Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-07-08 22:29:57 UTC
in npc_ichthyosaur Post #119785
Im trying to make an ichthyosaur to swim towards me and attack me..
but i can't get it to work :confused: I have tried with a trigger that "wakes them up", but that dosent work either. PLZ help me!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-02 11:04:30 UTC
in Fade texture problem... Post #100868
Ooohh, :lol: thanks guys for your help!! :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-01 16:40:15 UTC
in Fade texture problem... Post #100608
I want to have a "fade" texture for my streetlamps, but when i used func_illusionary i was able to swim in the texture!! :confused: Please help!!