Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-12 00:30:37 UTC
in How to force terrorist to win? Post #209365
Why? Something different.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-11 22:55:55 UTC
in How to force terrorist to win? Post #209359
Ok i am making a map style that is kinda like arathi basin from wow.

If you dont know what i'm talking about basically there'll be 3-5 zones around the map, a t or ct walks into a zone, waits 5 seconds by the zone's flag, then the team captures the zone and starts getting points unless the other team takes it over, more zones captured, faster points, when points for a team max out, they win.

I have everything working right, the only prob is that i cant figure out a good way to force the terrorist to win. So far i have it teleport everyone to a spot where there is an escape zone and the t's win, but thats kinda gay and ppl will get pissed off like that lol.

CT's i just have the hosties shoot up to a rescue zone for a triggered win.

Any ideas?