Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-08 19:25:33 UTC
in anyone got killer prefabs? Post #151185
just out of curiosity, what kind of maps do all you turbo dudes make? half life2? counterstrike, or cs source? i tried to make my first cs map today and ran into lots of problems but i wont get into that, i just need time to figure it out
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-08 17:24:57 UTC
in anyone got killer prefabs? Post #151151
stfu saco, you cant even do a change level. lol. why do so many people have such smartass comments when people ask for help. face it were all nerds.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-07 14:46:10 UTC
in anyone got killer prefabs? Post #150917
ok you got a bet, i bet $50,000 hunters european. whats your point
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-07 14:43:15 UTC
in might sound dumb but... Post #150915
awesome, you just made one dumb kid happy :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-07 13:53:52 UTC
in anyone got killer prefabs? Post #150902
i thought people on here would more than likeley have access to some wicked awesome prefabs. like lights and rooms and hallways and junk like that. or even just a big arsenal of doors that are all set and ready to go. cause the way im doin it is fun but also very time consuming. im making maps for HL1 btw.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-07 13:49:13 UTC
in might sound dumb but... Post #150901
i just updated my hlaflife1 to halflife so that i could access the consol. but the consols still not there. how do i get it, do i have to install a version of counterstrike? i need to know this so that i can test level changes with my maps (its not working properly when i just test it with F9). also if i do figure out how to get consol, what is the consol command to run your map?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-28 16:19:39 UTC
in level end to new level start Post #144201
this is my first post, but i like making maps so i might be here often. i was wondering how to trnasfer from the end of one level to the next level. i used trigger_changelevel or something but it wouldnt start the level at the info_player_start location. is there a way to get your start position to be at your desired location?