Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 21:31:01 UTC
in AI script help Post #243083
Thank you guys, i understand it now... works wounderfully =D
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 20:54:28 UTC
in AI script help Post #243075
What do i type in the multimanager to make it so he goes after he opens the door
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 20:49:32 UTC
in AI script help Post #243073
But how do i do it? like how do i connect the two?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 20:41:46 UTC
in AI script help Post #243070
another question, i have made my monster_barney come and open a door for he just stands there.. is there a way to make him move somewhere right after he opens the door?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 19:21:15 UTC
in help (Texturing) Post #243062
oh haha thanks that was ez...i feel stupid =P :zomg:
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 19:04:23 UTC
in help (Texturing) Post #243060
User posted image
here you go lol
thank you
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 18:42:12 UTC
in help (Texturing) Post #243056
ok,i dont understand how to make a texture (Door,crate,wall) to line up with the rest of my map...please help
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 05:44:01 UTC
in Path_Corners err help Post #243001
i know how to use just saying it would be nice to also know how to do path_corners as well. :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 04:58:21 UTC
in Path_Corners err help Post #242997
Alright....just so u know im not that much of a noob...its just this thing doesent seem to work (Please dont link me to a tutorial either i have looked at literally ALL of them about this)

ok all i wanna know is how to make a Monster_Barney move to one point then to another and i have done everything right i think it just doesent seem to work...please help
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-25 21:24:14 UTC
in Freezing in the compile Process window Post #170926
Im sorry but can someone please help me?

i finally got my map to be able to be test played for a while......then it screwed up and now its freezing in the compile process window....can someone please help me fix this...

i was lookin around at another persons topic similar to this and they said just wait and it will work.....well i tried that and then i did my ctrl,alt,delete to see and it said not can someone please help me?!

Thank you!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-25 17:04:21 UTC
in .Bsp Post #170892
How do i make my .map into a .Bsp?

Please tell me!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-20 01:32:53 UTC
in test game problem thingo Post #169630
i did but none of that makes any sence to me.....i kinda get what you were saying above where it says.....

"The map should be placed in [root]$moddir/maps. For example, here's the maps locations for CS and HL:

but is it ok if you elaborate on that a little?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 01:27:00 UTC
in test game problem thingo Post #146907
how do i make it into a .bsp file?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 21:22:24 UTC
in test game problem thingo Post #145374
uhm i just made a new topic but it waas "shut down by moderator" whatever that means.
But anyways help me when i try to test play my map it will say "map not found on server" does anyone know why it does tht and for the people that helped me before.....i did not really understand you casue i am really really really slow :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-29 19:52:16 UTC
in Probibly a newb question... Post #144412
oh yeah! and i am makin a hl1 map forgot to awnser that :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-29 19:50:36 UTC
in Probibly a newb question... Post #144411
hmmm well im new and from what u guys are tellin me im very lost... hahahah so yeah if u kan tell me step by step what to do, that would help me lots thank you.

ROCK ON!!! :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-26 00:19:08 UTC
in problems with testing Post #143757
i have the problem that you are having how did you fix it?
i have been trying for days and it doesent like me...
: plz help me
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-26 00:07:26 UTC
in Probibly a newb question... Post #143755
Please help me i have been tryin to make the map and test play it but for some reason i cannot test play the keeps telling me "map not found on server"
: please yell me why