Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-11 19:05:46 UTC
in Buttons-Use or Shoot? Post #179526
I have the most up-to-date fdg's as far as i know, yes, i had to download them seperatly, and install them. I have 1,2, and 3. I still can't find the health thing??? :
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 22:18:19 UTC
in Buttons-Use or Shoot? Post #179406
I was wondering if there was a way to make the buttons so that they ONLY work if you "use" them. All the buttons in my maps work also if you shoot them, and yes, the "use only" flag is "ticked".
Tylergig :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-07 18:05:52 UTC
in 1.6 Animated Sprays Post #178942
Is this possibible, and how can i do it?
Thnx :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-29 21:22:31 UTC
in Wally Texture Question Post #171545
Hello tylergig! This is your 50th login.

This post does not contribute to the thread. Refrain from doing it in the future. - Ant sry, ok
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-29 21:22:13 UTC
in Wally Texture Question Post #171544
Ok, to clarify...

The pictures i download and then convert are VERY pixilated, theres no problem with the colors. I'm talking about in wally, not cs 1.6. <-- the pictures are choppy, or pixilated, in wally, kind of like when the TV station blurs out someones face. :roll:

maby that will clear things up,
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-28 21:11:56 UTC
in Wally Texture Question Post #171387
When i see textures in the game, they are much more clear, not so pixilated, like the textures i try to make, what the problem? How can the default textures be so clear, but the textures i make are so bad???
Tylergig :x
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-20 18:21:23 UTC
in Texture Question Post #169817
Is there a way to stop textures from randomly tileing? maby like renaming them???
Tylergig :
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-04 22:56:12 UTC
in Missmatched Textures??? Post #166421
Thanks Guys,

Dose anyone know if there is a way to stop the "radom" part of it, maby change the textures name???

Posted 18 years ago2006-03-03 20:24:30 UTC
in Missmatched Textures??? Post #166172
When I texture my map, there appears to be no "unmatched" textures in any places, but when i run it in CS 1.6 there are tons of places where the textures don't line up, some of the textures change!, but they are still similar, like if i choose #3 out of a group of 5, they jumble up and things, how can i fix this???
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 22:44:23 UTC
in Entities-Where are they? Post #163336
Thanks a lot, fixed my problem.
Appreciate it!
Tylergig :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 22:26:41 UTC
in Entities-Where are they? Post #163334
I have a question...
I have some entities in hammer, (3.4 SDK) but not all. Is there a way to add them, or do i need a different version??? I'm mapping for CS, 1.6.