Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-20 16:29:08 UTC
in Team Fortress 2? Post #115727
Are the people behind TFC goin to make one for Half Life 2 or didn't they plan to? I almost think its necessary for HL2, but that's just my opinion.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-15 18:48:52 UTC
in HL2ing has been halted! Post #114694
Just resently, I've been experiencing some odd reactions from my 6600GT.
Leadtek AGP 6600GT
AMD 2800+ CPU
2x512 PNY PC3200
420W Thermaltake PSU
Windows XP Home Ed.

I've only been getting this appearance on Unreal Tournament 2003 and Half Life 2.
Only a portion of the screen (usually top 4th or part of the middle) will be clickering black and then back to its normal color. I'm not sure if this has to do with the graphics card or moniter, or I guess I really have no idea. If you need more details I will gladly supply such. I'm not sure how many of you have experience with computers but I'm sure many of you do.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-30 12:37:19 UTC
in Something else for a change. Post #111740
Oh shoot, I was in a hurry. I'll just summarize.

I wanted to do one map of comic stuff that made fun of Half Life or first person shooters in general, like an aparody. Maybe get some models in, work with some nice effects, and overall get something funny.

I just wanted to get some ideas going, anyone can do there share with ideas, mapping, or modelling. Its not a mod, just something different.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-30 01:21:34 UTC
in Something else for a change. Post #111635
Some ideas floating around in my head for a little something different from mainstream. I was thinking about some sort of comedy mod/mappack/whateverthehellyouwanttocallit about an 'aparody' (I dont use this term everday so dont label me as stupid) of a sort. Right now Im waiting for the end of the school year so I can get my computer, about a week, so I just wanted to get some ideas movin. Anyone that wants to jump the wagon can do so. I dont plan on making this anything detailed or spectacular. Mainly getting different ideas into HL2. Some modelling maybe, and no plans on coding. So lets get started.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-29 16:38:42 UTC
in Getting a Hard Drive, need to know... Post #111574
Well, I think if I get 74GB 10000rpm harddrive for now, then get another one and set it up in raid 0 or something, I'll be good, but expensive. Just wondering whether I could get away with 36GB for now and get another 36 later.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-29 14:11:00 UTC
in Getting a Hard Drive, need to know... Post #111542
I have to make a decision with which harddrive I'm getting for my new custom built comp. I just need to know how much space HL2 and 5-6 mods will take up. And for any of you that do any modding, more extensive mapping or character modelling, how much disk space will that take up? Any input would be great. Also thinking of putting UT2004 on there, not sure how much room that takes up.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-11 22:35:14 UTC
in co-operative half life 2? Post #108970

Don't worry, plenty of people have said that before.
Sven Coop is great, but depends what kind of coop game you like.
For me, its has to have a bit of strategy with the 2 players. Others would say, its has to have many people running around killing stuff or completing an objective (unorganized mayhem). Sven Coop offers both.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-29 18:05:05 UTC
in Cinematics? Post #106415
Just wondering if anyone had any experience with movies, skits, or any form of such. I'm have to wait until the end of the school year so I can get my computer. I'm not sure how hard it is to under go with a skit in Half Life 2. Any info on where to start with software or programs. Wanted to do a few model changes and textures but the rest is cameras and model sequences. I've fiddled abit with XSI and GIMP but just needed to know anything else I needed that didn't come with the SDK. Thanks
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-07 20:37:54 UTC
in How do you start a map/mod? Post #102400
Definitly a story line first (Otherwise you get stuck with a cruddy story because you try to fit the story into the game). I write about 2 to 4 storylines until I get the right one.
Develope a theme or mood. Implement playability into the story. Make an overhead map of the storylines setting. Go into the detail with the story and map.
A good storyline is so dog-gone hard to write. Usually takes the most time for me out of everything. A perfect series of stories is so much easy to write than a perfect single story.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-31 19:59:27 UTC
in Favourite quote!! Post #100441
You've got to remember that America is, supposedly, democratic. So you shouldn't be hating all of it because their are some views for helping America, instead of destroying it or being passive (Passiveness is what is really hurting our country though, some people are just down right self-centered).

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." JFK
(even if it means not being passive)
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-30 03:14:26 UTC
in Your Nasty Mapping Habits... Post #100034
I open hammer and make a box and hollow it out. Then I try to think of where to start, and go get something to eat. After about 10 minutes I'll come back and delete the box and start the map. Almost everytime. One of them I actually turned into a tutorial map because I got frustrated trying to decide which map I wanted to start first
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-30 03:05:33 UTC
in Just a suggestion... [closed] Post #100031
Can I close it?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-24 19:08:54 UTC
in Just a suggestion... [closed] Post #98882
Its more the technical errors that people get frustrated with rather than how to go about doing something. In general, errors. I'm new to this site but as I've look at many of the forums, I've seen that most problems happen when they try to do something the wrong way. I kind of like griz's spec about the search option. I doubt anyone will want to type up all that stuff. Or at least get a link. I'm a self taught person so I'm not sure what sites are good. This goes, however, look like a very respectable site.