Have you had a look at VERC recently, how dead is that... apparently there is a V2 in the making, but you think they would have thought of that a while back and had it on-line for HL2.
HL2 documentation is simply in the form of the Source SDK site, not integrated with the actual VERC site (seeing as there's an upgrade in the works and it is so damn slow right now, there's no reason to). The actual situation with VERC is this:
  • The current VERC runs on a text DB, which is horrendously slow. The gigantic page load times probably scare away lots of the visitors.
  • Autolycus didn't have time before, preparing the Source SDK documentation and whatnot. But now he does, and he's apparently working on VERC v2.
  • Certain key contributors during the HL1 era have moved on and don't have much of an interest in modding anymore. (primarily DeathWish and Zipster, I guess)
  • There is no guarantee a VERC v2 would revive the dying VERC community in the first place. Most of the editors (myself included) are fairly lax these days; recently submitted articles just don't seem too interesting, personally (no offense to writers). They all deal with technical aspects of modding, like what buttons to push and such. These aren't articles, but rather... tutorials. Things that can basically be found anywhere else and are not unique to VERC.
  • HL2 is still relatively young, in terms of a modding community. Give it time. The limits of the Source engine haven't even been hit yet (although some mod teams claim to have done so, they're just lying through their teeth out of laziness or incompetence) I'm sure it'll eventually blossom into a beautiful butterfly that everyone will love and cherish, blah blah blah. :)