Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-08-28 06:50:05 UTC
in Lights and door Post #130414
To make a door, when i have a wall, i dig it and then put into this hole another cube that is the door. after that, i tie it to a func_door entity. All the doors made in this way works, but i have a problem!
If there is a source of light in a room, the same source of light could be seen from another room connected to the first as between the rooms doesn't exist any door (and the door is closed too!!!!)
Anyone could tell me something about this?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-22 13:08:40 UTC
in Problems with the sound! Post #116166
Thanks to anyone, particulary to 38_98 who sent me what i'm looking for...thanks again! to the next question!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-19 14:08:35 UTC
in Problems with the sound! Post #115374
I'm a new user of Worldcraft, i'm learning how to use it...Obviously i find some difficoulties! The biggest is that i don't now where to find the file "sentences.txt" because in my Half-Life directory there isn't any suond directory!!!...Someone with a great hearth, could send me his sentences.txt???
Please! I need also the list of the sound that I could reproduce with "ambient_generic"...i have no idea of where I have to look for that.
Please again!...
Sent these to my email adress...
Thanks a lot to everyone!

Thanks guys