Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-20 03:22:28 UTC
in Light spot no longer works? Post #153349
My lightspot stopped working and now it looks like this:

I've tried making a new one but it has the same problem.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 04:15:28 UTC
in Is it possible to teleport a grenade? Post #147752
Well I made a entity env_explosion named "ct" and a Func_button with the target "ct" (health 30). I must have done something wrong. How do you get the button to trigger the explosion?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 03:02:46 UTC
in Is it possible to teleport a grenade? Post #147745
Can grenades activate buttons? I know bullets can.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 02:36:13 UTC
in Is it possible to teleport a grenade? Post #147540
Well my plan was to make two glass rooms. One with CT and one with T. There would be a basketball hoop and everytime they made a basket it would be teleported into the other team's room.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-16 03:48:31 UTC
in Is it possible to teleport a grenade? Post #147325
nah doesn't work
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-16 00:21:28 UTC
in Is it possible to teleport a grenade? Post #147315
a thrown grenade.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-08 00:12:50 UTC
in Condition-Zero Models in 1.6 maps? Post #146007
I got it working.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-07 05:45:56 UTC
in Condition-Zero Models in 1.6 maps? Post #145877
I want to use "banisterbg1.mdl" in the map. I've already put it in the models folder. I tried using Cycler_sprite but it didn't work. May have done something wrong. Thanks in advanced!
Posted 18 years ago2005-08-29 03:11:07 UTC
in Far views distorted. Post #130582
When looking far away the view becomes as if you were looking outside of the map. Where the black part is in this picture:

Is there anyway to stop this? Is my map too big?
