Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-08-10 21:54:15 UTC
in Need help about building a map Post #127064
I see,I think this map was built in 3dsmax,See here

And he says:"This map was based on a ture sence.Im a wargame fan,This is the place that we played wargame.Bullets incomeing from everywhere so teamwork is important;The map is big enough for AWP but watch your ass carefully.There are bugs in the map,All doors are open because I dont know how to make it roll.No 3dskybox,No water,No wires and many physics property..."
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-10 05:58:19 UTC
in my first map Post #126929
the shadow in pic1 looks like 3dsmax shadowmap...

good job
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-10 05:51:02 UTC
in Need help about building a map Post #126927
Hi everyone
I want build a map and here's my plan:

molding in 3dsmax => import to hammer => edit in hammer => finish

it seems that I can't import the model to hammer. *.smd *.x3d *.3ds...nothing works.So I serched in google,but I'm in china...sign
Is there any tips?