Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-28 17:39:41 UTC
in HELIX mod Post #230551
Oh boy, that was awhile ago. The unreal engine is awsome mapping wise. It renders the map in-game in the editor so lighting can easily be adjusted, BUT......... brushwork creation and prop placing is very annoying. Brush creation is totally different from source. It uses addition and subtraction brushes. Think of the void in source as a concrete block. You carve into it to create the map. Different, but ok. I love mapping for source, and it is capable of so much. I will continue to use source until unreal engine 3 is available for mods on the PC.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-28 17:33:59 UTC
in HELIX mod Post #230549
Hello twhl. Long time no see. If your wondering where Ive been/what this great man was doing ( XD ) check my journal entry.

Im here to show off a work in progress mod myself and my brother Exos are working on. Im only showing the character model, and a few models, but much more has been done, described all in the following:

This is a mod being worked on by myself, and my brother Exos. The story is roughly as follows:

Mankind is forced to abandon Earth due to pollution and war. Half of humanity makes the voyage to Mars to start a new life. The other stays behind on earth desperately searching for cures for the planet.

Time passes and The inhabitants of Mars have took up the once looked down upon "genetic enginnering" to help them survive on Mars. This evolves into them creating a super race of humanity.

Eventually humans on Earth find a cure for the degenerating athmosphere of earth. The augments on Mars want the technology, and jump right to the violent answer to get it.

Now the augmented humans are in a fight with Earth. Earth just recovering from athmospheric disaster is weak and not organized. The battle of Man vs. Man begins........

Now keep in mind its more intricate than that, I am making it short and sweet. This will all be updated on moddb soon. (I let Exos take care of the web areas of the mod)

Our expertise which we know well is in mapping, modeling, skinning, texture art, model exporting, animating.

Exos is good with html, and I know a bit of C++. We are going to try to do this ourselves. So far we have the character model complete. (he still needs animation and ragdoll is on progess) THe V model hands and pistol complete and in progress to be in-game. About 25 static props are ready and in-game for the mod. 3 prop_physics, about 60 textures, and 3 maps complete. Were making very good progress considering we started in May. (although some textures are being used I created before that)

A brief out of date showing of the mod is here at moddb:

Ill be posting some screenshots here as well, not all, just a few of my favorites.

First up is the character model. This is a helix soldier wearing "futuristic bad ass armor".This is in-game and in a "test map" for reasons which should seen apparent. Its to test textures, lighting on models, bump maps, bla bla bla :)

Ill be posting these as links because some are rather large, and I dont want to slow you down :)

Front view:

Back view:

Close up:

Hes still subject to change. reflections and bump-maps will change over time.

Here are some screens of a favorite model of mine :)

Keep in mind this is just for display to show the progress. In the actual maps these models will be integrated with other models and brushwork. That roman themed building will have much more around it.

Ill try to post more and update our moddb site, but I would rather budget my time to working on the mod rather than showing it.

Love to hear some feedback. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-29 17:10:57 UTC
in TUTORIAL: Seamless textures using PS Post #204468
Rimrook, I already mentioned that method above. The healing brush still leaves distortions on the edges. This way lets actual elements of the original texture remain.

The "kleidoscope" effect is due to that I didnt take my time cloning since its made for a tutorial, not in-game. If it was in-game I would of took entire rock faces and moved them along the edges.

Im not saying this is the only way. Im giving an alternative to that method (which isnt that great BTW) and other methods.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-29 16:30:56 UTC
in TUTORIAL: Seamless textures using PS Post #204464
Gimp has the same transform features I believe, and also has a clone tool. (I could be wrong, I dont have experience with GIMP) but It should all be possible with GIMP :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-29 16:20:56 UTC
in TUTORIAL: Seamless textures using PS Post #204461
This is a tutorial for making any photo/texture tile to be used in almost any 3D application. Software used is Adobe Photoshop CS2. The example texture is from the internet. Basic knowledge of layers and the clone tool is required.

Say you have a texture or photo and you want it to tile. There are a couple ways to go about this. Photoshop’s “filter>other>offset” method works fine, but it’s difficult to exclude the clone tool distortions from all 4 quadrants of the image. Also it will never be symmetrical on all sides. I will show you a method which is quick, and very effective.

First, we start with a picture like this one:
User posted image
Now, if I lay them across each other, you can plainly see the image does not tile.
User posted image
From here we will start with the sides first, then the top and bottom.

I will list the steps in a row for clarity.

1) Use the rectangular selection tool to select either the left or right side of the image. Illustrated below:
User posted image
Don’t make the selection too big, because you will lose detail from the original image.

2) Copy the selection (ctrl C), then paste it into a new layer.

3) Move the copy to the opposite side of the image, (holding shift while moving moves it in a perfect line) and hit “ctrl T” to get a transform box. Right click in the box and go to flip horizontal. This will flip the selection horizontally. Hit enter to apply.
User posted image
4) Click both layers and merge them. Use the clone tool to clone out the seam. I suggest a soft feathered brush with hardness at about 24%. (right click when on clone tool for those options)

5) Repeat the process for the bottom and top. Now I selected the top, and will now repeat the process of copying the selection, transforming it (ctrl T), flipping VERTICALLY (DON’T FLIP HORIZONTAL, ONLY HORIZONTAL FOR THE LEFT AND RIGHT) hitting enter, moving it to the bottom, and cloning out the visible seam gently.

6) Now the texture is finished. We can tile it and it will repeat smoothly without any seams, and without any clone tool distortions. I suggest taking more time than I did with the cloning of the seams, because it will look a lot better. You can see now how it tiles from the picture below:
User posted image
The key is to not be able to see any symmetry distortions on the edges of the texture. With some cloning practice that will come easily. I find this method a lot easier than any other method I have encountered.

Thanks for reading, and hope it helped you out.

If you have any questions my e-mail is
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-29 15:44:29 UTC
in First Black Mesa: Source December Media Post #204455
Wow Rabid, I just want to say that Rainbow 6 Vegas made the same Hoover Dam in a map, and yours looks so much better. Not just the Dam but the displacements, shadows, lighting, etc.

Better than the Pros :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-28 21:12:13 UTC
in Phong shading Post #204390
This is a new graphical technique that was intruduced with Episode 1 along with HDR. I found a wiki on the .vmt command here:

But Im wondering how to use it. Unfortunately I still cannot get into the EPisode 1 materials to extract.

Its basically a reflection technique used best with normal maps in source.

It looks really interesting judging by speculars in EP.1, so if anyone has any knowledge at all about the .vmt information about please share.

Posted 18 years ago2006-11-25 18:41:02 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #204060
Its funny because you wont see (of ever have seen) any womens rights groups protesting against this. They are all for equality in the workplace, but when it comes to risking your life, oh let the men have it.

I say all or nothing, so either women bite the bullet and take the discrimination, or go for it all, GOOD OR BAD!

Its not fair that only men have to register and women dont. I for one am mad as hell! :) GET OFF UR LAZY ASSES BIATCHES AND GET TO FIGHTIN'! :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops:
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-24 14:40:58 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #203918
I do agree with that ZL. A full investigation should be done for this incident, background checks, interviews with friends, family, people to see if the officers had any history of intolerence, as well as everything else done. If in fact they are guilty then they should get the maximum penalty the law requires. Something so serious and complicated as this needs to be looked at carefully, and is difficult to judge from basically audio only.

I think this subject has been milked as far as it can be. Im thinking its time for another topic of discussion :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-23 16:44:40 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #203813
Your putting words in my mouth Seventh. Also, you need to keep the personal remarks to yourself, and discuss this normally.

Is it so hard to understand what I meant? Police dont always know someone has a weapon. Each situation has to be treated with the utmost care. The worst must be assumed in order to be prepared. Otherwise police would be killed left and right....

Do you honestly think they will only take him down if he is carrying a weapon? It all has to be judged depending on the situation.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-23 11:15:34 UTC
in Is a fountain possible is source? Post #203772
Ya, your probably right strider. If someone does this I would luv to see it :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-23 11:09:17 UTC
in VIDEO: Police Defend Shooting 92-Yr Old Post #203770
Can we stop with these threads please? There's no need to keep posting this. The amount of kind hearted acts done in this world far outweighs the amount of killing and negative acts. Why dont we hear about the nice, kind acts ? Because its boring news. Only the nasty, appauling news gets to the public. You wont hear of someone who donated money to children in africa, or the actual people who go there to help!

Please dont day its a discusting world. That aspect of life makes up only like 1 %.

Think about it. What percent of horrible things have you witnessed in life? Ive gone 19 years without seeing a killing, or anything of the sort.
I really hope I never do.

Im not saying to ignore these things, just not to become obsessed with them :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-23 11:04:33 UTC
in Is a fountain possible is source? Post #203769
hmm, it could be done by making an animated model with flowing water, using 2 UV maps, one for the fountain water, one for the actual fountain. The fountain water UV would be set to translucent, reflective, normal mapped with a refraction shader, and perhaps scrolling. The water would animate upwards ,fall down and loop.

Sounds like a cool, but Loong and frustrating thing to do. I would love to see how this turns out :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-22 17:37:14 UTC
in BUSH'S daughter robbed in Argentina Post #203723
Secret service probably were aware, but Bush'es daughters are stuck up selfish whores who probably are bitches to the service, so when Mr Robber came along they just turned their heads :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-22 17:02:15 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #203718
I remember I was driving 35 in a 30, and I got a ticket from a cop for 300 DOLLARS! GAWL! :( He must of been bored or something, or just hated TWHL mappers :

Anyway, those guys are college security. Not too much training, or background check is required for that. plus there is no way to tell if a police man has any racial hatred until he actually does something.

Every profession has their share of "dirty cops" as it were. Judges, lawyers, etc. Its something we all have to deal with and realize that justice does take care of them eventually :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-22 13:06:53 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #203658

They use violence against criminals to stop violence against innocents.

How do you think a police man would stop a criminal with a gun? Ask him nicely?
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-22 12:22:38 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #203653
I comletely agree that the situation could of been handled alot better, but lets not forget that everyone does not think clearly in a stressful situation. College security or not, they still have pressure. Everyone is very jumpy and careful here since 9/11, and its justified BTW. That pressure makes people do some weird things, in this case use a Tazer instead of taking him down. The guy obviously was over-reacting with the screaming, "HERES YOUR PATRIOT ACT", etc. As I said, Ive seen people get shot on Cops, and not scream as much as he did.

It was non-lethal force, and its not like they ganged up on him and started beating him.......

I guess IM banned too :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-21 21:04:48 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #203597
Final Fantasy VII soundtrack :) Advent children soundtrack as well. Mainly - One Winged Angel
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-21 19:37:46 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #203587
I agree with rowleybob. Have any of you woke up and thought "I could die today" Imagine that feeling everyday. THats the shit cops have to put up with. I have a very high respect for them, and their courage in the field.

I think they handeled the situation well. They nicely asked him to obey, about 20 times! Just because they are an authority figure does not mean they are the bad guys.....Theres barely ANYTHING at all here to see clearly. Just audio. I still hold true to my opinion.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-21 19:14:11 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #203582
@ hunter: Irrelevant. That last sentence by me was just a theroy. I still hold true to my opinion.

Some side notes:

Ive seen people get shot on the news who screamed less than he did. As I said, overdramatic, looking to make an incident.

Also, put yourself in the head of a cop. Everyday your dealing with killers, thugs, etc. Putting your life on the line. Caution must be taken with anyone acting out of the ordinary.

Espically a college like UCLA, liberals galore. Seems like the perfect setting for something staged like this.

This is my opinion. If you want to debate me thats fine. Ive changed my mind many times here about topics because of thoughtful insightful responses by others. Just dont say, "Thats stupid" like that. Debate, and try to change my mind. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-21 19:06:49 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #203579

I also like how all the white kids were like "umm...sir...SIR!...we need your badge number!"

More oppressed nationalities would have started something right there.

WTF is that? Do you really think anyone of any race would start a fight with the police just because of their oppression? There were blacks, latinos, etc there too. One of the cops holding him was black for gods sake! None of them did anything. They were afraid to take them on (DONT BLAME THEM, THEY ARE POLICE) just like anyone else would be.

As for what they did:

If you ask me the victim was abit overdramatic. It seemed he wanted trouble to be some kind of "anti-bush marter". He didnt listen to them when they directed orders to him. He kept ranting about "THIS IS YOUR PATRIOT ACT, etc etc. Screaming over and over instead of actually listening to the police.

BTW, I dont really think the police are to blame. Dont forget they need to take careful precautions with people. If someone was screaming and not listening to you, what would you do? Espically with all the cop killings going on, shooting, etc.

As I said, he seemed overdramatic, asking for trouble, and wanting alot of attention. Its also weird someone had a camera on in a computer lab just as the incident happened.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-21 15:16:17 UTC
in What was your first map like? Post #203553
Would be nice if we all went back and made our 1st maps playable.

My first map just will take forever to compile. Like maybe 2-3 days.
Plus I really should go through making things func_walls, using NULL, etc.

Its too bad too. It really had everything ready to go. wadinclude, set up, layout, etc.

I think in the future Ill remake it in source just for fun.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-20 22:23:35 UTC
in Cubemaps? What's that? Post #203472
Ya wtf is with that Crazy? Dont say that, you will give him the WRONG idea. Cubemaps are ESSENTIAL! Without them reflections are not even reflections. They are incomplete white distortions with nothing on them which looks horrible! Every map SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE AT LEAST ONE CUBEMAP. Thats not even acceptable. Just think of it as a 360 camera.

If there is a vase in a room, placing a cubemap in a outside area instead of the room with cause the vase to reflect the outside enviornment even though its in the room. Placing one in the room will make the vase reflect the room. One outside will cause items outside to reflect correctly too.

Thats all there is to it. Dont ever not place cubemaps in a map. A basic but good rule is one cubemap per room.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-20 18:22:13 UTC
in What was your first map like? Post #203431
whoa, weird. Who bumped it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-20 17:54:26 UTC
in My latest tattoo Post #203424
lol srry :) Google biceps and you will find that guy :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-20 17:20:40 UTC
in My latest tattoo Post #203411
Here's what it would look like with a kickin TWHL tattoo (RANDOM google guy and 2 minutes of PHotoshop)

User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-20 17:13:38 UTC
in My latest tattoo Post #203409
Imagine getting the TWHL logo on your arm? Now that would be hardcore!!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-20 17:00:50 UTC
in What was your first map like? Post #203405
My first map, HERE IT IS!:

It would not compile because I didnt use NULL, and intersected brushes all over. It had custom textures and everything!

Pretty good for a first map :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-20 16:58:54 UTC
in My latest tattoo Post #203403
Glad you didnt go for the tattoo above the butt-crack that sticks out when you walk :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-19 17:00:57 UTC
in My latest tattoo Post #203300
It looks cool. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-17 23:26:47 UTC
in Daily travel Post #203081
I have to drive to college. Its about a 45 minute drive. I just take the parkway, and I get there pretty fast :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-17 21:10:02 UTC
in Program to create Textures Post #203067
Just use vtex in sourcesdkbin to convert targas.........

Also, there is a photoshop .vtf plug in.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 11:54:13 UTC
in Desktop of November Post #202810
I could see if it was something gross like child porno, then I could see outbursts, but who cares if its "anime porn". To each his own I say.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 11:51:48 UTC
in ...Whatever... Post #202809
WOw this thread isnt closed yet? GTFO!!

Wow, ZL that was weird........ :zonked:
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-15 11:50:34 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202808
Its never ok to mock someone for what they are that they cant control (race, gender, etc) But its perfectly ok to mock someone for their beliefs, whatever they may be. Im thinking the new racist trend will be for what someone believes, not what they look like.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 19:54:12 UTC
in ...Whatever... Post #202752
It be good, but what is the point of this thread? This is the thing that should be in the shoutbox.........
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-14 10:55:53 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202705
Im still waiting for my worship points (espically from you ZL) so I can level up to Diety level 7. Then I can use thunder smite, famon storm, and earthquake!
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 19:52:49 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202661
Its all addressed in the episodes folks. Take a gander to see the answers to the Universe!!1111
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 19:35:26 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202658
I suggest that South Parks answer to the battle between science/logic and religion is the correct answer. THe answer can be found in this 2 part episode:



WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!

And worship me for giving you this site :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-13 13:46:51 UTC
in Desktop of November Post #202625
Obviously you dont watch South Park, ZL. It was a mini-omage to cartmans "Im Seriously you guys" statement. :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-12 22:11:05 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202592
I can see the message your trying to send Arcan, but a internet website avatar is hardly to place to be promoting it. Comedy is usually assumed on any avatar that isnt self-explanitory. Its awsome you want to help them out, but maybe make a thread about it. Also, the picture's content was a little strong too for a internet avatar.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-12 20:49:27 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202585
About Christmas, and people who dont celebrate due to religious reasons:

Thats ok :) Christmas is for everyone. For Christians its the day Jesus Christ was born, for others, its just the christmas spirit, coming together of family, and being kind. Do those things have to be intermingled with religion? I dont think it does. If it gets people to be kind to one another, then there is no harm if someone else who does not believe in Christ celebrates it also.

I personally would like to see a snowing .GIF under the TWHL logo, and a santa hat on the "T" in "TWHL".

Come on now people, get into the christmas spirit! Its not too early. You cant really make a thanksgiving avatar. Also, most people here dont celebrate thanksgiving.

Im going to go right now and create a christmas avatar. I dont care if its not "unique". Ill save all the "unique ideas" for my maps, thank you very much :)


Hey, maybe Ill model a christmas tree, and release it to the TWHL community, just to get into the christmas spirit. (low poly for HL1, and high for source)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-12 17:21:02 UTC
in Desktop of November Post #202566

But im seriously, this might be the best game ever made...........
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-11 22:58:31 UTC
in Holiday Avatar's Post #202512
I think its a nice idea. I also think its ok to be a little early. Everyone loves the christmas feel, why not bring it a little early?

Im trying to think of something different becides putting a christmas hat on my avatar. If all else fails, cant beat the basic hat :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-09 11:34:03 UTC
in Gone Gold. Post #202336
This is only exclusive for the 360. Becides, you would need a tri core custom cpu and at least a 7950 512 GDDR3 ram to run it.

But seriously, its not just graphics. ITS SO FUN !!
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-09 01:45:12 UTC
in Gone Gold. Post #202321
Yes, I got it at launch at EB games. There was like 50 people there all getting Gears of War.

This game might be the most well made shooter EVER! Could be better than HL2! Or at least as good. The graphics under the Unreal 3 engine are EYE POPPING! Rain pouring, drops dripping off everything, high (I mean high) poly character models, high rez textures, and really innovative gameplay. Im planning to buy a HDTV just for this game! It really is a amazing thing to behold :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-05 21:30:25 UTC
in Gone Gold. Post #202050
I dont plan to buy a Wii, or Ps3. Wii because I think its not going to last, appeal wise/gameplay wise, and PS3 because its too expensive, and I dont think it will have any games that will interest me. (Becides Final Fantasy :()

I could call some of you PC fanboy's, but I dont. Theres really no reason that I should be dismissed as simply a fanboy of 360. Just because Im defending it does not mean Im a fanboy who thinks anything Microsoft/360 does is magical. Its hardly from it, actually. Calling someone a fanboy is just a way of getting the last word in without actually saying anything meaningful.

I will never like consoles more than PC's because PC's are just that. Personal. you can do anything you wish. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-05 18:33:30 UTC
in Gone Gold. Post #202034
I bet you cant guess what my gamer tag is. Its Xyos :)

Ya, it is stupid to argue over stuff like this, but twhl has not had a good argument thread in a loooong time. Someone needs to come up with some so controversial, so outragous that it creates 20 pages of argument posts in under 5 minutes!
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-05 18:06:55 UTC
in Gone Gold. Post #202023
And you dont use consoles too? How sad, I pity you good sir........
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-05 17:28:17 UTC
in Gone Gold. Post #202021
Err, no. There have been numerous reports of it overheating, people have resorted to making there own cooling modifications to it. Also you shouldn't move it when it's on and a games in it. The laser can mark the CD and ruin it. It has problems.
lol, moving it ruins the Cd. Really? moving any disc drive for a game, being PC, or computer can potentially damage it. Next time your playing a game from CD on your PC turn your PC horizontal. See what happens to the Cd. :)

Were'nt these cooling problems only at launch? I have not heard anything on them for over 7 months now. I have friends who play oblivion non-stop and it never overheats. Seriously, dont believe everything you hear.

Bottom line is, 360 is just teh pwnzorbrompz