:41 UTC
in Hint brushes wont work Post #113912
You aren't running VIS! I'll point everything out:
When I view the map in gl_wireframe 2 I can clearly see everything.
That's the side effects of not running VIS.
BSP generation successful, writing portal file 'C:***Hammer EditorNew Mapshouse.prt'...1.16 seconds elapsed...END hlbsp
Note how BSP ends the log and VIS hasn't run.
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-10 10:44:56 UTC
in screenshots Post #113576
Rabid: The screenshot command is supposed to output TGAs.

Andy: The option was in the multiplayer advanced options. If you can't find it, you could use the console command "hud_takesshots 0".
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-07 10:06:40 UTC
in Milkshape 3D Post #113083
It's not as dumb, unfortunately. Reinstalling it won't work, and if it expires, you can't save anymore.
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-07 10:03:31 UTC
in Including Monsters!?! Post #113082
I think with Spirit of Half-Life, you can change a monster's model, so you could use a leech with an archer's model.
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-06 23:22:30 UTC
in My sky ain't working Post #113035
No, you don't. You only need one but the BMP is for software mode users, I think.

Are the TGAs uncompressed?
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-06 10:06:15 UTC
in monster_generik Post #112893
No, but there's a cycler that can also be used to display a model.
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-04 21:14:42 UTC
in FRAPS! Post #112646
I think this should go in the Stuff forum.

Have you tried holding down the key until the FPS counter turns red?
Posted 18 years ago2005-06-03 19:19:23 UTC
in Resetting Textures After A Texture Lock Post #112452
He means these tags: [ I M G ] <link> [ / I M G ] (without the spaces, hope that works)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-01 15:44:43 UTC
in Bevel Texture Post #112148
It's not a glowing effect. The Hall Of Mirrors effect happens when you go into free look or noclip and go through the floor and it looks like a bunch of mess. From the VERC:
For those of you that dont know, a HOM is the effect you get when you noclip around in the void in open GL with gl_clear set to 0 (default). If the engine has nothing to render, then each pixel simply displays the same thing it did in the last frame, resulting in something that looks like this:
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-01 13:54:54 UTC
in Bevel Texture Post #112134
It's acts a func_illusionary except it actually blocks VIS (when it's a world brush). If you are in it, it will show a HOM effect on the faces it touch, so it should be made thin.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-31 09:48:00 UTC
in connecting? Post #111926
Actually, Check for Problems is Alt+P, M_garg.

More things to check for (got it off of tommy14):

1. If you had no errors, did you copy the .bsp from your WC/maps folder into your mods map folder?

2. It could be something else like a bad sky enviornment name, or

3. making the SKY into an entity, or

4. using the wrong fgd file to make your level, or

5. You probably set the configurations of directories wrong, or ect. in worldcraft/hammer. Best thing to do is to have worldcraft/hammer not run the map after compile, and just run the game yourself, and play the map on LAN.

6. If you typed in "map mapname" (where mapname is the name of your map without .bsp) in the console and didnt run it from worldcraft/hammer, just try typing it again, without quotes, and include the .bsp at the end. If that doesnt work, disclude the .bsp just to try again.

7. If the mod for a multiplayer cannot find your map, perhaps you forgot to put in a player deathmatch, a player_start, or your mod equivalent?

8. Also newer patches of HL require for HDTV the following entitys, depending on your mod: Info_player_start, Info_player_observer.

9. STEAM is one of our newest causes for this problem. Make sure you have everything set up right for mapping with STEAM.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-30 18:19:49 UTC
in texture dificulties Post #111836
If you haven't downloaded the newest compilers, you won't find zhlt.wad. You can download the newest compilers here.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-30 18:16:45 UTC
in REAL PROBLEMS -send to me now!- Post #111835
A track train rotates when it turns corners, so it's a rotating thing. Elon means you probably don't have an origin brush tied with the track train like what you do with rotating things. All you have to do is create a brush that has the texture "ORIGIN" (you'll find that in halflife.wad) and place it in the middle of the train, then select the train and the origin brush, and press Ctrl+T. If it asks you adding the selected solid to existing entity, click yes.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-27 10:45:10 UTC
in Valve Hammer Editor 3.5 Post #111195
And there is also a problem with the loading of a point file with in hammer!!!
Hammer generates like million of lines even if there is only one leak!!!
I had to search for the right one about an hour or so! :roll:
That's how pointfiles work. If you really don't want to go through all of that, download LeakMarker and use it. It still might fail once in a while, but it's still a good tool.

The model problem is annoying, but hey, sometimes it looks cool when Gordon turns into a human vending machine :nuts: .
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 14:16:54 UTC
in SCHOOL'S OUT Post #110879

*Actually, half a day.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 08:52:56 UTC
in Rats Map Post #110825
x10 is too big (the brushes will be too big). That would probably be more like an Ant map. Plus, it would almost always go off the grid.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-22 14:30:47 UTC
in Other mapping Post #110536
I tried mapping for StarCraft, but I never ended up completing a map. I also tried mapping for Soldier of Fortune II, but I'm not familiar to GtkRadient.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 19:28:05 UTC
in Help with one of the problem maps please Post #110205
If you look at the barrels (at least the one named bomb2), they target bomb2, which is the barrels! So when you plant the bomb and it explodes, it targets bomb2, which when it breaks, it tries to break itself, and when it breaks again, it targets itself again, and so on...which ends up driving CS crazy and crashes.

Simple fix: Just remove the "target on break" field on the barrels and recompile.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 08:11:35 UTC
in Vertex Munipulation Part Two Post #110093
Did you actually copy it from the tutorial's example map? If you did, there are two big ones. If you're talking about the biggest one closest to the info_player_start, that's the carved one!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 21:37:50 UTC
in Vertex Munipulation Part Two Post #110056
Assuming you're talking about the tutorial here, which tube (try using better terms; It took me a while to realize loop meant that block with a hole in it from the tutorial) are you talking about?

If you're talking about the carved one:
1. Shame on you for carving! It even mentioned it was bad!
2. Okay, there's probably invalid solids that are lurking everywhere. If so, switch to the vertexed one.

If you're talking about the VM'ed one:
You probably messed up on some of the VM'ing. The HL engine doesn't like concave brushes, so you have to stick to convex brushes. If you can't tell if it's convex or concave, imagine putting a extremely stretchable rubber band around it. If it touches all sides, it's fine. If it doesn't, it's most likely concave.

But so we can analyze this problem further, post your compile log.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 21:27:02 UTC
in Flood Problem Post #110053
Is it disappearing when you view it from the side? func_waters only have their top surface drawn, so you won't see anything from the side.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 17:22:38 UTC
in Missing Sound? [closed] Post #110030
Make sure the ambient_generic's path is set correctly. It should look like "<directory>/<sound>.wav".
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 17:31:01 UTC
in Happy 17 may! Post #109921
I have 5 and a half more days of school, counting final exam days as a half day of school.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 19:11:09 UTC
in Sound Through Walls Post #109666
There is no brush that will block sound from being heard through a wall. However, I just thought of a possible workaround. Try having two trigger_multiples (brush entity), one that is outside the sound region that will trigger a trigger_relay (point entity) that will trigger the sound off, and one that is inside the sound region that will trigger another trigger_relay that will trigger the sound on.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-12 20:34:50 UTC
in Never do this [closed] Post #109111
Never insert any body part into a pencil sharpener.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-10 19:10:55 UTC
in Limit.. What is it? Post #108838
There's an entity limit, so you'd probably have to limit the amount of sprites.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-09 20:51:21 UTC
in IQ Test Post #108657
your IQ score is 117
I rushed on some of them because I had to eat...but not that bad, considering I'm 11.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-06 21:34:55 UTC
in trigger_changelevel Problems Post #107838
Are you talking about having a menu pop up with a list of maps where you can pick from? If so, that's a server addon! I'm not sure which one it is, but it's probably AdminMod. It might be hard to set up, though.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 20:59:33 UTC
in Oh god someone plz help [closed] Post #107164

Search next time. It's been discussed loads and loads (and loads) of times.


It has! - Seventh

Instead of executing the game's hl.exe, run Steam.exe with -applaunch <game number>. CS is 10, HL is 70, TFC is 20, and DOD (your game) is 30. To load any mods, use HL's game number with "-game <mod>" (without the quotes, duh) somewhere.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 08:48:13 UTC
in my spirit 1.4 questions Post #107078
There's a few good picture hosting sites. There's ImageShack and PhotoBucket.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-03 08:43:50 UTC
in Doors open with wheels?! Post #107077
There was an example of a rotating one in the training levels where you had to use the wheel and the platform would spin so that you could hop onto it, but when you let go of the wheel, it would slowly spin back to its original position.