Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-12-11 16:55:18 UTC
in Is it possible to make a roating train.. Post #151742
Is it possible to have lets say an arm that rotates on a axis, but will stop every 90 degrees for 5 seconds. so far i am trying to use a functrain and stick that to an origign but it wont work, is this possible?? thanks in advance for any help
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 17:06:27 UTC
in Good ol' Steam Post #148251
what du expect, its steam. I cant play HL2 atall because of it. any ideas please help
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-16 16:49:38 UTC
in activating trigger_hurts Post #147434
is it possible to activate a trigger hurt at the press off a button, cause i can either get them to stay on or off, but can't get them to change. cheers for any help
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-21 12:58:02 UTC
in A very n00by question... Post #142688
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-21 12:30:25 UTC
in A very n00by question... Post #142683
when you go to download a map where does it say what type of map it is? i only want to download hl ones, can you filter for this? sorry for the n00biness of this :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-21 12:07:40 UTC
in Help! Problems Downloading Post #142681
nope, it closes the game when the error comes up. other people have downloaded this map and it works for them...
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-21 12:00:40 UTC
in Help! Problems Downloading Post #142678
I downloaded a very simple bsp map today, and put i the valve, map folder, but whener i try to play it comes up with an error saying no 'info_player_start in level' what am i doing wrong? it has happened with other downloaded maps. cheers for any help
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-18 15:56:02 UTC
in steam is being a b*tch Post #142199
I have had loads of problems with steam, still do actualy which why I am mapping for hl1, but never mind. here is my advise from my own experience

1. Don't use the website for help - it is rubbish

2. If you send emails moaning they will take ages to reply and will basiclly tell you to defrag you pc, reinstall steam ect

3. I found the best way to get it to work, is every time it has to update, disable every firewall you have, including windows. Although they dont block steam, it still cant update with them on I found.

Hope this helps.
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-15 14:08:36 UTC
in Lasermines - presetting them Post #141719
cheers, found it
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-15 14:05:02 UTC
in Lasermines - presetting them Post #141713
it is saying that it cant find the topic, help please?
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-15 14:03:11 UTC
in Lasermines - presetting them Post #141710
i know, sorry bout that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-15 14:00:47 UTC
in Lasermines - presetting them Post #141704
whoops! created in wrong forum. sorry. please help anyway
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-15 14:00:00 UTC
in Lasermines - presetting them Post #141703
in half life you get to a point in the game were you find loads of lasermines already set up. how do you do this in hammer? cheers
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-08 11:28:36 UTC
in Multisource - Help needed Post #140311
wow. cheers for that, would not have a clue on my own
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-08 08:38:53 UTC
in Tempararily disabling buttons Post #140281
how do you disable a button for a few seconds by pressing a button? cheers
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-08 08:27:24 UTC
in Multisource - Help needed Post #140276
I have downloaded the example map and tried using that, but i still cant get it to work. I want it so that when i press b1,b1, b2 and b3 are disabled until the end of b1's sequence when they are reenabled. could somebody please give me the proper way to program this, rather than a general guide cause i cant make head or tail of them.

sequence i need when b1 is pressed:
disable b1, b2 and b3
enable b1, b2, b3

Posted 19 years ago2005-10-07 15:59:05 UTC
in Downloading ZIP - How? Post #140158
yes xp
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-07 15:29:25 UTC
in Downloading ZIP - How? Post #140150
please explain further, step by step
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-07 15:25:47 UTC
in Downloading ZIP - How? Post #140146
I have never downloaded a map before and so no clue on how to do it, where to put it or how to open it. please help a n00b in distress. (it is a ZIP file if that helps)
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-07 15:10:20 UTC
in can't enable console Post #140135
it works. I feel such a n00b. :cry: (actually i am a n00b but anyway...)

Posted 19 years ago2005-10-07 14:54:52 UTC
in can't enable console Post #140121
I have read the topic about enabling the console and i add ' -console' to the end of the target menu under my half life shortcut, but whenver i try to apply it it says something like 'it is not a valid path' whats up with this?
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-07 14:49:06 UTC
in Temporarily disabling triggers - multima Post #140116
I have looked on the forums and have not found i topic which is exactly what i need so here is the problem. I am building a map using lots of buttons, for the sake of ease lets call b1 b2 b3. I am using a multimanger and i need it so that when i press b1, it disables b2 and B3, until at the end of its sequence when it reenables them. i need this for all buttons. if someone could please tell what to do it would greatly help. thanks

ps - am fairly new to mapping so please patronise me by explaining every thing step by step
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-06 14:10:47 UTC
in Map wont load, but compiles fine Post #139874
I have started a new map, very simple, big box with a light, player start point and i tried compiling it which worked, but then i stopped on the loading screen. What n00bish mistake am i making??
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-06 13:34:28 UTC
in infinite weapon boxes Post #139860
nope. still wont work. I am using a monstermaker like your said, have set:

montser type - weapon_egon
number of monsters - 900
frequency - 1
max live children - 1

and i have checked 'start on' under flags, what am i doing wrong?
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-06 13:29:20 UTC
in infinite weapon boxes Post #139857
almost works, but it will only create one in the beggining and no more, will play with options a bit a see what happens
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-06 13:18:15 UTC
in infinite weapon boxes Post #139848
How do you create a weapon box that will give you infinite (or near to) of a weapon? I can't even get it to create anything. Please be axplain clearly, i am a bit of a n00b to mapping. cheers for any help
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-05 15:00:29 UTC
in Conveyor Belt - texture going wrong way! Post #139536
would it sound very stupid if i asked where on earth that was? ;)

EDIT - Never mind, found it! cheers for the help!
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-05 14:53:12 UTC
in Conveyor Belt - texture going wrong way! Post #139531
This is probably very easy, but i am almost a complete n00b to mapping and can't find this under the tutorials. i have built a conveyor using 'func_conveyor' and it carries me the right way, but the texture around it goes the off at an angle! any help greatly needed, thanks.

Darth Duvet - The Duvet Of Death